英语学习平台期,怎样突破 Breaking Through Learning Plateau

英语学习平台期,怎样突破 Breaking Through Learning Plateau

hi, bob the canadian here. in a recent english lesson, a viewer asked me this question:
if yous when things level off.
when you started learning english, you probably learned lots of new words and phrases every day, and you were probably really excited to learn the english language.
but as you get close to the late beginner
or intermediate level, sometimes your progress can level out.
sometimes it can feel like youre not making a lot of progress.
so in this video, im going to talk about five things
that you can do to break through that plateau and to make your english learning exciting and effective
and efficient and just awesome all over again. (light music)
和高效, 只是真棒一遍。(轻音乐)
well, hey, welcome to this english lesson where im going to help you break through the plateau that you have hit in your english learning.
before we get started, though,
if this is your first time here, dont forget to click that red subscribe button
and give me a thumbs up at some point during this video if it helps you learn just a little bit more english.
并在这段视频的某个时候竖起大拇指, 如果它能帮助你多学一点英语。
so before we can break through a plateau, we have to talk about what causes the plateau
and what causes a plateau in learning is comfort, maybe a little bit of laziness, or maybe familiarity.
your body and your brain are really good at adapting. that means the more you do something,
the easier it gets. a great example is this.
i walk for exercise. when i started walking for exercise,
my heart rate would go up and it would be good cardio exercise for me.
我的心率会上升, 这将是很好的有氧运动对我来说。
but after walking for a year, my heart rate did not go very high anymore
because my body had adapted to walking. so now i usually add some stairs into my walk,
or i run a little bit while im walking to get my heart rate up.
或者我走路时跑一会儿, 让我的心率上升。
the same thing can be true with your brain. your brain gets really good at doing the things
that you do over and over again. your brain is really good at doing things that you repeat.
so this might sound a little odd, but you shouldnt just be watching
my english lessons on youtube. you shouldnt just be listening
我在 youtube 上的英语课。你不应该只是在听
to heavy metal rock and roll in english if thats the kind of music that you like.
重金属摇滚英语, 如果这是你喜欢的音乐。
you need to change things up a bit. so the very first thing that you can do
to break through that plateau that you are experiencing in your learning
is to change what you are doing. its again, very similar to exercise.
if you only watch one youtuber teaching english on youtube, try to watch two or three.
if you always read science fiction novels like i do, try to read something in a different genre.
如果你总是像我一样读科幻小说, 试着读不同流派的东西。
you have to kind of change things up a bit so that your brain kind of gets nudged a little bit
你必须稍微改变一下事情, 这样你的大脑就会被轻推一点
to do better. because if you always do the same things all the time,
youll only get good at doing those things. so the very first thing you need to do
to break through that plateau is you need to change up a little bit.
you need to change some of the things that youre studying english.
the second thing that you need to do to break through that plateau is you need to get feedback.
when you first start learning the english language, you can learn a lot on your own and you can learn a lot
without getting feedback from anyone. but when you get better and better at speaking english,
you need to start getting feedback so that you can learn to pronounce things better,
你需要开始获得反馈, 这样你才能学会更好地发音,
so that you can learn how to properly use things in sentences.
when you start out, its easy to learn a lot of simple phrases,
and its easy to feel really excited about the things you are learning.
but as you move to the intermediate stage, you need to start to refine what you have learned.
you need to learn more complex sentences and you need feedback right away.
so you need to find an english tutor or you at least need to find software that will correct you.
duolingo is a great product that you can use if its available to you.
its an app, by the way, just search for it on the app store.
顺便说一下, 这是一个应用程序, 只是在应用商店上搜索它。
but things that give you immediate feedback, things that correct you right away can be excellent practice
when youre at the intermediate level, and having a person who can correct you
当你处于中级水平时, 有一个人可以纠正你
is even more important. so if you are stuck at a plateau,
find a way to get more feedback on what you are doing and what you are saying and what you are writing
so that you can refine the english that youve already learned.
the third thing that you can do to break through that plateau
is to register for an english test or plan on taking a trip.
i mentioned this a lot. ive mentioned this before in other videos,
but one of the best ways to push through a plateau is to have a goal in the future and to have a goal
that requires you to work hard on your english. now, i know its hard to travel right now
because of covid restrictions, but certainly, deciding that in six months
因为 covid 的限制, 但可以肯定的是, 决定在六个月内
youre going to take an english test or deciding that in six months,
youre going to visit an english speaking country will help you be highly motivated to continue studying.
i love this method of motivation, and this can really help you break through
any kind of plateau youve reached. because now, instead of you wanting to learn the language,
you feel like you must learn the language in order to do well on the test
or in order to have great english conversations when you go on your trip.
so the next thing you can do, just set some kind of goal in the future,
either a test or a trip, and let that motivate you to break through that plateau.
the fourth thing you should do to break through a plateau is to challenge yourself to extend your learning.
what i mean is this. when you are a beginner and

you learn the word cat,
you know what a cat is, and then you move on and you learn the word dog
你知道什么是猫, 然后你继续前进, 你学会了狗这个词
or pig or cow. when you are an intermediate learner,
when you reach that plateau, one of the things you should start doing is to use new words
as many times as you can right away that same day. so when you learn a new word, use that word in a sentence.
when you learn a new word, use that word in conversation that day.
when you learn a new word, think of all the other words that you already know
that are related to that word. instead of just learning all of the english words
as little facts, make sure youre learning them as

part of the bigger thing, which is the whole language.
作为小事实, 确保你学习他们作为更大的事情的一部分, 这是整个语言。
so another thing you should do, the fourth thing you should do,
is you should challenge yourself every day to use new knowledge immediately.
是你应该每天挑战自己, 立即使用新知识。
its just super-effective, and it pushes you to go beyond just learning vocabulary and phrases.
you have to start to learn the whole language, so you need to start to knit the things together
that you already know with the things that you are currently learning.
the fifth thing you need to do to break through a plateau is to make english part of your daily life.
what i mean by that is this. when you start learning english, maybe you take a class,
maybe you listen to some music in english, maybe its something that you do just for fun.
也许你听一些英语音乐, 也许这是你做的只是为了好玩。
but if you wanna break through a plateau, you have to make english part of your daily life.
so if you like reading books, you should be reading books in english.
if you like listening to music, you should be listening to music in english.
if you like baking or cooking, you should have an english cookbook
so that all of the recipes you use are in english. in order to break through the plateau,
you have to create a state of partial immersion into the english language.
you have to take parts of your life and you need to convert them into english.
this is not super-hard to do with the internet and the amount of media that is available right now.
you could very easily, starting today, only read in english, only listen to music in english,
only look things up on the internet in english, only watch television in english.
if you wanted to create partial immersion in the english language, you could do that today
and you could do it very cheaply, if not for free. so the fifth thing that you really need to do
你可以做非常便宜, 如果不是免费的。所以第五件事,你真的需要做的
to break through that plateau is you need to make english part of your daily life.
well, hey, thanks for watching this little english lesson where i just talked a little bit about the english plateau
or the language learning plateau. i do wanna thank marcos from brazil
for that question once again, and thank all of you for watching.
by the way, if yout forget to click that red subscribe button below.
give me a thumbs up if you enjoyed this video. share this video with other people you know who are learning english if you want to.
如果你喜欢这个视频, 请点赞,与您认识的其他人分享此视频
and if you have a little bit more time, why dont you stick around and watch another video.
如果你想学习英语, 他们正在学习英语。如果你还有一点时间,你为什么不留下来看另一个视频呢。
