中元节英语怎么说 托福词汇趣味学习

中元节英语怎么说 托福词汇趣味学习


中元节用英语怎么翻译?一般翻译为:The ghost festival


Hungry Ghost Festival 中元节(也叫“鬼节”)

The Hungry Ghost Festival is celebrated on the 15th day of the seventhlunar month.


名Hungry Ghost Festival,The 14th and 15th of the seventh lunar month


1.Today is our Ghost Festival , and we worship our ancestors and ghostsfrom the underworld. 今天是我们的中元节, 我们要拜祖先和[好兄弟].

2.There is

Tobm Sweeping Day, the Dragon FestivalGhost Festival, theFestival and New Year. 中国主要节庆有清明节 、 端午节、中元节 、 中秋节和新年.


1 Hungry Ghost Festival

愚人节 April Fool’s Day ·中元节 Hungry Ghost Festival ·EasterDay 复活节(中).

2 ghost festival

Tomb-Sweeping Day清明节, Ghost Festival中元节,AncestorWorship Festival十月朝,又称拜祖节

3 Festival of the Hungry Ghosts

3 .中元节(Festival of The Hungry Ghosts)中国人深信每年农历七月饿鬼们会从鬼门关出来到人世间游荡。为了安抚和娱乐这些孤魂 …

4 Festival of the fifteenth day

端午节Dragon Boat Festival中元节Festival of the fifteenth day卫塞节of the seventhlunar month Health plug.






the Ghost Festival The origin of the Ghost Festival It is said that Ghost Festival was from the legend “Mulian.” When Mulian was ten, he was appointed to be a monk by Kshitigarbha(地藏王). A few years later,

his mother died and was sent to the Hell because she did bad things such as beating monks and wasting food while she was alive. When Mulian knew that his mother was suffering from the punishment of “hanging upside down” in the sixth layer of the Hell, he brought food to his mother. Mulian tried to feed his mother but the food turned into flame whenever it was close to her month. Mulian went to Sakyamuni(释迦牟尼佛) for help. Sakyamuni told Mulian about her mother’s sins and told him that if he wanted to help his mother, he must prepare vegetable foods for all the spirits on the fifteenth day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar. Mulian did it and saved her mother from being a hungry ghost. The seventh month of the lunar calendar is called Ghost Month. On the first day of the seventh month the gates of the Hell are opened and the spirits are allowed a month of freedom in the living world. People prepare all kinds of foods and burn the paper money for the spirits of their ancestors. Businessmen treat the wandering ghost the same for good luck. The three major dates to treat the spirits are on the first, the fifteenth, and the last day of the Ghost Month.






