



1. Try to talk about a childhood experience which leaves you a deep impression and teaches you a lesson.?

2. Talk about a friend, an interesting peer or an impressive teacher during your school days.

3. Life is short, but should be significant. What can you do to make your life meaningful and colorful? (事业,娱乐,身体,感情等)

4. How do you understand a successful life? Does the expression only mean career? What aspects does it include? (事业,娱乐,身体,感情等)

5. What place was the author’s Mecca/holy place in her childhood? What place was your Mecca in your childhood and why?

6. Why did the author worship Superman in her childhood? Did you ever worship anyone when you were a kid? Why?

7.? Compare the differences in ways of bringing up a child between China and America.(中国:教育/分数/学习/,惩戒/严格/惩罚/,遵从obey。美国:娱乐,鼓励,创造。

8. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of being a child today?

9. Which singer do you admire a lot? Which aspect about him or her particularly appeals to you?

10. What is your favorite song? Why do you like it so much?

11. Do you think you have artistic talent? Talk about your problems on the following three aspect,

? ?(musical, visual or acting)

12. Retell the story about the maid and the painter.

13. Describe your fathers or your mothers job. Do you intend to do the same? Why?

14. What qualities or skills do you think you possess in order to perform well at your intended job? (自信,乐观,耐心,负责/语言,组织,动手,逻辑,观察等)

15. Talk about disadvantages generated by cell phones. (缺乏交流,人身安全,视力健康,忽视阅读等)

16. Compare urban life with rural life. Which do you prefer?

17. In what way does your father/mother influence you a lot? (工作,为人处世,性格,生活态度等)

18. Try to find the meaning of a self-made man? Give an example.

19. What are some important features of a collective society/an extended family?

20. What are some important features of an individual society/a nuclear family?

21. Which hero do you worship a lot? Talk about his achievements or anything special.

22. There are different kinds of heroes. Try to classify them.

23. Talk about our First Lady.(事业成就,社会担责,国际表现等)

24. Of the 12 articles we have learned this semester, which do you think very useful to you?
