青少年英语口语学习 Unit11 Lesson 21 We all have our troubles

青少年英语口语学习 Unit11 Lesson 21 We all have our  troubles

in trouble 处于不幸;困难中
have troubles
set up a building/a meeting 建一座建筑/安排一场会议

(ladies) -gentleman (gentlemen)
straight away/right now /immediately 立刻;马上
go straight and turn right 笔直走然后左转
the week before last/last week/this week/next week 上上周/上周/这周/下周
the day before yesterday/yesterday/today/tomorrow/the day after tomorrow 前天/昨天/今天/明天/后天
go to travel/go for traveling 去旅行
have/take a trip 去旅行(短途旅行)
want to do sth. 想要做某事
want sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事
call sb.-answer my/your/his/her phone 打电话-接我/你/他/她的电话
first thing 一大早;第一件事
meet with sb. 和某人见面
get sb.(宾格) sth.=get sth. to sb. 给某人某物
paris (france) 巴黎(法国)
washington (america) 华盛顿(美国)
at my desk 坐在办公桌前
be sorry for sth. 对某事很抱歉;同情
look forward to (doing) sth. 期望(做)某事
what are you going to do first thing tomorrow? 明天一大早你将做什么?
every morning when i get up, the first thing for me to do is to brush my teeth, then i will wash my face. 每天早上当我醒来时,第一件事就是刷牙,然后我洗脸。
after that ,i will have breakfast. finally, i drive my car to take my son to school. 之后我吃早饭。最后我开车送我儿子去学校。
when are you going to be at your desk? 你将什么时候坐在办公桌前?
what are you looking forward to? 你期望什么?
when does he want to meet you? 他什么时候想要见你?
where did you go last week? 上周你去了哪里?
where was your wife yesterday?

do you want to travel? where do you want to go? 你想旅行吗? 你想去哪里旅行?
we all have our troubles! 家家有本难念的经!
she will stand by me when i am in trouble.每当我有困难的时候,她都会站在我这边。
some people have all the luck. 有些人真幸运。
i want to travel to maldives, but it is too expensive and i can’t afford it. 我想去 马尔代夫旅行,但是太贵了我承受不了这个价格。
you lost your dog? really? oh,i am so sorry to hear that. 你丢了你的狗?真的吗?我非常抱歉听到这个。
i am sorry for you both. both you and your wife have to be at your desk. 我为你们二个感到同情难过。 你和你妻子必须坐在办公桌前。
you were here yesterday. you were here the day before yesterday. 昨天你们二个在这儿,前天也在这里。
and you are going to be here tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow…明天你们还将在这,后天也是。
and next week, and next month. 还有下周,下个月。
i am looking forward to seeing you again. 我期待再见到你。
