读报刊学英语 在线教育-逐渐认识你的老师-精读笔记03

读报刊学英语 在线教育-逐渐认识你的老师-精读笔记03

In poor rural areas, where some households lack internet access, instruction by television fills the void. Since February 17th China Education Network, a state-run service, has been broadcasting classes every weekday from 8am to 10pm. The first lesson of the day is aimed at pupils in the first year of primary school. Programmes for older children air in the afternoon and evening. All core subjects, such as mathematics and Chinese, are covered.


fill the void填补空白

air:to broadcast a programme on the radio or on television 播出;播送

e.g. The show will be aired next Tuesday night. 这个节目将在下周二夜间播出。


在农村贫困地区,一些家庭无法上网,电视教学填补了这一空白。自2月17日起,中国教育网(China Education Network)(一家国营服务机构)开始在每个工作日的早上8点到晚上10点播出课程。每天第一节课播放小学一年级的科目,较高年级的课程在下午和晚上播出。播出课程包括数学、语文等核心科目。


The disruption is felt most keenly by pupils in the final year of secondary school. That is the year leading up to the gaokao, the notoriously hard university-entrance exam. Many parents fret that online learning is a poor substitute for classroom instruction. Hou Kaixuan, who will sit the gaokao in the northern city of Zhangjiakou this summer, eagerly awaits the re-opening of his school. “I’m simply more productive in a physical classroom,” he says.


the final year of secondary school高三

lead up

tosth:to be an introduction to or the cause of sth 是…的先导;是导致…的原因

e.g. the weeks leading up to the exam 临近考试的几个星期

常见表达:in the lead-up to,表示“在…之前,临近某一时间,在……的筹备过程中”,也可以用in the run-up to,一般接重大事件和节日。


fret:to be worried or unhappy and not able to relax 苦恼;烦躁;焦虑不安

e.g. Her baby starts to fret as soon as she goes out of the room. 她一走出房间,婴儿就躁动起来。


e.g. The local bus service

wasa poor substitute for their car. 他们坐当地的公交车,这比坐自己的汽车可差远了。

sit :在这里是熟词僻义,表示“to do an exam 参加考试;应试”

sit the gaokao参加高考

e.g. Candidates will sit the examinationsin June. 考生将在六月参加考试。


高三学生最能感受到不能去学校上课的困扰。高三是高考年,许多家长担心在线学习并不能很好地代替课堂教学。侯凯轩(音译,Hou Kaixuan)今年夏天将在张家口参加高考,他热切等待着学校重新开学。他说:“我只有在学校教室学习效率才更高。”


Not all his classmates agree. Kaixuan observes that some of them study just as hard at home as in school, and take perverse pleasure in the fact that others must be slacking off. (It helps that very little new material is taught in the last year of secondary school. The emphasis is on revision.)


take pleasure in乐于,喜欢


e.g. He seemed totake a perverse pleasure in being disagreeable. 他似乎在招人厌恶中得到一种反常的乐趣。

slack off松懈;放松、懈怠;还记得上面学过shirk表示“偷懒”吗?

e.g. If someone slacks off, Bill comes down hard. 如果有人偷懒,比尔就会严厉训斥。




When schools and universities eventually re-open, classrooms may be different, says Mr Yue, the teacher in Beijing. The teacher-student relationship will become “less hierarchical”, he predicts. That is because China’s prolonged experiment with online learning is reducing the typical reserve between instructor and pupil. Teachers who were previously reluctant to give out their contact details on WeChat, a messaging app, now rely on it to respond to students’ queries. At Mr Yue’s school, students may even call their teachers to ask for feedback. If he is right, such a breaking-down of barriers could be one of the few happy by-products of the epidemic.


hierarchical /harɑkkl/ 按等级划分的;等级制度的

e.g. 分级诊疗制度 hierarchical medical system

prolonged长期的; 延长了的

e.g. the root cause of the prolonged sluggish global economy世界经济长期低迷的根源


e.g. One of the by-products of unemployment is an increase in crime. 失业带来的一大恶果是犯罪率上升。


