





Modern Family. Season 1, Episode 3.

I am quite fond of (like, enjoy, appreciate)this episode, which talks about whether the elders (老一辈) should express love to their juniors (晚辈) by showing the relationship between Jay and his sons-in law (女婿).

Old Jay is conventional (传统的), conservative (保存的)and concerned about face-saving (好体面的). He never told his son and sons-in-law that he loved them, not in exact words (没有明说) and not in any words (没有暗示过,一点标明也没有).

When he finally says sorry and expresses love to Phil and Cameron, Jay perceives (发觉到)peace and quietness although he is still a little bit (有点) embarrassed.

However, hugging his sons-in-law is also hugging love, so that Jay feels that he is hugging the world.

Doesn’t it feel like these arms could go around the world?不觉得如同伸出手臂就能拥抱全世界吗?


We Chinese people areusually not accustomed to (be used to, 习气于) express love to others. Parents nearly say “I love you” to their children, and similarly children never say love to parents. We all know we love each other. Why not highlight (偏重) the love and increase happiness?



Claire: Honey, I thought you were gonna take out the garbage. 亲爱的,你不是要倒废物的吗? Phil: Yes. Getting it. 收到,马上去。

I’m really a baseball guy. 我很喜爱棒球。 first base 一垒 second base 二垒

third base 三垒 home base 本垒

He is not a talker. 他不是很爱说话。 He is not a hugger. 他不喜爱拥抱。 I’m pretty sure this is a typo. 这必定是打印差错。snob 势利小人discerning 有眼光的,有辨识力的,独具慧眼hick 乡巴佬 (country mice)–Hey, if you’re on your way out, can you grab the garbage? 你出去时能顺手把废物倒了吗?–I got it. 我现已倒了。I am all about doing sth. 我做的悉数都是为了……I am all about helping her. What are you talking about? 你在瞎说啥啊?We’re total buds. 咱们可是铁哥们。What? It’s gonna kill you to look like a girl? 怎么了?穿的像个女孩会死吗?(怼人金句哦~)provoke [pr’vk] 煽动,激怒play charades 玩“你划我猜”游戏turn sth. Into 把某事转化成She has to turn everything into a fight. 她老是把作业闹大,和我吵架。You can’t go too far. 越远越好。What do you like about me? 你喜爱我啥?(各位可以拿去问问自个的男女兄弟啦~~)喜爱记住重视哦~~
