




While there are endless benefits to learning online, the top three are: convenience, productivity, and quality.在线学习有很多的好处,最主要的三个优势是:方便、有效率和高学习质量。

1. Convenience (Learn Anywhere)


Most of us dont have the luxury of traveling across the world to a foreign country to learn how to speak Spanish, French, or German.


If youre an introverted learner, or just simply someone whos busy with work, having the ability to learn at the comforts of your own home, or at an environment where you feel safe is undervalued. While real-life immersion is powerful, you can reap the same benefits without sacrificing your lifestyle.



2. Productivity (Save Time)


An average American wastes over 15 full days per year commuting. While we cant change our work environment overnight, we can change our learning environment.美国人平均每年浪费超过15天在上下班路上。虽然我们不可能在一夜之间改变工作环境,但可以改变我们的学习环境。

For most of us learning languages in-person, the time wasted commuting to meet your teacher at a Starbucks or to your language school can often be worse. Since time is the most important commodity we have, learning online helps us win back more time.对于大多数独立说学习语言的来说,为了到星巴克见老师或去语言学校学习而浪费时间在上下班路上都是非常糟糕的。因为时间是我们最重要的商品,网络学习可以帮助我们赢回更多的时间。

3. Quality


The best teachers are everywhere, not just in your local city. As remote working becomes more prevalent in todays workplace, so is the saying, "the best talents are everywhere."最好的老师无处不在,不仅在你所在的城市。随着远程工作变得越来越流行,也印证了"最好的人才无处不在"的说法。

When it comes to language learning, this is especially true. For one, language learning is as much of a cultural experience as it is an educational experience. 在学习语言时,尤其如此。首先,语言学习是文化经验,也是一个教育经验。

Yet, the chances of you finding the right teacher that matches your learning style, personality, and needs, who also originates from your desired location is pretty slim.然而,很难找到适合你的学习风格、个性和需求也同样在你当地的老师。

By leveraging learning languages online, we have the power to work with the best teachers (and talent), not just the ones that we find on

Craigslist in our local city.通过利用网络学习语言,我们可以找到最好的老师,而不仅仅是那些在当地城市的老师。

