



1.We have a new classroom.我们有间新教室。

—–Really?What’s in the classroom.真的吗?教室里有什么?

2.Let’s go and see!让我们去看看吧!

—-OK/Great/Good idea.

3.Let me help


—–Thank you.谢谢你

4.Where is the picture?图画在哪?

—–It’s near the window.它在窗户旁边.

5.I have a new schoolbag. 我有一个新书包。


6.What’s in your schoolbag?你书包里有什么?

—-An English book, a maths book and three storybooks.一本英语书,一本数学书和三本故事书.

7.what colour is it?它是什么颜色?

—–It’s blue and white.它是蓝白色的.

8.What’s in it?它里面有什么?

—–An English book.一本英语书.

9.Here it is!它在这里

—–Thank you so much!非常感谢

10. What’s his name? /Who’s he?他叫什么名字?

—–His name is Zhang Peng.他叫张鹏。

11. He has glasses and his shoes are blue.他戴眼镜,他的鞋子是蓝色的.

12. He is tall and strong他又高又壮

13.Where is the cat?猫在哪?

—–It’s in the living room.它在客厅

14.Where are the keys? 钥匙在哪里?

—–They are in the door.在门上。

15. Are they near the table? 他们在桌子附近吗?

—–Yes, they are. /No, they aren’t. 是的/不是。

16. Is it on the shelf? 在架子上吗?

—–Yes, it is. /No, it isn’t.是的/不在。

17.What would you like for dinner? 你晚餐想吃什么?

—— I’d like some beef. 你中餐想吃什么?我想吃些牛肉。

18.What’s for dinner? 晚餐吃什么?

—–Some fish and vegetables.一些鱼和蔬菜.

19.Help yourself.请自便。

—–Thank you.谢谢

20.Would you like a knife and fork?你想要刀叉吗?

—–No,thanks.I can use chopsticks. 不了,谢谢,我会用筷子。

21. Would you like some soup?你想要一些汤吗?


22. How many people are there in your family? 你们家有几口人?


23.What’s your uncle’s job? 你叔叔是干什么的?

—–He is a driver.他是一个司机。

24.Is this your aunt?这是你姑妈吗?

—–Yes.She’s a nurse.是的,她是一名护士

25.My family has six people.我家有六口人.

