中学生英语高分学法课程 8年级语法词汇课课程大纲及示例讲义

中学生英语高分学法课程  8年级语法词汇课课程大纲及示例讲义



Unit 1-1 5 Patterns of Sentences 英语五大句型

成千上万的英语句子(sentence)都可归纳为五种基本句子类型(5 patterns of sentences)。

每种句型是由主语(subject)、谓语动词(verb)、宾语(object)、表语(predicative)、宾语补语(object complement)、状语(adverbial)等主要句子成分(the main sentence components),依照谓语动词(verb)的不同语法功能所构成的。





He is a teacher. (is是be动词的一般现在时态,第三人称单数)

His father was a teacher. (was是be过去时态,第三人称单数)

He works in the factory. (一般现在时态,第三人称单数)

He fell off the ladder yesterday. (fall – fell,一般过去时态)

Tom is studying in China. (现在进行时态,第三人称单数)

Mary was elected as monitor. (被动语态,第三人称单数)

We must finish the work today. (情态动词+动词原形)

I wish I would help you tomorrow. (虚拟语气)



句型一:主语(S)+ 不及物 谓语动词(vi.)

句型二:主语(S)+ 系动词(linking-v)+ 表语(P)

句型三:主语(S)+ 完全及物动词(vt.)+ 宾语(O)

句型四:S + 不完全及物动词(vt.)+ O + 宾语补语(OC)

句型五:S + 双宾语动词(vt.)+ 间接宾语(IO)+ 直接宾语(DO)


1、基本句型:S + Vi.


She smiled. The children are playing.

Spring has come. Rivers flow. Money talks.


The students stand up. Tom didn’t get up.

You must give up. I will set out.

2、扩展句型1:S + Vi. + Adv. (状语)

She often smiled strangely.

The river flows at the foot of the hill.

The children played happily in the yard this morning.

Tom dressed up for the party.

3、扩展句型2:S + Vi. + to do (不定式)

We stoped to work. They went on to study.

Tom sit down to rest.

The door opened to let the dog in.

The baby is crying to not be there.

4、扩展句型3:There / Here + Vi. + S

There stands a tree. There will soon stand up a school.

Here comes the bus. Here it comes. Here you are.




be, appear, keep, hold, remain, stand, stay

Your cat is very cute.

Tom appeared interested in the book.

We should remain quiet in the library.

The soldiers stood ready.


become, come, get, go, grow, prove, turn

Tom became a teacher. It’s geting colder and colder.

My health has grown better. The milk on the table went bad.

The tool proves very useful for the work.


look, sound, taste, smell, feel

You look great. That picture looks terrible.

The house looks good.

The idea sounds good. The guitar sounds beautiful.

The dish tasted bad. The hot-pot souds so hot.

The mile smells funny. The flowers smell sweet.

The silk feels good. The face of the table feels rough.



1、基本句型:S + Vt. + O + (Adv. / 状语)

He made a story yesterday. Did you read the story? I got it.

She lost her pen on the bus. You can use my pen.

Tom never remembers to turn off the lights.


bring back, carry out, call up, fill in, find out, give up, put on,

put off, turn on/off, try on, work out, write down

He will bring back the keys. / He will bring the keys back.

Mary put on a pair of sun-glasses.

/ Mary put a pair of sun-glasses on.

Did you try on the dress? / Did you try the dress on?


Don’t forget to turn off the TV. / Don’t forget to turn it off. (it=the TV)

Did you write the word down? / Did you write it down? (it=the word)

She called up Tom. / She called him up. (him=Tom)


care about, come across, call on, get on/off, end up, look after,

look for, listen to, run into, talk about, think about,

look forward to, look down on

I don’t care about what she said. / I don’t care about it.

Tom came across the girl in Chengdu.

/ Tom came across her in Chengdu.

Let’s talk about this lesson. / Let’s talk about it.

Who will look after the children? / Who will look after them?




ask, find, let, see, smell, hear, feel, elect, tell, get, have,

keep, make, imagine, notice, watch, appoint, believe, call,

catch, cause, want, consider, expect, know, think, wish

1、基本句型:S + Vt. + O + OC (补语)

We named our baby Tom. We elected him monitor.

She really drove me mad. I found him a thief.

We wish you a happy life. The news got everyone excited

They called him Red Man. He painted the wall white.

They consider Jim a good student.

She kept me waiting for an hour.

2、不定式作补语:S + Vt. + O + to do (补语)

The teacher asked him to answer the question.

I wish you to stay.

You must allow him to say something.

I prefer him not to do that.

Tom is teaching Susan to sing.

They forced the people to leave.

I expected her to come back soon.

She warned me not to go there.

注意:have, let, make, feel, hear, see, listen

to, look at, notice, watch等动词的宾语补语是不定式(to do)时,to要省略:

He made me laugh. Don’t let him go.

Did you have the nerve say that?

I saw him play football there. She felt something approach.

He noticed a man open the door.

I heard her sing in the classroom.


He was made to drive the car.

The kid was seen to play by the river.



1、基本句型:S + Vt. + IO (间接宾语)+ DO (直接宾语)

I gave him help. Tom sent me a email.

Jim lent him some money.

He bought his son a new bike. I will make my son a toy plane.

2、含“授予”意义的双宾语及物动词: S + Vt. + DO + to + IO

allow, bring, deny, do, give, grant, hand, leave, lend, offer, owe,

pass, pay, permit, promise, read, refuse, restore, sell, send,

show, teach, tell, wish, write

His boss allowed him the salary./His

boss allowed the salary to him.

The bank granted me the money./The bank granted the money to me.

Tom still owes me $500. / Tom still owes $500 to me.

His father promised him the house.

/ His father promised the house to him.

3、含“替人服务/办理”意义的双宾动词:S + Vt. + DO + for + ID

bring, buy, cash, choose, fetch, get, leave, make, order, paint,

play, save, sing, spare

I bought Mary the book. / I bought the book for Mary.

He brought Helen a present. / He brought a present for (to) Helen

Please cash me the check. / Please cash the check for me.

My friend will leave me a seat./My friend will leave a seat for me.

The father made his son the desk.

/ The father made the desk for his son.


Tom made the toy plane.

Tom made his brother the toy plane.

Tom made his brother a soldier.

Tom made good in the stock market.

Grammar & Vocabulary 练习题

Unit 1 5 Patterns of Sentences 英语五大句型(20题)

1. The rain __________.

A. fall B. falls in love C. falls D. is

2. The car __________.

A. breaking down B. is broke C. broke down D. breaking

3. The girl _________ danced happily.

A. wears a skirt B. quickly C. skirt with D. with a ribbon on her skirt

4. Your sister is _________.

A. cute girl B. cute C. cry D. be cute

5. What he has suggested is ________.

A. question B. out the question C. out of the question D. out the question

6. The new movie sounds ________!

A. excite B. excites C. exciting D. excited

7. It ________ like an oven in the hot car.

A. sounded B. looked C. felt D. tasted

8. The man _______ a successful lawyer.

A. comes B. came C. is became D. became

9. The cornstalks(玉米杆) _______ tall in the summer.

A. growing B. grown-up C. grows D. grow

10. The movie scared ________.

A. I B. mine C. me D. my

11. I don’t believe _________.

A. What she saying B. What she said C. she says D. she said

12. When the train reached the last stop, all of the passengers ________ it.

A. get on B. got off C. get off D. got on

13. The mechanic(技师) ________ the car’s engine.

A. took a look at B. take look C. look it D. to take

14. I like ________ very much.

A. they B. its C. she D. him

15. May I ask you a question?

= May I ask a question ______ you?

16. I bought a birthday gift for her.

= I bought _________________________.

17. He borrowed two hundred dollars ______ her.

A. to B. for C. from D. of

18. The news ________ everyone excited.

A. went B. becomes C. got D. became

19. The young man thinks of himself ________.

A. As a leader B. a leader C. got a leader D. leaders

20. Don’t keep _________.

A. She long waiting B. her waiting long

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