



Hello everyone, here is Xiaohei. Welcome to my channel!


Since we set up our channel, lots of our fan ask me, how I started learning English from the very beginning. So today, in this video, I would like to share my learning experience with you guys. In order to achieve a better effect, I will speak in English in this video.


Before I share my English experience, first of all, I want to tell you guys how bad I am before I started to learn it myself, which also explain why I'm saying I don't have any basis.


Throughout my studying career, I was always sleeping or trying my best to skip classes when we have English class at school. In "Gaokao", the College Entrance Examination, I got only 25 points in English and they are all multiple-choice questions. Besides, I always thought that there are only 24 letter in English alphabet. That's it!


When it comes to me, my suggestion is: No matter if you are learning English or other languages, or even doing other things, the most important thing is always the motivation.


Motivations can be various. It can be a footstone supporting you. It can be a beacon, which make you not get lost in the storm…




Alright, if you have no idea what is your motivation.Then just ask yourself "Why I learn English?" and maybe you will find your interest. Maybe you just want to communicate with foreign friends, or maybe you want to enjoy the original English literature works, or even like me, just wanna date some pretty girls. No matter what it is, what you need to do is find the "why" and that's your motivation. Only with it, you will able to insist on learning English. So, why do you want learning English??



Second: Time

Many friends of me are like, when you tell them to study something, they say: "no, no way, I am too busy, I have no time. Hey, come on bro, you really think you don't have any time? When I have to work 8 hours a day before, I kept on learning English for about 3 hours. After that, I move to another company and spent 12 hour working or commuting a day. I could still keep learning for one hour a day. Actually, you always say you have no time, that's just a excuse. Why don't you say you don't have time when you're watching short videos or playing games? Of course, I don't mean you need to immitate me. I just want to remind you that you always have time, because no matter how busy you are, you can still find some time to memorize one English word, just a simple one, like "sky, grass, one, two, three…" To memorize one word, one single word a day, can't you do it? Look, one month you will get 30 word, then one year 365 words. To memorize 365 words per year is not difficult right? Bro, if you really want to study, just steal some time from other places, I believe you can do it.



Third: Confidence

Not only my friends, but also many people in the society doesn't dare to open mouth to speak English. But just like me, if you are learning English just for communication, not for work, please be thick-skinned. I know most of you don't dare to open you mouth because you're afraid of making mistake or having a strong accent. Hey bro, why do you need to think like that? I ask you a question, is there anyone in the world, who doesn't made any mistake at all? What if you make a mistake? How do you know if it is wrong if you don't open your mouth to speak? When I first start to learn English, I often muddled the words with similar pronunciation, but I never thought it was disgraceful. If I'm wrong, just fix it. Maybe you say: "I have a strong accent and people may make fun of me." Hey bro, that's your life, you don't have to care about it. There are always some guy in the world, who don't wanna see others make progress or become better. On the contrary, the worse you are, the happier they are. If you care about their opinion, what's the difference between you and them? Just because you are unique, your way is doomed to be tough. But if you have the way behind you, you will find that you're already at the top of the mountain, and those guys are still a piece of stumbling block at foot of the mountain. So listen bro, don't be afraid! Be brave and be confidence! Open your mouth and speak!




Fourth: Words

Sorry, I put the most important thing in English at the end, because if you can't do the first three steps, it doesn't make any sense even if you memorize much word. When you started to learn English, I'm sure you've bought many books and see many videos, like one minute solution to memorizing words easily; learn 10 thousand words in 30 days; learn roots and affixes for 10 thousand vocabulary. To tell the truth, I've tried all these. But the result is nothing, because these methods don't work for me. Maybe because of the difference between people or maybe because I am not smart, I could only work hard and learn words by rote without any better methods. You can start with the most daily words, or your pet phrase, like teeth paste, teeth brush, cat dog mouse, tree river(词语间应有逗号). See, this are all daily words. So don't try with the hard words from the very beginning, that will be painful for you. And then you can apply them in your daily life. Try to combine the words into sentences, for example, "Cats and dogs are fighting. A mouse is selling teeth paste and teeth brush on the tree". Even though it sound strange, but still cute right? And if you don't have enough time, as I said before, you can just memorize one single word a day, or maybe one word every two day.



Fifth: Forget the grammar

If you don't use English for work or study it as you major, but use it for daily conversations like me, please forgot the grammar for a short time. I don't mean grammar is not important. On the contraty, grammar is really important. But more important is that you should speak first, only so you may know how to speak. Instead of think about the grammar rules, you'd better do some listening exercises. To tell the truth, I know nothing about grammar except one thing: In progressive tense, we should add an "-ing" to the verbs. I always combine the words into a sentence without any grammar rule. And you will find that many foreign friend understand what you are talking about. When you hear a foreign friend talking in Chinese, I believe you sure(ly) understand what he is talking about, althrough his Chinese is so wrong.



Sixth: Reading

Please try to start reading (to read) in English. Reading can help you to understand grammar and words indirectly. But don't start with the difficult books. Start with a book that you think it is easy. It's nothing about losing face. If you don't like read books, then try English movies without Chinese translations, or even children movies. But remember, don't think you will be a fat man with one big meal. That's not an good idea.


Finally, I want tell you guys that my English is also not perfect, but I'm still on my way to improve it. Although the road is endless and faraway, I still want to pursue the truth in the world. I will be with you on the way.


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