

原标题:北外网课英语口语景象会话之 网购篇


Lili: Hey,Jane!嘿,简!

Jane: Hi, Lili. Good seeing you here.嗨,莉莉。很高兴在这儿见到你。

Lili: Yeah. What are you doing here?是的。你在这儿做啥?


I want to buy a mobile online shopping store and they’ll becheaper.我想要在网店上买一部手机,它们将廉价许多。

Lili: Do you have a lot of your shopping online ?你是不是在网上买了许多东西?

Jane: Just so-so. Sometimes I like hunting a bargain at Taobao.com .还可以。有时分我喜爱在淘宝网上淘廉价货。

Lili: Do you like to shop online?你喜爱在网上购物吗?

Jane: Yeah. It’s really convenient to shop from home. It also savestime.喜爱。真的很便利,不必出门就能买到东西,还节约时刻。

Lili: Is it reliable to buy things online?网上买东西可靠吗?

Jane: They’ll deliver the books to your home for free and if thereis any problem you can returnthem.人家还会免费送货上门。假定发现有疑问,还可以退货。

Lili: I worry about identity theft online. It is easy for theives tosteal my account number and

password online.我老是忧虑网上付出的平安疑问。在网上帐号和密码简略被盗。

Jane: That’s not a problem as long as you use your own computer andonly visit encrypted sites.用自个的电脑在诺言好的网站买东西,就不会有


Lili: What about counterfeit goods?网上卖的东西会不会有假的?

Jane: Well, some places sell them. So you have to be careful whereyou shop.有的是。买之前必定稳重选择。

Lili: I’ve never shopped online before. How do you go about doingso?我从没在网上买过东西。你怎么买?

Jane: You can choose what you like from the catalogue and then orderonline.你可以在产品目录中选择你喜爱的,然后在网上订购。

Lili: How do you pay?怎么付款呢?

Jane: There are different ways to pay: COD, money order, and banktransfers.有许多不一样的付款方法:货到付款、邮局汇款、银行电汇等等。

Lili: How long does it take for delivery?货多长时刻能送到?

Jane: It usually takes 3 days within the city.市内一般三天就能到。

Lili: Oh.Thank you.喔。谢谢。

Jane: You are welcome.你不必谦让。



