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英文绘本故事:《Little Big》小大


作者:Jonathan Bentley<br><br>  小男孩有一个比他大几岁的哥哥,和哥哥相比,他是多么的弱小,所以弟弟想象自己有动物们强大的能力,长颈鹿的大长腿、大猩猩的双手、鳄鱼的嘴巴——如果有了这些,就能从各方面强过哥

哥了 I am little.<br><br>我还很小。 I try to be big.<br><br>我试图变成大人。 But it never works.<br><br>但从来没有成功。<br> <p>Little,little legs,little hands,little mouth.</p><p><br></p><p>很小,小腿、小手、小嘴巴。</p> <p>If I had big legs like a

giraffe,I could race my brother up the hill…and win.</p><p><br></p><p>如果我有像长颈鹿那样长的腿,我就可以和哥哥比赛,而且还能赢。</p> But I wouldn't be able to ride in the trailer.<br><br>但是这样的话,我就不能坐在我的小拖车里了。 If I had big hands like a gorilla,I could open the cookie jar and take as many cookies as I wanted.<br><br>如果我的手像大猩猩一样大,那我就能自己打开饼干罐,而且想要多少就能拿多少。 But I wouldn't be able to eat them in my playhouse.<br><br>可是那样的话,我就不能在我的玩具小房子里吃饼干了。 If I had a big mouth like a

crocodil,I could tell my big brother to go bed early.<br><br>如果我有像鳄鱼一样大的嘴巴,我就可以让哥哥早早地上床睡觉啦! But who would tell me funny stories after dinner?<br><br>但是那样谁能在晚饭后给我讲有趣的故事呢? If I was big like a monster,I could …<br><br>如果我像怪兽一样大,我就… Run,run,run,little legs.<br><br>我小小的腿,拼命的跑跑跑;<br><br>Hold

on tight,little hands.<br><br>我小小的手,握得紧紧的;<br><br>Not a sound,little mouth.<br><br>我小小的嘴巴,没有任何声音。 I am little.<br><br>虽然我很小。 Little legs, little hands, little mouth,perfectly little.<br><br>小手,小脚,小嘴巴,可是我小的很完美! <p>  故事的最后,小男孩不再逃避,而是接纳自己,发挥自己的特长。这个故事最想对孩子们表达的就是——接受自己的不完美,克服自卑心,活在当下。</p>

