


My car is here. 我的小汽车在这里。

Where is your car? 你的汽车在哪里?

His bike is there. 他的自行车在那里。

Our exercise books are here. 我们的练习册在这里。

Is your brother in? No, he’s out. 你哥哥在家吗?不,他出去了。

Where is your father? He’s downtown. 你父亲在哪儿?他去市中心了。

Where is Tom? He’s upstairs. 汤姆在哪里?他在楼上。

Where are the Greens? They’re downstairs. 格林夫妇在哪里?他们在楼下。

Is your father at home? Yes, he’s at home. 你父亲在家吗?是的,他在家。

Where are those Canadians? They’re over there. 那几个加拿大人在哪里?他们在那边。

The pen is in the pencil box. 钢笔在铅笔盒里。

They’re in the sitting-room. 他们在起居室里。

Where is he? He’s in his office now. 他在哪儿?他现在在办公室里。

The maps are on the wall. 地图挂在墙上。

The carpet is on the floor. 地毯铺在地板上。

A few flies are on the ceiling. 有几个苍蝇在天花板上。

Nanjing is on the Changjiang River. 南京在长江边上。

Where are the newspapers? They’re on the table. 报纸在哪里?在桌子上。

The lamp is above the desk. 灯在书桌的上方。

The moon is now above the mountain. 月亮现在在山的上空。

The peak is above the clouds. 山峰在云层之上。

His hoouse is two miles above the bridge. 他的房子在上游离桥两英里处。

The kettle is over the fire. 水壶放在炉火上。

A slogan is over the balackboard. 一条标语在黑板正上方。

The earth is beneath our feet. 地球在我们脚下。

The sun is now beneath the horizon. 太阳现在在地平线下面。

His waistcoat is beneath his coat. 他的背心穿在外套里面。

A boat is beneath the bridge. 小船在桥下。

This land is below sea level. 这块陆地在海平面以下。

The whole city is now below our eyes. 整个城市现在都在我们的眼下了。

Your mouth is below your nose. 你的嘴在你鼻子下面。

Miners are below the surface of the earth. 矿工在地表的下面。

His house is below the bridge. 他的房子在桥的下方。

They’re under a tree. 他们在树下。

Where is the ball? It’s under the bed. 球在哪儿?在床底下。

Where is teh cat? It’s under the table. 猫在哪儿?在桌子底下。

Tom’s in front of Mary. 汤姆在玛丽的前面。

The trees are in front of the house. 树在房子的前面。

He’s behind the desk. 他在书桌后面。

William is between Tom and George. 威廉在汤姆和乔治中间。

The hotel is between the bank and the supermarket. 医院在银行和超市中间。

The driver is in front of the bus. 司机在公共汽车的前部。

He is in the back of the classroom. 他在教室的后部。

The table is in the middle of the room. 桌子在房间的中央。

The nut is inside the shell. 果仁在果壳里面。

My home is inside the city. 我家在这座城市里面。

He’s outside the city. 他在屋子外面。

The car is outside the entrance. 汽车在大门外面。

His house is just across the street. 他的家在街对面。

The supermarket is acroos the station. 超市就在车站对面。

His house is beyond the bridge. 他的房子在桥的那边。

The village is beyond the river. 村子在和那边。

Their house is opposite ours. 他们的房子在我们的房子对面。

They’re opposite (to) each other at the table. 他们对坐在桌旁。

Where is George? He’s behind William. 乔治在哪儿?他在威廉的后面。

Where’s your home village? It’s beyond those mountains. 你的家乡在哪儿?在那些山的那边。

Where’s the post-office? It’s opposite the hotel. 邮局在哪儿?在旅馆对面。

Where’s your bike? It’s outside the window. 你的自行车在哪儿?在窗子对面。


