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[00:00.10]A new study takes a look at people’s ratings

[00:04.04]of the safest and most dangerous places in the world.

[00:09.64]The American research company Gallup asked people to tell about

[00:17.37] their experiences with crime and law enforcement.

[00:23.12]Gallup says its researchers carried out the study last year in a total of 142 countries and areas.

[00:33.74]The researchers met with the individuals in person or spoke with them by telephone.

[00:42.48]People were asked these brief questions:

[00:46.88]In the city or area where you live, do you have confidence in the local police force?

[00:56.69]Do you feel safe walking alone at night in the city or area where you live?

[01:06.20]Within the past 12 months,

[01:11.14]have you had money or property stolen from you or another household member?


5]Within the past 12 months, have you been assaulted or mugged?

[01:26.24]The findings were published in Gallup’s 2018 Law and Order Index report.

[01:37.18]Singapore received the top rating in the study – 97 out of a possible 100.

[01:44.59]In this Southeast Asian nation, 94 percent of people questioned in 2017

[01:52.64] said they felt safe walking alone in their neighborhood at night.

[01:58.86]Three northern European countries – Norway, Iceland and Finland

[02:05.47]- were in a tie for second place.

[02:08.17]Each received a rating of 93. Results showed 93 percent of Norwegians

[02:18.84]reported feeling safe walking around alone at night.

[02:22.37]The Central

Asian nation of Uzbekistan received the same rating as Hong Kong.

[02:31.30]They each had a score of 91. Switzerland and Canada tied at 90, while Indonesia received 89.

[02:43.16]Seven nations were next on the list with scores of 88.

[02:49.39]The seven were Denmark, Slovenia, Luxembourg, Austria, China, the Netherlands and Egypt.

[02:59.85]The United States received a rating of 84.

[03:06.63]That was the same score as the Czech Republic, Sweden, France and Taiwan.

[03:14.04]At the bottom of the list was

Venezuela, with a score of 44.

[03:21.26]The study noted that only 17 percent of the Venezuelans questioned

[03:27.64] said they felt safe walking alone at night.

[03:31.11]This was up from 12 percent in 2016.

[03:37.01]Afghanistan scored next lowest with 45.

[03:43.10]Just 20 percent of Afghans said they felt safe walking around alone at night.

[03:50.52]This was a drop from the 36 percent reported in 2016.

[03:57.54]In addition, the study found that Afghans’ trust in local police

[04:04.77] fell from 68 percent in 2016, to 31 percent last year.

[04:13.57]Among the 10 countries where the least people

[04:19.52]said they felt safe walking alone at night, five were in Latin America.

[04:25.74]Four others were in African countries south of the Sahara Desert.

[04:32.09]South Sudan came in third from the bottom with a score of 54. Gabon was next (55),

[04:38.20]followed by Liberia (56), South Africa (58), Mexico (58) and the Dominican Republic (60).

[04:46.37]When it comes to where people have the greatest trust in their

local police,

[04:54.45]the United States and Canada topped the list with a score of 82.

[05:00.41]Western Europe and Southeast Asia followed close behind,

[05:06.78] followed by South Asia, East Asia and Eastern Europe.


Words in This Story

confidence – n. feeling or belief that you can do something well or succeed at something

household – n. people are family members and who live together in the same home

assault – v. commit a violent or verbal attack

mug – v. attack and rob someone in a public place


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