


往常英语口语对话材料 往常英语口语对话材料看影片 a i havent been to the movies in ages. a 我好久没看影片了。 b so, lets go see one. what d

id you have in mind b 那咱们去看场影片吧你想看啥样的影片呢 a nothing in particular, really, i am just feeling like taking in a film. a 啥都行,我就是想看场影片算了。 b well, here we have every kind of movie theaters you could ask for; from international and independent films to hollywood blockbusters. b 嗯,在这儿咱们有各品种型的影片院,你想要看啥都有;从世界各国的影片到独立制片都有,也少不了好莱坞的”商业影片。 a oh, where can i find the times and location listings a 这样啊,哪里可以找到影片场次表跟各戏院的方位呢 b just look in the english newspaper; 7-11 carries them. b 去翻翻英文报纸就行啦,在7-11便当店就买得到。 往常英语口语对话材料款待客人 where will you be nest year at this time . what do you want 你想要些啥 . i want a cup of coffee. 我想来杯咖啡。 . what would you like to eat 你想吃些啥 . please give me a piece of pie. 给我来片馅饼。 . which one would you like–this one or that one 你想要哪一个这一个仍是那一个 . it doesnt matter to me. 放任就可以了。 . id like to talk with mr. johns or mr. smith. 我想和约翰先生或史密斯先生说话。 . im sorry, but both of them are busy right now. 很内疚,他们都在忙。 . wouldnt you like some coffee 不想来点咖啡吗 . id rather have some tea, if you dont mind. 假定你不介意的话,请给我来杯茶。 . do you know any of those people 你了解这些人吗 . two or three of them look familiar. 我和其间的两三自个比较熟。 . all of those men are friends of mine. 他们都是我的兄弟。 . which one of those men is mr. taylor 这些人中哪个是泰勒先生 . is he the tall man on the left 在左面的那个高个男人是不是他 【往常英语口语对话材料】
