


Unit 7(17个单词)


·today英 [tde] / n.今天,今日What day is it today?(今天星期几?)·Monday英 [mnde] / n.星期一It”s Monday.(今天星期一。)·day英 [de] / n.一天,一日I hope you every day happy and good luck.(我祝你每天快乐和好运。)·tomorrow英 [tmr] / n.明天I”ll go and see him tomorrow.(我明天去看他。)·Tuesday英 [tju:zde] / n.星期二It”s Tuesday.(今天星期二。)·every英 [evri] / det.每一个We were made to attend meetings every day.(我们每天都得参加会议。)·Friday英 [frade] / n.星期五It”s Friday.(今天星期五。)·Saturday英 [stde] / n.星期六It”s Saturday.(今天星期六。)·Sunday英 [snde] / n.星期日It”s Sunday.(今天星期日。)·*remember英 [rmemb(r)] / v.记住Don”t tell me you can”t remember.(不要告诉我你记不起来了。)·all英 [:l] / pron.全部All hers answers were correct,so she got a 100.(她所有的答案都对了,所以她得了100分。)·week英 [wi:k] / n.星期,周I reckon we”ll go next week.(我想我们将在下星期去。)·*diary英 [dari] / n.日记,日记簿Do you keep a diary?(你经常记日记吗?)·Wednesday英 [wenzde] / n.星期三It”s Wednesday.(今天星期三

。)·Thursday英 [θ:zde] / n.星期四It”s Thursday.(今天星期四。)·visit英 [vzt] / v.看望,拜访The three paid a visit to the wise man”s house.(刘关张三人拜访了诸葛亮。)·watch英 [wt] / v.观看,注视Do you always watch TV in the evening?(你晚上总看电视吗?)Unit 8(8个单词)


·late英 [let] / adj.晚的;迟到的We went to bed very late.(我们很晚才睡。)·*hurry英 [hri] / v.赶紧I don”t want to hurry you.(我不想催你。)·…o”clock英 [klk] / ……点钟It”s a large clock.(这是一个大钟。)·time英 [tam] / n.时间,钟点What time is it?(几点了?)·early英 [:li] / adj.早的It is far

too early in the morning to get up!(现在起床太早!)·slow英 [sl] / adj.慢的The traffic is heavy and slow.(交通拥挤,车流缓慢。)·have dinner英 [hv din] / 吃晚餐Would you like to stay and have dinner?(你留下来一起吃饭好吗?)·*fix英 [fks] / v.修理an you fix it?(你能修理一下吗?)Unit 9(14个单词)


·night英 [nat] / n.夜晚,夜间What a lovely night!(多么美丽的夜晚!)·breakfast英 [brekfst] / n.早餐What”s for breakfast?(早餐吃什么?)·always英 [:lwez] / adv.总是This store is always open.(这家商店一直营业。)·often英 [fn] / adv.经常,时常I am often late in the morning.I love sleeping.(早上我经常迟到,我太爱睡觉了。)·after英 [ɑ:ft(r)] / prep.在……后This is me before and after exercising.(这是锻炼前和锻炼后的我。)·morning英 [m:n] / n.早晨,上午Every morning I wake up at six ten.(我每天早上六点十分起床。)·afternoon英 [ɑ:ftnu:n] / n.下午,午后I have to go back to work in the afternoon.(下午我不得不回去工作。)·*never英 [nev(r)] / adv.从不,从未Elephants,cows,and pigs will never fly.(大象,奶牛和猪永远不会飞。)·sometimes英 [smtamz] / adv.有时,不时sometimes it snows,and sometimes it rains.(有时候下雪,有时候下雨。)·exercise英 [ekssaz] / n.运动,锻炼Exercise is conducive to good health.(体育锻炼有助于增强体质。)·get up英 [ɡet p] / 起床When do you get up every day?(你每天什么时候起床?)·have lunch英 [hv lnt] / 吃午餐It”s time to have lunch!(午饭的时间到了!)·go to bed英 [ɡu tu: bed] / 睡觉I go to bed at 21:00.(我21:00睡觉。)·do homework英 [du: humw:k] / 做家庭作业I can”t stand to do homework any longer.(我不能忍受再做家庭作业了。)Unit 10(18个单词)


·let”s英 [lets] / abbr.让我们……吧let”s go to the park.(我们去公园吧。)·go to a movie英 / 去看电影He wants to go to a movie.(他想去看一部电影。)·*start英 [stɑ:t] / n.开始Let”s start running.(我们开始跑步吧。)·*enough英 [nf] / adj.足够的,充足的I think I have said enough.(我想我已经说得够多了。)·*shall英 [l] / v.……好吗(表示提议或征求意见)Shall we dance together?(我们一起跳个舞吧?)·amusement park英 [mju:zmnt pɑ:k] / n.游乐园Disneyland is an amusement park.(迪士尼是一个娱乐公园。)·*museum英 [mjuzi:m] / n.博物馆The museum contains the remains of Chinese antiquity.(博物馆藏有中国古代的遗物。)·*dinosaur英 [dans:(r)] / n.恐龙The dinosaur became extinct before the appearance of man.(恐龙在人类出现以前就灭绝了。)·idea英 [ad] / n.主意,想法Whose idea is it?(这是谁的主意?)·*free英 [fri:] / adj.免费的Do you have any free tables?(请问有空的位置吗?)·close英 [klz] / v.关门,歇业If you are cold, close the window.(要是冷就把窗户关上。)·by bus英 [bai bs] / adv.乘坐公交车I usually go to school by bus.(我通常乘公共汽车上学。)·go to the library英 / 去图书馆We often go to the library to study.(我们经常到图书馆学习。)·play sports英 / 参加体育活动I like to play sports in the summer.(我喜欢在夏天做运动。)·play games英 / 玩游戏I like to play games with you.(我喜欢和你们做游戏。)·by bike英 [bai baik] / adv.骑自行车I usually go to school by bike.(我通常骑自行车上学。)·by car英 [bai kɑ:] / adv.乘坐小汽车I usually go to school by car.(我通常坐小汽车去上学。)·by taxi英 [bai tksi] / adv.乘坐出租车I usually go to school by taxi.(我通常乘出租车上学。)Unit 11(13个单词)


·weather英 [we(r)] / n.天气,气象What”s the weather like today,Dad?(爸爸,今天天气怎么样?)·sunny英 [sni] / adj.阳光充足的I love sunny.(我喜欢晴天。)·farm英 [fɑ:m] / n.农场I”m going to the farm.(我要去农场。)·*cloud英 [klad] / n.云,云朵The sky was almost entirely obscured by cloud.(天空几乎完全被云所遮蔽。)·rain英 [ren] / n.下雨It is going to rain.(要下雨了。)·weather report英 [we rip:t] / 天气预报I listen to the weather report every day.(我每天都听天气预报。)·cloudy英 [kladi] / adj.多云的,阴天的It”s cloudy.(天气多云。)·*fun英 [fn] / adj.有趣的,逗乐的They”re all having fun at the party.(他们在派对上玩得很开心。)·stay at home英 / 呆在家里I would rather stay at home.(我宁愿待在家里。)·*rainy英 [reni] / adj.阴雨的I don”t rainy.(我不喜欢下雨。)·*snowy英 [sni] / adj.下雪的It”s snowy.(下雪了。)·windy英 [wndi] / adj.风大的,多风的It”s windy.(天气有风。)·fine英 [fan] / adj.晴朗的;好的I”m fine. Thank you.(我很好。谢谢你。)Unit 12(1个单词)


·*sky英 [ska] / n.天空The sunset glow tinted the sky red.(晚霞染红了天空。)《北师大版_四年级英语下册_一年级起点》由[小孩子点读]APP独家原创整理并发布,未经授权不得转载。小孩子单词天天练提供标准的发音,详实的释义,贴切的例句,助力大家学好英语。
