雅思口语查验,雅思口语水平查验 – 英语考试网(雅思口语评分标准)

雅思口语查验,雅思口语水平查验 – 英语考试网(雅思口语评分标准)


part 1
雅思口语水平查验,1.what made you happy when you were little?
2.is there anything that makes you feel happy lately?
3.what do you think will make you feel happy in the future?
4.do you think happiness is important?
雅思口语考试和书面考试分隔进行,口语考试分为现场对话和视频通话两种方法,关于参加视频通话口语考试的学生而言,具体流程如下:1、考试当天 ①考试当天考生需至少提前30分钟抵达考点签到候考,面试前15分钟截止出场。整个视频通话进程。
1.do you like music?
2.what kinds of music do you like to listen to?
3.do you enjoy the same kind of music with your friend?
4.which singer or musician would you like to see in the concert th

at is going to be held in your city?
small businesses
1.do you know many small businesses?
1.do you like art?
2.have you ever visited an art gallery?
1.do you always bring a lot of keys with you?
3.how can we avoid losing keys?
part 2 & 3
describe a person you have met who you want to work/study with.
you should say:
who this person is
how you met this person
how long you have known him/her
and explain why you want to work/study with him/her
part 3
1.how can we get good colleagues?
2.are good colleagues necessary at work?
3.what kinds of people are popular at work?
4.why should children be kind to their classmates?
describe a technological product you own that you feel difficult to use.
you should say:
what it is
when you got it
how often you use it
and explain how you feel about it
part 3
1.what technology do people currently use?
2.why do big companies introduce new products frequently?

3.why are people so keen on buying iphones even though they haven’t changed much?
4.does the development of technology affect the way we study?
describe something you would like to learn in the future.
you should say:
what it is
how you would like to learn it
and explain whether it’s difficult to learn it

part 3
1.what’s the most popular skill to learn these days?
2.what makes young people choose a major,interest or future income?
describe a time when you made a complaint and you were satisfied with the result.
you should say:
when it happened
who you complained to
what you complained about
and explain why you were satisfied with the result
part 3
1.which one is better when making a complaint,talking or writing?
2.who are more likely to make complaints,old people or young people?
1. listen to yourself 假定你听不到自个的发音疑问,要纠正就很难了。试着把你将的话录下来并和英语为母语人士将的比照一下。应对雅思口语有用。2. slow down 英语学习者常说语速太快简略养成他们的坏习气。因为太快而。
