语言教学 | 哈佛大学写作教学系列集合
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英语教师需要提升自己的口语水平,学生学习英语也需要不断锻炼 “说” 的能力,避免 “ 哑巴英语”。如何有效提升英文口语水平?这 33 个方法值得学习!
1. record yourself speaking english.
2. read aloud, especially dialogue.
3.sing along to english songs while you’re driving or in the shower.
4. watch short video clips and pause and repeat what you hear.
5. learn vowel and consonant sounds in english.
6. learn and identify schwa.
7. learn about weak and strong forms of common words.
8. learn about word stress.
9. learn about sentence stress.
10. identify fixed and semi-fixed phrases and practise them.
11. learn about collocations.
12. replace regular verbs with phrasal verbs.
13. learn short automatic responses.
14. practise telling stories and using narrative tenses.
15. learn when to pause for effect.
16. learn about chunking.
17. learn about typical pronunciation problems in your first language.
find out about the problems people who speak your first language have when speaking english and you will know what you need to focus on.
18. choose an accent you like and imitate it.
19. find an actor/actress you like and identify what makes them powerful speakers.
20. use a mirror and /or a sheet of paper for identifying aspirated and non-aspirated sounds.
21. practise tongue twisters.
tongue twisters are phrases designed to improve your pronunciation of particular sounds. 绕口令是专门用来提高你对某些词的发音的句子。
22. practise spelling names, numbers and dates aloud.
23. learn about common intonation patterns.
24. learn about places of articulation.
the articulators are the parts of the mouth we use to turn sound into speech. 发音的位置是我们嘴巴把声音变成语言的一部分。
25. after looking at places of articulation, practise making the movements that native speakers use when they speak.
26. learn why english is a stress-timed language.
the rhythm of the language is based on stressed syllables so we shorten the unstressed syllables to fit the rhythm.语言的节奏是基于重度音节的,所以我们会缩短非重读的音节发音以便适应语言的节奏。
27. learn how to interrupt and interject politely and successfully.
28. learn about ellipsis, assimilation and linking sounds.
29. speak lower not higher. studies show that you command attention and demonstrate authority with a deeper vocal tone, especially men.
30. listen and read along to poetry (or rap songs) to practise the rhythm of english.
31. learn exclamation words and fillers.
32. learn how to paraphrase.
33. use contractions more.
contractions make your speech more efficient because they save time and energy.
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