从此初步,Zoe要和以往的creative writing(创造性写作),或许日记体的记叙文章要做一个切开了。Zoe需要以老到的方法来分析及论说自个的观念。行云流水之余,晓之以理,动之以情必定是一个应战;其实到这个期间,运用哪种言语现已不是最重要的了。所以再偏重一下,类似的写作练习现已是在训练了解、归纳、总结、分析、论说、心有灵犀等多方面的才能。假定你有耐性读完全文,就会了解咱们想表达的意思;一起,也能大约对美国大学对学生分析类论文写作的需求和辅导方向。自个感触这个需求是和美国的大学甚至研讨生教育思路一脉相承的。
Homework: For next week students should finish reading The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and write an essay analyzing family in the novel.
What is the author’s view on family? All students must answer this question.
What is the importance of family structures in the novel??
What is their place in society??
Do Huck and Jim constitute a family??
What about Huck and Tom??
What do the characters think of family??
When does society intervene in the family?
All students should include their “skeleton format” thesis at the top of their essay!!
In this essay I will argue that:
This will show not only that:
But also that:
In this essay I will argue that:
Twain’s image of an ideal family includes love, trust comfort, sacrifice, and most importantly, respect for freedom.
This will show not only that:
Twain indicates the lack of these traits in the traditional families in the novel.
But also that:
The relationship between Jim and Huck resembles all of these traits.
“Being a family means you are part of something very wonderful. It means that you will love and be loved for the rest of your life.”-Lisa Weed. Although many people think of family as being blood related to another, it is not that simple. In?Adventures of Huckleberry?Finn, by outlining the traditional family types that Huck encounters during his journey and contrasting them with the unconventional family-like relationship between Huck and Jim, Twain confronts the prevailing family concept in his era and reveals his view on ideal family with core values such as love, trust, comfort, sacrifice and most importantly, respect for its members’ free will.
? ? “变成家庭的 一员是妙不可以言的一件事。它意味着你的余生将在爱与被爱中度过。”- Lisa Weed。尽管大有些人认为家庭是以血缘联接的,但其实这事并没有那么简略。在《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》这部作品里,经过比照传统家庭以及主人公哈克和落跑黑奴吉姆之间的联络,作者马克·吐温应战了其地址年代主导的家庭界说。作者经过这部作品表达了他抱负中的家庭体现的中心价值观-爱、信赖、安适、牺牲,以及究竟重要的一点,即对其他家庭成员安适意志的尊敬。
Through his?description of various dysfunctional families by traditional concept, Twain challenges the customary idea of family as the?basic social unit to provide for the next generation and successfully educate/civilize them with preaching and punishment. Family is miniature model?of the society; stable families with the right values will keep the society on the right track. And in order to avoid wrong paths going forward, the right values are to be passed down through generations by family education. Twain?deliberately creates the character of Huck, a 13-year-old boy who has learned a lot from life experience and knows how to survive even when left alone in the wild. Thus, Huck no longer needs pa, a drunk, abusive and morally corrupted figure in the novel who fails to provide for his family as a father. Consequently, Twain demolishes the most primitive form of family which is blood-related, inviting the readers to wonder whether sharing the same blood along is enough for having a stable and happy family.?
Twain then let the society intervene and find a foster family for Huck where the widow and Miss Watson enthusiastically take up the responsibility to civilize Huck. This arrangement appears to be very reasonable in?a?society?interested?in keeping its wholeness through keeping as many normal families (normal by social standards) as possible. Huck recognizes their kindness but refuses to follow. The author fails the foster family as a backup instrument to civilize Huck since Huck eventually decides to escape in search of freedom.
It’s obvious that for Twain, living under the same roof or even merely sharing same beliefs are not prerequisites for forming a genuine family; and the novelist proves this theory through demonstrating the lack of ideal family values in many traditional families Huck meets along the way.?
Huck lives with his father in the woods and he runs into king and Duke, two scoundrels that Huck has to live with for some time. Huck’s father and the two rascals only want to take advantage of Huck. For example, seeing that he may lose Huck’s custody, Huck’s father curses saying: “a man’s own son…just as that man has got that son raised at Kay, and ready to go to work and begin to do suthi’ for him and give him a rest,” (p20) It’s obvious that Huck’s father is only interested in exploiting Huck for economic benefits. King and Duke also control Huck as their servant, bossing him around and eventually sell Jim for their own benefit. All family values that Twain approves are lacking in these relationships although the characters live together. A relationship in which the elders only demand and abuse for forced obedience by no means represents the family type that Twain idealizes.?
Grangerford’s?family lives in very comfortable conditions and they are gentle, kind people. However, they chose to live in hatred and their activities center around a feud while nobody even remembers how it started. Through Huck’s observation on Grangerfords’ morning routine and their comments on their way back from a sermon about brotherly love, Twain ironically shows how a family with extreme order and hierarchy in their behavior, noble in their thoughts and unanimous in their beliefs can become hypocrite slaughtering machines. The message Twain sends out through the story of the Grangford’s family is straightforward – when a family inherits hatred instead of love, when it values honor above true feelings, any seemingly order and harmony can turn into tragedy or even death.??
格伦基福特上校一家过着舒畅的日子;他们仁慈而文质彬彬。可是,他们却日子在世仇带来的阴影里。尽管他们甚至现已忘掉这种敌视具体是由何而来,这一家人的一切往常活动如同都环绕着报仇打开。哈克(经过和这家人一同日子)调查着这家人早上规整有序的典礼(父母如何下楼,男孩子和女孩子们如何轮流给父母敬酒存候);思考着这家人从教堂回来的路上是如何感动的谈论着刚刚听完的关于人世互爱的布道(实践上他们往来不断教堂的路上都实枪荷弹,时刻预备遇到仇人取人道命,且杀人不见血)。经过这些描绘,作者马克·吐温用讥讽的口吻指出,一个看起来有条不紊、长幼有序、道德崇高、思维共同的家庭其实完全可所以一个虚伪的杀人机器。这儿,作者经过描绘格伦基福特上校一家所表达出来的信息对错常清楚的 – 当一个家庭代代相传的是恨而不是爱;当这个家庭把荣誉看得高过人的真情实感,所谓的次序与调和片刻间可以变为凄惨剧,甚至将人面向去世。
Twain’s view on Phelps’ family is positive yet with restraint; Twain?implies that even with a good traditional family like Phelps’, the ideal family is out of reach for Huck due to the social and cultural reality of his era. After a long journey full of dangers and malicious lying, finally Huck could have a rest at Phelps’ house. The family seems to be so perfect, with a responsible, well-tempered father, a loving and caring mother, decent household and enough food. Once again, Huck could be a boy and fool around with his pranks, carefree. However, Twain makes aunty Sally share the widow’s enthusiasm in civilizing Huck. Again, the conflict between what others think is good for Huck and Huck’s free will emerges. Huck takes a long journey to return to the starting point, at the beginning of the story when his previous foster family, the widow, tries her best to educate Huck. To break this socially defined cycle, Twain sends Huck off to another journey since for Twain, a place with no respect for free will is no home.?
马克·吐温关于Phelps这个家庭的评价是正面的,可是也有所保存。作者意在指出在因为哈克所日子年代的种种社会文明捆绑,哪怕是像Phelps这样的传统好人家也无法变成哈克永久的避风港。在阅历了充溢风险和鬼话的绵长冒险后,哈克总算能在Phelps家组织一下。这家人看是来是这么的完满 – 一个担任任的,好脾气的父亲;一个爱意满满,关心入微的母亲;体面的居所和满足的食物。哈克又可以做回一个高枕无忧,处处捣蛋的小男孩儿。可是,马克·吐温特意组织,让这家的女主人萨利阿姨也出于好心,热情满满地想要教化哈克(所谓教化就是给安适的魂灵加上各种捆绑。坐有坐相,站有站相,读书写字,去教堂。估量这种教化可以有一天会让哈克变得虚伪和文质彬彬,就像格伦基福特上校一家那样。不得不感叹马克·吐温半吐半吞,讥讽究竟的造就)。萨利阿姨和哈克之前寄养家庭的寡妇有着相同的教化人的喜爱。马克·吐温再次让别人的好心和哈克的安适意志之间发生了冲突。哈克阅历了绵长的历险后又回到了原点,因为小说一初步也是寄养家庭的寡妇一门心思维着教化哈克。为了打破这种既定循环,马克·吐温在小说结束处又组织哈克重启旅途。马克·吐温认为,对家庭成员的安适意志无所尊敬的当地,不能称之为家。
By creating disagreements between Huck and Jim as well as unveiling how they talk through to find solutions, Twain indicates that happy and solid family relationship needs respect for others’ free will and compromise. For example, Jim is worried about getting on the sinking steam boat. However, when he sees that Huck is really interested, he decides to take the risk. By doing so, the two friends lose their skiff and are almost separated. After their reunion, Jim says that he would never go through this kind of adventures again and he analyzes the possible consequences. Huck eventually agrees, saying “he was right; he was most always right;” (p57) Twain’s message here is clear – families don’t build up love and trust through moral obligation nor forced obedience, but rather via attention, communication and mutual concession.?
Huck goes back and forth between his adventures and the raft on which he drifts down the river with Jim. After Huck escapes from the feud, he had a conversation with Jim and both agree that: “We said there warn’t no home like a raft, after all. Other places do seem so cramped up and smothery, but a raft doesn’t. You feel mighty free and easy and comfortable on a raft.” (p88) Twain makes the tattered wigwam the home that Huck always wants to go back to because there, his family, Jim, will always waits him with open arms whenever the boy is tired or hurt from his adventures and Jim won’t judge Huck or hold him up. Therefore, Twain exhibits one of the most important core values he believes that an ideal family should have – respect for freedom. Huck can’t find this trait in any traditional family he comes up with, not even in good Phelps’ family. By establishing mutual respect for freedom in Huck and Jim, Twain eventually outlines the ideal family in his belief.
哈克在陆地冒险和他与吉姆的小筏子之间来回络绎。当哈克逃离了世仇仇杀的风险后,他和吉姆之间有一个对话。横竖那意思就是,这个破筏子才是真实的家嘛。哪里还有比这个筏子更让人放松和开心的当地了?在马克·吐温的笔下,这个破褴褛烂的小筏子上的小破屋之所以变成了哈克的港湾,是因为不管何时,只需哈克感到疲倦和受伤,他总有一个归途,他总能看到翻开双臂拥抱他的吉姆;而那双翻开的双臂也永久不会变成锁住他前行的绳子。由此,马克·吐温总算展示出他抱负中的完满家庭中心价值观 – 对安适(意志)的尊敬。哈克无法在任何传统意义家庭中找到这
Twain’s portrayal in family does not just end at a relationship by blood. Throughout his novel,?The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,?the reader can see that the ideal family Twain describes provides the love, trust, and the support for each among the members. People within a real family that Twain idealizes will aid each other to become better, yet not change who each of them wants to be. “Family not only need to consist merely those whom we share blood, but also those whom we’d give blood.” -Charles Dickens It’s no surprise that often times, we hear people refer to their close friends as family and that’s who they are.