往常英语交流口语100句及读音 (简单英语日常交流口语对话)
1. hello. (halo)你好。
2. hi. (hai)嗨。
3. how are you? (hau are ju)你好吗?
4. i’m fine, thank you. (aim fain, k??kju)我极好,谢谢。
5. and you? (?nd ju)你呢?
6. nice to meet you. (nais tu mit ju)很高兴见到你。
7. what’s your name? (w?ts j??r ne?m)你叫啥名字?
8. my name is… (mai neim iz…)我的名字是…
9. where are you from? (we?r ? ju fr?m)你来自哪里?
10. i’m from… (aim fr?m…)我来自…
11. how old are you? (ha? old ɑ? ju)你多大了?
12. i’m…years old. (aim…ji?rz old)我…岁了。
13. what do you do? (w?t du ju du)你是做啥作业的?
14. i’m a student. (aim ? ?stju?d?nt)我是一个学生。
15. nice to see you again. (nais tu si ju ??ɡen)很高兴再次见到你。
16. goodbye. (ɡ?d?ba?)再会。
17. see you soon. (si ju su?n)再会,很快就见到你。
18. have a good day. (h?v ? ɡ?d de?)祝你今日好意情。
19. take care. (te?k ker)保重。
20. sorry. (?s?ri)对不住。
21. it’s okay. (?ts???ke?)没联络。
22. excuse me. (?ks?kju?z mi?)对不住,打扰一下。
23. can you help me? (k?n ju help mi)能帮帮我吗?
24. of course. (?v k??s)当然。
25. thank you. (?θ??kju?)谢谢你。
26. you’re welcome. (j??r ?welk?m)不必谢。
27. how much is it? (ha? m?t? ?z ?t)这个多少钱?
28. i’d like to buy… (a?d la?k t? ba?…)我想买…
29. where is the restroom? (we?r ?z e? ?r?st?r?nt)洗手间在哪里?
30. can i use your restroom? (k?n a? juz j??r ?r?st?r?nt)我能用你的洗手间吗?
31. what time is it? (w?t ta?m ?z ?t)几点了?
32. it’s… (?ts)如今是…
33. what’s the weather like today? (w?ts e? ?w?e?r ?la?k t??de?)今每气候怎么样?
34. it’s sunny/cloudy/rainy/windy. (?ts ?s?ni/?kla?di/?re?ni/?w?ndi)今日晴天/天阴/下雨天/刮风了。
35. i love/like/hate… (a? l?v/la?k/he?t)我喜爱/不喜爱…
36. do you like it? (du ju la?k ?t)你喜爱这个吗?
37. yes, i do. /no, i don’t. (jes, ai du./n??, ai do?nt.)是的,我喜爱/不,我不喜爱。
38. let’s go. (lets ɡ??)咱们走吧。
39. where are we going? (we?r ɑ? wi ɡ????)咱们去哪里?
40. can you show me the way? (k?n ju ??? mi e? we?)你能告诉我道路吗?
41. i’m hungry/thirsty. (aim h??ɡri/?θ??sti)我饿了/口渴了。
42. what’s your favorite food? (w?ts j??r ?fe?v?r?t fu?d)你最喜爱的食物是啥?
43. i’d like to order… (a?d la?k t? ???d?r)我想要害…
44. cheers! (t???z)干杯!
45. what’s your phone number? (w?ts j??r f??n ?n?mb?r)你的电话号码是多少?
46. can i have your email address? (k?n a? h?v j??r ?i?me?l ??dres)我可以要你的电子邮件地址吗?
47. do you have any questions? (du ju h?v ?en.i kwes.t??nz)你有啥疑问吗?
48. i don’t understand. (a? do?nt ??nd?r?st?nd)我不理解。
49. could you please speak more slowly? (k?d ju pli?z spi?k m?? ?sl??li)你能慢些说话吗?
50. can you explain that again? (k?n ju ?ks?ple?n e?t ??ɡen)你能再说明一次吗?
51. i’m sorry, i don’t know. (aim ?s?ri a? do?nt n??)对不住,我不晓得。
52. what’s the meaning of…? (w?ts e? ?mi?n?? ?v…)…的意义是啥?
53. i’m sorry, i’m late. (aim ?s?ri, aim le?t)对不住,我迟到了。
54. can you lend me some money? (k?n ju lend mi s?m ?m?ni)你能借我一些钱吗?
55. what’s your favorite movie/book? (w?ts j??r ?fe?v?r?t ?mu?vi/b?k)你最喜爱的影片/书是啥?
56. i’m sorry for your loss. (aim ?s?ri f??r j??r l?s)为你的丢掉感到抱愧。
57. congratulations! (k?n?ɡr?t???le???nz)恭喜你!
58. happy birthday! (?h?pi ?b??θ?de?)生日高兴!
59. merry christmas! (?meri ?kr?sm?s)圣诞高兴!
60. happy new year! (?h?pi nu ?j??r)新年高兴!
61. it’s a beautiful day. (?ts ? ?bju?t?f?l de?)今日是个夸姣的一天。
62. i’m tired. (aim ta??d)我累了。
63. what’s your favorite hobby? (w?ts j??r ?fe?v?r?t ?h?bi)你最喜爱的喜爱是啥?
64. have you been to…? (h?v ju b?n tu…)你去过…吗?
65. i’d like to travel to… (a?d la?k t? ?tr?vl tu…)我想去…
66. what’s your favorite country? (w?ts j??r ?fe?v?r?t ?k?ntri)你最喜爱的国家是哪个?
67. what’s your favorite color? (w?ts j??r ?fe?v?r?t ?k?l?)你最喜爱的颜色是啥?
68. what’s your favorite animal? (w?ts j??r ?fe?v?r?t ??n?m?l)你最喜爱的动物是啥?
69. i’m afraid… (aim ??fre?d)我忧虑…
70. what’s your plan for today? (w?ts j??r pl?n f??r t??de?)你今日的方案是啥?
71. can i have a glass of water, please? (k?n a? h?v ? ɡlɑ?s ?v ?w??t? pli?z)我能请你倒一杯水吗?
72. can you recommend a good…? (k?n ju ?rek??mend ? ɡ?d)你能举荐一个好的…吗?
73. what’s your favorite subject? (w?ts j??r ?fe?v?r?t ?s?bd??kt)你最喜爱的类别是啥?
74. what’s your favorite sport? (w?ts j??r ?fe?v?r?t sp??t)你最喜爱的运动是啥?
75. i’m sorry, i can’t make it. (aim ?s?ri, a? k?nt me?k ?t)对不住,我不能来了。
76. what do you want to do today? (w?t du ju w?nt tu du t??de?)你今日想做啥?
77. can you give me some advice? (k?n ju ɡ?v mi s?m ?d?va?s)你能给我一些主张吗?
78. what’s your favorite song? (w?ts j??r ?fe?v?r?t s??)你最喜爱的歌曲是啥?
79. what’s the best way to…? (w?ts e? best we? tu…)…最佳的办法是啥?
80. excuse me, where is the nearest…? (?ks?kju?z mi?, we?r ?z e? ?n??r?st)对不住,迩来的…在哪里?
81. here you are. (h??r j? ɑ?r)给你。
82. can you show me how to…? (k?n ju ??? mi ha? tu…)你能告诉我怎么…吗?
83. what’s your favorite tv show? (w?ts j??r ?fe?v?r?t ti?vi ????)你最喜爱的电视节目是啥?
84. what’s your favorite season? (w?ts j??r ?fe?v?r?t ?si?zn)你最喜爱的时节是啥?
85. i’m scared. (aim ske?d)我惧怕。
86. good morning! (ɡ?d ?m??n??)早上好!
87. good afternoon! (ɡ?d ?ɑ?ft??nu?n)下午好!
88. good evening! (ɡ?d ?i?vn??)晚上好!
89. congratulations on your wedding! (k?n?ɡr?t???le???nz ?n j??r ?w?d??)恭喜你的婚礼!
90. it’s a great idea. (?ts ? ɡre?t a??d??)这是一个好主见。
91. i’m looking for… (aim ?l?k?? f??)我正在找…
92. what’s your favorite drink? (w?ts j??r ?fe?v?r?t dr??k)你最喜爱的饮料是啥?
93. i’m sorry, i’m busy. (aim ?s?ri, aim ?b?zi)对不住,我很忙。
94. that’s a great story. (e?ts ? ɡre?t ?st??ri)这是一个好故事。
95. can you pass me…? (k?n ju p?s mi…)你能给我递过来…吗?
96. what’s your favorite memory? (w?ts j??r ?fe?v?r?t ?mem?ri)你最喜爱的回想是啥?
97. that’s very kind of you. (e?ts ?veri ka?nd
?v ju)你真是太好了。
98. what’s your favorite place? (w?ts j??r ?fe?v?r?t ple?s)你最喜爱的当地是哪里?
99. can i ask you a question? (k?n a? ɑ?sk ju ? ?kwes.t??n)我可以问你一个疑问吗?
100. i’m very happy to meet you. (aim ?veri ?h?pi tu mit ju)很高兴见到你。