

01.面试篇—开场白 brief introduction 简介
basic expressions 根柢句型表达
1) may i come in? 我可以进来吗?
2) how are you doing, mrs. smith? 你好,史密斯女士。
3) excuse me. may i see mrs. smith? 对不住,我可以见史密斯女士吗?
4) miss wu? will you come in please? take a seat. 吴小姐,请进,坐下吧。
5) i have come here for an interview by appointment. nice to meet you. 我是应约来面试的,非常高兴见到你。
6) i am coming for an interview as required. 我是应邀来面试的。
7) did you have any difficulty finding our company? 找到咱们公司困难吗?
8) how do you think of the weather today? 你认为今日的气候如何?
02.会话 情境设定(a=applicant i=interviewer)
dialogue 1
a: may i come in?
i: yes, please.
a: how are you doing, madam? my name is wujing. i am coming to your company for an
interview as requested.
i: fine, thank you for coming. mr. wu, please take a seat. i am anne smith, the assistant
a: nice to see you, mrs. smith.
i: nice to meet you, too.
dialogue 2
a: ok, mr. wu. you may come in. i`m anne smith . do please sit down.
i: thank you.
a: your english is fluent.
i: thank you.
a: how do you think of the weather today?
i: i don`t like the weather like this. cold and rainy. hope it become sunny as soon as possible.
dialogue 3
a: excuse me. may i see mrs. smith?
i: its me. what can i do for you?
a: nice to meet you, mrs. smith. i`m coming here for an interview by appointment.
i: are you mr. wu?
a: yes, i am.
i: nice to meet you, too. did you have any difficulty finding our company?
a: not really, i am familiar with this area.
interview 面试
request 需要,需求
as requested 应邀
assistant 助理的,辅佐
as soon as possible 从速
appointment 约会,约好
fluent 流利的,流通的
by appointment 按约好
be familiar with 了解
“i come here for an interview by appointment.” 或许 “i am coming to your company for an interview as requested.”。
“excuse me, please. i wish to apply for the vacancy advertised in the morning newspaper yesterday. has the vacancy been filled?”或许“i was referred to your company by mr.white, your manager.”。
03.自个信息 这儿所讲的自个材料是一个应征者的根柢信息,尽管是一些很简略的疑问,可是根据这些信息,主考官可以初步断定应试者是不是契合他们的需求。
basic expressions 根柢句型表达
1) what is your name,please? 请问,你叫啥名字?
2) can you tell me what your full name is, please? 能把你的全名告诉我吗?
3) how do you spell your full name? 你的全名怎么拼写?
4) you look very young.how old are you? 你看上去很年青,你多大了?
5) i was born on june 22,1990. 我生于1990年6月22日。
7) where are you from? 你是哪里人?
8) where is your native place? 你的客籍是哪里?
9) where do you live now?你如今住哪里?
10) i live at 606 zhongguancun road, apt 802,beijing. 我住在北京市中关村大街606号,802单元。
11) are you married? 你成婚了吗?
12) what kind of character do you think you have? 你认为

13) what kind of person would you like to work with? 你喜爱和啥样的人一同作业呢?
14) -how do you get along with others? 你和别人共处得怎样?
-i get on well with others. 我和别人共处得极好。
15) do you have any particular strengths or weaknesses? 你有啥特另外利益和缺陷吗?
16) how do you spend your spare time? 你的业余时刻怎么度过?
17) what kind of sports do you like most? 你最喜爱啥运动?
18) what are your hobbies? 你的业余喜爱是啥?
04.教育布景 刚出校门的小白,因为尚无实践作业经历,面试者也无从问询“作业”本身的专业性疑问,可是他可以根据由你所读学校、所选修的课程、在课业上的体现、以?渭拥纳缤呕疃确矫妫磁斜鹉闶遣皇蔷哂凶龊谜夥葑饕档那绷τ氩拍堋4鸶凑饫嘁晌剩悄憬小白晕彝葡钡拇蠛没担囟ㄒ煤谜瓶亍?
basic expressions 根柢句型表达
1) what degree will you receive? 你将拿到啥学位?
2) i will receive a bachelor’s degree. 我将获得学士学位。
3) how about your academic records at college? 你大学的成果如何?
4) i have been doing quite well at college. 我在大学时学习极好。
5) my specialization at the university is just in line with the areas your institute deals with.我在大学所学的专业和你们研讨所所触及的规模刚好对口。
6) i was one of the top students in the class. 我是班里最优良的学生之一。
7) which course did you like best? 你最喜爱哪门课程?
景象对话(a=applicant i=interviewer)
dialogue 1
i: which school are you attending?
a: i am attending hebei university of technology.
i: when will you graduate from that university?
a: this coming july.
i: what degree will you receive?
a: i will receive a bachelor`s degree.
i: what is your major?
a: my major is business administration.
i: how have you been getting on with your studies so far?
a: i have been doing quite well at college. according to the academic records i have achieved so far, i am confident that i will get my bachelor of business administration this coming july.
i: how do you think the education you have received will contribute to your work in this
a: i have already learned a lot in the classroom and i hope to be able to make practical use of it in your company. my specialization at the university is just in line with the areas your institute deals with. i am sure i can apply what i have learned to the work in your institute.
dialogue 2
i: which university did you graduate from?
a: i graduated from hebei university.
i: what subject did you major in at university?
a: i majored in economics.
i: tell me about the courses of your major in university.
a: i take more than 50 courses in university, including microeconomics, macroeconomics, marketing principles, sales management, statistics, and so on.
i: how did you get on with your studies in university?
a: i did well in university. i was one of the top students in the class.
i: what subject did you minor in?
a: i didn`t minor in any subject when i was in university, but i attended english and computer courses. and i am currently studying finance in a training school.
dialogue 3
i: have you received any degrees?
a: yes. in 1996 i received my bachelor of science degree from hebei university, and in 2001 i received my mba degree from peking university.
i: how about your academic records at college?
a: in fact my records were excellent. my overall gpa was 9 on a 10 scale, which was the highest in my class.
i: that`s very impressive. which course did you like best?
a: english. it was both interesting and useful, so i showed a great interest in it.
i: can you tell me why you changed your major when you were a graduate student?
a: because i am very interested in administration and i did take some courses in it. i also performed well in the subjects. hence i believe that i can do a good job in this position.
i: did you get any honors and awards at college?
a: yes. i was awarded a scholarship from the university every year. in 1995 i participated in the national contest of maths models and i won the prize.
major 主修课;主修的;主修
degree 学位
bachelor 文理学士
contribute 奉献
minor in 辅修
academic 学术的
impressive 给人深化形象的 honor 荣誉
award 奖赏
scholarship 奖学金
05.自个技能 在面试时,自个技能首要指除了专业之外的、能对你的专业打开有协助的一些技能。或许你有许多技能,也不必逐个列出,最佳只说那些与应聘岗位有关的资历认证或许技能。最杰出的就是外语才能,比方英语水平缓日语水平怎样,以及电脑常识,这些都可以被看作是应聘者的技能。
basic expressions 根柢句型表达
1) how do you think of your english? 你认为你的英语水平如何?
2) how do you think of your proficiency in written and spoken english? 你认为你的书面英语和口语熟练程度如何?
3) i think my english is good enough to communicate with english speaking people. 我认为我能用英语和说英语国家的人极好的交流。
4) what other foreign language do you speak? 你还能说啥其他外语吗?
5) i have a good command of 我通晓……
6) have you obtained any certificate of technical qualifications? 你获得过啥技能证书吗?
7) what special skills do you have, can you tell me? 你能告诉我你有啥特别技能吗?
8) have you gotten any special training in …? 你承受过……方面的特别培训吗?
景象对话(a=applicant i=interviewer)
dialogue 1
i: our advertisement says english competence is a key requirement of this position. then how do you think of your proficiency in written and spoken english?
a: i have learned english for 10 years, and i have passed college english test band 4.
i: what other foreign language do you speak?
a: i did self-study of japanese in college, and i can carry on some simple conversations in japanese.
dialogue 2
i: have you obtained any certificate of technical qualifications or license?
a: yes, i have received an engineer`s qualification certificate and a driver`s license.
i: how many years have you had the driver`s license?
a: i have two years driving experience.
i: that`s good. what special skills do you have, can you tell me?
a: i have experience in computer operation,proficiency in microsoft windows,microsoft word and microsoft excel.
i: what computer languages have you learned?
a: visual c++, c and delphi.
i: have you gotten any special training in programming?
a: no, but i have database programming experience and network knowledge.
proficiency 熟练程度;通晓
fluently 流利地,晓畅地
carry on 进行
qualification 资历
certificate 证书;证明书
license 答应证,执照
programming 编程 datebase 数据库
