

【#英语口语# 导语】在学习往常交际英语口语的时分会发现有一些语句是恰当常见、有用的。假定咱们将这些口语句子搜集起来进行关于性的学习,那么学习作用必定很显着。以下是无忧考网收拾的常用的英语口语900句,等待阅览!
  a:hi, dora. so, i hear you are going to united states next week.
  b:so i am.
  a:when did you get your passport?
  b:i got it last week.
  a:how long is it valid?
  b:it’s valid for five years. i’m planing to do a doctor’s degree during my stay there.
  a:good. good luck to you!
  b:thank you very much.

  a:i’d like to extend my visa for another two years.
  b:are you on a tourist visa or a student visa?
  a:student visa.
  b:what’s the reason for the extension?
  a:i’m going to practical training as soon as i receive my master’s degree from the university of pansevinia early next month.
  b:we’ll need a letter from your university and a financial statement from you.
  a:passport and embarkation card, please.
  b:here you are, sir.
  a:would you open the suitcase, please?
  a:let me take a look at this bag. can you open it?
  a:is this camera a gift for someone?
  b:no,it’s my camera for personal use.
  a:you have to pay tax for this camera.
  b:no,please don’t. this is for my personal use.
  a:you have a lot of gifts. you have to pay for the camera.
  b:almost all are for my friends in the states. all right, madam. i’ll have a tow truck there within 30 minutes. ?
  1.enquiries are dwindling.询盘正在削减。
  2.what about delivery time?啥时刻交货?
  3.how about the supply position?供给情况怎么样?
  4.please give us your best price.请给咱们报。
  5.what about the terms of payment?以啥作为付款方法?
  6.do you offer fob or cif?你们报船上交货价仍是到岸价?
  7.can you quote a cif price for me?你能签到岸价格给我吗?
  8.can you shed all light on your price?我想要你们的悉数报价。
  9.please make us an offer for leather glovers.请报皮手套的价格。
  10.we’d be willing to accept your cif price.我情愿依照到岸价生意。
  11.would you give me an offer for the good?这个货品你能给我报个价吗?
  12.could you give us some idea about your price?请介绍贵方的价格好吗?
  13.i wonder if you’ll offer both cif and fob prices.咱们一般是按到岸价出口的。
  14.we have extended the offer as per as your request.咱们已按你方需求将报盘延期。
  15.the quality must be in strict conformity with that of sample.质量有必要与样品相同。
  1.thank you for the invitation.谢谢你的聘请。
  2.i assure you. 我向你保证。
  3.i bet you can. 我深信你能做到。
  4.i can handle it. 我自个可以唐塞。
  5.i can‘t afford it我买不起。
  6.i can‘t believe it. 我几乎不敢信赖。
  7.i like being with you. 我喜爱有你做伴。
  8.i can‘t stand it 我受不了。
  9.i can‘t tell. 我说禁绝。
  10.i totally agree. 我完全附和。
  11.i can‘t get through. 打不通电话。
  12.i couldn‘t help it 我没有办法。
  13.i didn‘t mean to. 我不是成心的。
  14.i‘m not sure. 我不能必定。
