


听力办法:1. 听3-5遍以上,2. 对照文本听2遍,并查5-10个单词 3. 盲听5遍以上。4. 留言处写下疑问的答案。只需你留言,我就给你上墙,留言格局:昵称+天数,e.g 爱酱-Day 4


Free diving is a sport where people dive underwater as deep as they can without carrying air tanks, so just by holding their breath. We hear about Herbert Nitsch who holds the world record for the deepest free dive and find out how and why he does it – plus we’ll teach some useful vocabulary along the way.

This week’s question

On dry land, at sea level, the pressure or weight of all the air above us is known as an atmosphere. How far underwater do you have to go until the weight of water is equal in pressure to another atmosphere? Is it:

A: 1 metre

B: 10 metres

C: 100 metres

Listen to the programme to find out the answer.

Transcript Note: This is not a word for word transcript Neil Hello. This is 6 Minute English and I’m Neil. Georgina And I’m Georgina. Neil Now Georgina, what do you know about free diving? Georgina Free diving is a sport where people dive underwater as deep as they can without carrying air tanks, so just by holding their breath. Neil That’s right. We’re going to find out today about a world

record free diver. But first a question – and this is a physics one. On dry land, at sea level, the pressure or weight of all the air above us is known as an atmosphere. How far underwater do you have to go until the weight of water is equal in pressure to another atmosphere? Is it: A: 1 metre B: 10 metres C: 100 metres What do you think, Georgina? Georgina Well, water is much heavier than air, but there is lot of air above us, many kilometres, so I don’t think one metre of water is heavy enough. Same for 10 metres. So, I think 100 metres is the equivalent of 1 atmosphere. Neil OK. We’ll find out if you are swimming comfortably or completely out of your depth later. Herbert Nitsch holds the world record for the deepest free dive. In 2012 he reached a depth of 253 metres. Recently he spoke on the BBC World Service radio programme,

Outlook about his experiences. He spoke about how he trained himself to hold his breath for a long time. Lungs are the organs in the body that hold the air that we breathe in, and he says that he trains himself not by starting with a big breath, but when his lungs are already empty. Why is that? Herbert Nitsch The reason why I do the empty lungs is that the urge to breathe comes earlier and this is when the training starts. Because when you hold your breath on full lungs, the urge to breathe comes like a few minutes in, but the time up to that point is no training at all. Only the time you have the urge to breathe and fight against it, that’s the time you’re actually training. Neil So, why train with empty lungs? Georgina Because you have to practise not breathing when you need to breathe. Neil Can you explain further?

Georgina Of course. Normally our breathing is automatic. We don’t have to think about it. If you holdyour breath there is a point when your body tells you that it’s time to breathe. Neil And at that point, most of us will take a breath, won’t we? Georgina Exactly. Our body and brain is telling us – go on, breathe, take a breath! This strong feeling to do something is called an urge. To hold your breath for a long time you have to ignore that urge, you have to fight against it. So to train to do that, it’s a waste of time taking a big breath, because holding your breath when you don’t need to breathe isn’t difficult – you have to practise fighting against that urge to breathe. Neil Nitsch did a lot of free diving in lakes in his home country of Austria. Diving in lakes is very different from diving in the ocean. Here he is describing the experience. Herbert Nitsch In the beginning it’s very spooky, and yes, it’s not a pleasant feeling at all in the beginning. It’s something actually quite intimidating, but after a while you get used to it and you learn to appreciate it actually that it’s so quiet. Quiet and you’re deprived of all sensationsexcept the cold, of course, and so you hear your own heart beat because there’s absolutely no sound. Neil How does he describe the sensation? Georgina It’s very cold, dark and quiet when diving deep in lakes and at first he says the experience is spooky. This means it’s a little scary and mysterious – in the same way we might find a graveyard at night spooky – that kind of feeling. Neil And he also says it’s intimidating, which is a feeling of being frightened by something stronger and more powerful than you are. Georgina And you experience these feelings because you are deprived of all sensations. When you are deprived of something, it means you don’t have it, it’s taken away. And sensations are the way we experience the world, so sound, sight and smell. Diving in cold, dark silent waters you are deprived of many of our usual sensations, and that is spooky and intimidating. Neil Rather him than me. I don’t think I’d like that experience at all! Right, before we review our vocabulary, let’s have the answer to the quiz. How far underwater do you have to go until the weight of water is equal in pressure to another atmosphere? Georgina, what did you say? Georgina I thought 100 metres. Neil Well, that is actually the equivalent of 10 atmospheres! So the correct answer is 10 metres. Every 10 metres of depth in water is the equivalent to the weight and pressure of the air above us at sea level. There is a difference between fresh and salt water, but it’s not so much as to make your answer correct! Well done if you got that answer right. Georgina Well I was clearly out of my depth with that question. Neil You were! Now vocabulary. The part of our body that holds our breath is our lungs. Georgina A very strong need or desire to do something, like breathe, is an urge. Neil Something spooky is a little scary and mysterious. Georgina And it can also be intimidating, which means it’s overpowering and frightening in a way that makes you less confident. Neil And to be deprived of sensations, means to have certain feelings, like touch and hearing taken away. So Georgina, do you fancy free diving? Georgina Would I like to go hundreds of metres down in cold, dark, silent water without any breathing equipment? Let me think about that. I’ve thought about it – no thank you! Neil Not my cup of tea either – and speaking of tea, it is time for us to go and get a cuppa. That’s all from us today. Do join us next time and if you get lonely, you can find us online, on social media and on the BBC Learning English app. Goodbye for now. Georgina Bye! Vocabulary lungs the organs in our body we use for breathing urge a strong need or desire to do something spooky scary and mysterious intimidating overpowering and frightening in a way that makes you lose confidence to be deprived of to not have something you usually have, to have something taken away sensations physical feelings and senses like sight and sound 双语版Transcript Hello. This is 6 Minute English and I’m Neil. 我们好,这儿是六分钟英语,我是尼尔。 And I’m Georgina. 我是乔治娜。 Now Georgina, what do you know about free diving? 乔治娜,你对安适潜水晓得多少? Free diving is a sport where people dive underwater as deep as they canwithout carrying air tanks, so just by holding their breath. 安适潜水是一项运动,我们不带着氧气罐潜到尽可以深的水下,所以只需屏住呼吸就可以了。 That’s right. 是的。 We’re going to find out today about a world record free diver. 今日咱们将晓得一名打破世界纪录的安适潜水者。 But first a question – and this is a physics one. 但首要有一个疑问——而且是一个物理疑问。 On dry land, at sea level, the pressure or weight of all the air above usis known as an atmosphere. 在陆地上,在海平面上,咱们上方一切空气的压力或分量被称为大气。 How far underwater do you have to go until the weight of water is equal inpressure to another atmosphere? 你在水下多深的时分水压恰当于另一个大气压? Is it: A: 1 metre, B: 10 metres, or C: 100 metres? 是A: 1米,B: 10米,仍是C: 100米? What do you think, Georgina? 你觉得呢,乔治娜? Well, water is much heavier than air, but there is lot of air above us,many kilometres, so I don’t think one metre of water is heavy enough. 嗯,水比空气重得多,可是咱们上面有许多空气,有好几千米,所以我不认为一米深的水够重。 Same for 10 metres. 10米也是如此。 So, I think 100 metres is the equivalent of 1 atmosphere. 所以,我认为100米深等于1个大气压。 OK. We’ll find out if you are swimming comfortably or completely out ofyour depth later. 好的。稍后咱们就会晓得那个深度你是游得舒畅仍是完全非你力所能及。 Herbert Nitsch holds the world record for the deepest free dive. 赫伯特·尼奇坚持着安适潜水最深的世界纪录。 In 2012 he reached a depth of 253 metres. 2012年,他抵达了253米的深度。 Recently he spoke on the BBC World Service radio programme, Outlook abouthis experiences. 迩来他在BBC全球效能节目Outlook中谈到了自个的阅历。 He spoke about how he trained himself to hold his breath for a long time. 他谈到他是如何练习自个长时刻屏住呼吸的。 Lungs are the organs in the body that hold the air that we breathein, and he says that he trains himself not by starting with a big breath,but when his lungs are already empty. 肺是身体里包容咱们所呼吸空气的器官,而且他说他练习自个不是从深吸一口气初步,而是当他肺里的空气现已排空的时分。 Why is that? 这是为啥呢? The reason why I do the empty lungs is that the urge to breathe comesearlier and this is when the training starts. 排空肺部气体的缘由是呼吸的激烈愿望会来得更早,练习就是这个时分隔端的。 Because when you hold your breath on full lungs, the urge to breathe comeslike a few minutes in, but the time up to that point is no training at all. 因为当你在肺部尽是气体的状况下屏住呼吸时,呼吸的激烈愿望会在几分钟后呈现,但在那之前根柢没有练习。 Only the time you have the urge to breathe and fight against it, that’sthe time you’re actually training. 只需当你有激烈愿望去呼吸并与之抵挡的时分,才是你真实练习的时分。 So, why train with empty lungs? 那么,为啥要排空肺部气体练习呢? Because you have to practise not breathing when you need to breathe. 因为你有必要操练需要呼吸时不呼吸。 Can you explain further? 你能进一步说明一下吗? Of course. 当然。 Normally our breathing is automatic. 一般咱们呼吸是主动的。 We don’t have to think about it. 咱们不需要思考。 If you hold your breath there is a point when your body tells you thatit’s time to breathe. 假定你屏住呼吸,那么在一个时刻点你的身领会告诉你是时分呼吸了。 And at that point, most of us will take a breath, won’t we? 而在那个时刻点,咱们大大都都会去呼吸,不是吗? Exactly. Our body and brain is telling us – go on, breathe, take a breath! 正是。咱们的身体和大脑在告诉咱们——持续呼吸吧,喘口气! This strong feeling to do something is called an urge. 这种去做某事的激烈感触被称为一种激烈愿望。 To hold your breath for a long time you have to ignore that urge, you haveto fight against it. 要长时刻屏住呼吸,你有必要无视这种激烈愿望,你有必要与之抵挡。 So to train to do that, it’s a waste of time taking a bigbreath, because holding your breath when you don’t need to breathe isn’tdifficult – you have to practise fighting against that urge to breathe. 所以要练习那样做,深呼吸就是浪费时刻,因为当你不需要呼吸的时分,屏住呼吸并不困难——你有必要操练应对那种想要呼吸的激烈愿望。 Nitsch did a lot of free diving in lakes in his home country of Austria. 尼奇在其祖国奥有利地势的湖里进行了许多次安适潜水。 Diving in lakes is very different from diving in the ocean. 在湖里潜水和在海里潜水很纷歧样。 Here he is describing the experience. 他在这儿描绘了他的阅历。 In the beginning it’s very spooky, and yes, it’s not a pleasant feeling atall in the beginning. 初步的时分很惊骇,是的,初步的时分一点都不开心。 It’s something actually quite intimidating, but after a while you get usedto it and you learn to appreciate it actually that it’s so quiet. 它实践上是一件很吓人的作业,但一段时刻后你就会习气,而且你会学会赏识它的静谧。 Quiet and you’re deprived of all sensations except the cold, of course,and so you hear your own heart beat because there’s absolutely no sound. 很恬静,当然,除了严寒外你会失掉一切的感触,所以你会听到自个的心跳,因为那里完全没有声响。 How does he describe the sensation? 他是如何描绘这种感触的? It’s very cold, dark and quiet when diving deep in lakes and at first hesays the experience is spooky. 在湖里潜水时非常严寒、漆黑和恬静,而且他说一初步这种阅历很惊骇。 This means it’s a little scary and mysterious – in the same way we mightfind a graveyard at night spooky – that kind of feeling. 这指的是它有点吓人,有点奇妙——就像咱们可以在晚上发现墓地那样的惊骇——是那种感触。 And he also says it’s intimidating, which is a feeling of being frightenedby something stronger and more powerful than you are. 他还说这很吓人,那是一种被比你更健壮的东西吓到的感触。 And you experience these feelings because you are deprived of allsensations. 你感触惊骇吓人是因为你损失了一切感触。 When you are deprived of something, it means you don’t have it, it’s takenaway. 当你损失某事物,那意味着你没有它了,它被拿走了。 And sensations are the way we experience the world, so sound, sight andsmell. 感触是咱们感知世界的方法,那包括听觉、视觉和嗅觉。 Diving in cold, dark silent waters you are deprived of many of our usualsensations, and that is spooky and intimidating. 在严寒、漆黑、幽静的水中潜水,你损失了许多咱们一般的感触,那是惊骇吓人的。 Rather him than me. I don’t think I’d like that experience at all! 那是他,不是我。我想我一点也不喜爱那样的阅历! Right, before we review our vocabulary, let’s have the answer to the quiz. 好的,在咱们温习词汇之前,让咱们先揭晓今日查验疑问的答案。 How far underwater do you have to go until the weight of water is equal inpressure to another atmosphere? 你在水下多深的时分水压恰当于另一个大气压? Georgina, what did you say? 乔治娜,你说是啥? I thought 100 metres. 我觉得是100米。 Well, that is actually the equivalent of 10 atmospheres! 好吧,那恰当于10个大气压了! So the correct answer is 10 metres. 所以正确答案是10米。 Every 10 metres of depth in water is the equivalent to the weight andpressure of the air above us at sea level. 每10米水深就恰当于咱们上方,海平面之上空气的分量和压力。 There is a difference between fresh and salt water, but it’s not so muchas to make your answer correct! 淡水和咸水是有差异的,但它并不能使你的答案正确。 Well done if you got that answer right. 假定你答对了,那很不错啊。 Well I was clearly out of my depth with that question. 那个疑问显着非我力所能及。 You were! Now vocabulary. 是的!如今词汇有些。 The part of our body that holds our breath is our lungs. 咱们身体中控制呼吸的有些是肺。 A very strong need or desire to do something, like breathe, is an urge. 做某事的激烈需要或盼望,如呼吸,是一种激烈愿望。 Something spooky is a little scary and mysterious. 惊骇的东西就是有点吓人又奇妙的东西。 And it can also be intimidating, which means it’s overpowering andfrightening in a way that makes you less confident. 它也可所以吓人的,这意味着它在某种程度上是压倒性的和可怕的,它使你不那么自傲。 And to be deprived of sensations, means to have certain feelings, liketouch and hearing taken away. 损失感触就意味着某种感触被掠夺了,比方触觉和听觉。 So Georgina, do you fancy free diving? 乔治娜,你喜爱安适潜水吗? Well. Would I like to go hundreds of metres down in cold, dark, silentwater without any breathing equipment? 我想要在严寒、漆黑、幽静的水中不带任何呼吸设备潜到几百米深的当地吗? Let me think about that. I’ve thought about it – no thank you! 让我想想。我现已思考过了——不,谢谢! Not my cup of tea either – and speaking of tea, it is time for us to goand get a cuppa. 我也不想——说到茶,是时分结束节目去喝杯茶了。 That’s all from us. 以上就是本期节意图悉数内容。 Goodbye for now. 再会啦。 Bye! 拜!



  • 听不理解(听力材料太难)

  • 两天打渔,三天晒网,不能坚持(绝大有些人都输在这一条上面)

  • 没有故意操练(没有精听的进程,不能前进)


  • BBC听力材料是对论体裁,相对简略,一般水平都能听得懂

  • 可以操练,每天听写两到三个语句。


  • 1. 听3-5遍以上

  • 2. 对照文本听2遍,并查5-10个单词(先看英文版,再对照双语版)

  • 3. 盲听5遍以上。

  • 4. 留言处写下疑问的答案以及听写的两至三个语句。

你留言,我给你上墙,留言格局:昵称+天数,e.g 爱酱-Day 4-C- I love bread



