商务英语3形考答案及复习题 阅读理解

商务英语3形考答案及复习题  阅读理解

1In business, people have to deal in person with all kinds of people. When talking to people within your company who don’t speak your language, you may have to use English; these people may be colleagues or co-workers – who may work with you in your own department, in another part of the building or in another branch. And you may also have to deal with people from outside the organization: clients, suppliers, visitors and members of the public. Moreover, these people may be friends or strangers – people of your own age, or people who are younger or older than you.

The relationship you have with a person determines the kind of language you use. For example, it’s not appropriate to say ‘Hi, how are you!’ when meeting the Managing Director of a large company or to say’Good morning, it’s a great pleasure to meet you’when being introduced to a person you’ll be working closely with in the same team.

People usually form an impression of you from the way you speak and behave – not just from the way you do your work. People in different countries have different ideas of what sounds friendly, polite or sincere – and of what sounds rude or unfriendly! Good manners in your culture may be considered bad manners in another. Sometimes your body language, gestures and expressions may tell people more about you than the words you use.

1The topic of the passage is __________. C.dealing with people in business

2The language you use when talking with people in business is decided by _________. A.your relationship with the particular person

3People usually form an impression of you from _________. B.your language and manners

4Good manners in your culture may be considered bad manners in another. Good manners in this statement mean ___________. A.to behave politely

5The message of the article is that ________________. Adealing with people successfully in business is not easy

二Three Effective Management Styles

Being an effective manager means knowing when to use the right management style. Some styles, for instance, are more people-oriented, while others tend to focus on a project or product. The management style you select will depend on your people skills and knowledge, available resources (like time and money), desired results, and, of course, the task before you. The common management styles can be summarized into three categories.

The participatory style is the first of its kind. Here, it is critical to give each employee an entire task to complete. If that’s not possible, make sure the individual knows and understands his or her part as it relates to the project or task. When people in your team know where they fit in the big picture, they’re more likely to be motivated to complete the task.

Following that, we have the directing style. Sometimes a situation will call for a direct style of management. Perhaps a tight deadline looms, or the project involves numerous employees and requires a top-down management approach. Here, a manager answers five questions for the employees: What? Where? How? Why? and When? Let employees know what they need to do, how they’re going to do it, and when the questions must be finished.

The last one is the teamwork style. If you want to speed up a project and choose the best process for completing that project, managing by teamwork is the way to go. When you motivate people to pool their knowledge, the results may exceed your expectations. Often, teams can tackle problems more quickly than what you can accomplish on your own. The give-and-takecan create a process that you can repeat in other projects.

1. Being an effective manager lies in knowing the right _____. management style

2. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a focus of different management styles? Customers.

3. Which of the following can’t be inferred from the passage? The management style is likely to change because the manager has been replaced.

4. When people in your team know where they fit in the big picture, they are more likely to be _____ to complete the task. Inspired

5. If you want to speed up a project and choose the best process for completing that project, you can resort to _____. team work


Choose the best item to complete the dialog.

Jenny comes to a bank to open an account. A clerk comes up to help her.

A. Then please just fill in this form with your name and address in capital letters.

B. I’m afraid I didn’t quite catch that.

C. I’d like to open an account.

D. Then you’d better open a current account.

E. We’ll contact you as soon as it comes.

1.Clerk: Good afternoon. Can I help you? C. I’d like to open an account.

Clerk: A deposit account or a current account?

Jenny: Er, I’m not sure. You see, I have monthly remittances sent to me from the Canada Embassy and I’d like to have the money paid into an account.

2 Clerk: D. Then you’d better open a current account. The bank will give you a check book and you can take money out when you need it.

Jenny: Fine. What do I have to do?

Clerk: Do you have any form of ID?

Jenny: Will my passport do?

3 Clerk: Sure. A. Then please just fill in this form with your name and address in capital letters. Jenny: No problem… It’s done.

Clerk: And could you give me your signature here?

4 Jenny: Sorry? B. I’m afraid I didn’t quite catch that. Clerk: Please sign your name in the blank space below.

Jenny: I see. Now here you are.

5 Clerk: Thank you. It will take a few days for your check book to arrive. E. We’ll contact you as soon as it comes. You can inform your embassy of your account number so that your money can be transferred directly.

Jenny: Thank you very much.


Hard sell and soft sell are important business terms and useful strategies for sales staff to know and understand. Both of them can work. The effect depends on the type of customers and the type of products.

A hard sell is a kind of more direct and forceful sales tactics. The sales person just keeps explaining how good the product is, why people should buy it and even how the prices might increase if the consumer walks off.

A soft sell is a different approach. The sales person tries to build trust with consumers. He doesn’t put pressure on them to buy things, just recommending a product and letting the consumers make their own decisions.

An example of soft sell is to distribute free samples to which customers often respond favorably. Businesses can use free samples to build rapport and engage customers in products or services. Recommending products between friends is a little bit like doing soft selling. People don’t really care if someone else buys the product. They are just giving their honest opinions and trying to be helpful.

Humor in advertising is also used to attract the consumer’s attention and get them interested in the products or services. Customers often resist hard sales tactics, thus making soft-selling much more effective for success.

1What’s the topic and main idea of the passage? Selling Strategy – Hard Sell and Soft Sell Strategies

2. Customers often _________ hard sales tactics, thus making soft-selling more effective for success. Resist

3. Examples of soft sell mentioned in the passage include __________.

B. recommending products among friends

4. Making humorous advertisements is one of the approaches companies use to __________. B. arouse people’s interests

5. According to the passage, __________. C. soft sell is preferred by business companies



There are eight traditional functions of marketing:

Buying: A marketer focuses on buyers’ needs and desires in order to decide what products to make available. Understanding buyers’ behavior is of great importance.

Selling: Marketers usually view selling as a persuasive activity that is completed through promotion. Selling includes personal selling, advertising, and other selling methods. It is probably the function of marketing that we most often see in our daily life.

Transporting: Transporting is physically moving the product from the seller to the buyer. Marketers focus on transporting costs and services.

Storing: Like transporting, storing is an aspect of the physical distribution of products. Storing includes warehousing activities. Warehouses hold products for long periods sometimes in order to create time utility.

Grading: Grading involves sorting products according to size and quality. This makes buying and selling easier because it reduces the need for inspection and sampling.

Financing: For many products, such as automobiles, fridges and new homes, the purchase is facilitated when the marketer provides credit that makes the purchasing of the product possible.

Marketing research: Through research, marketers may find out the need for new products and services. By gathering information on a regular basis, they can better plan, carry out and control marketing activities.

Risk taking: It involves bearing the uncertainties that are part of the marketing process. Most marketing decisions result in either success or failure that is associated with risk.

1. It is very important to understand buyers’behavior. T

2. Marketers usually use different selling methods. T

3. Marketers ignore transporting costs and services. F

4. Both transporting and storing are the aspects of the physical distribution of products.T

5. Marketers provide credit that makes the purchasing of automobiles, fridges and new homes possible.T



The Importance of Information in the Supply Chain

Information is important because it provides the facts that supply chain managers use to make decisions. Without information, a manger will not know what customers want, how much inventory is in stock and when more products should be produced and shipped. In short, without information, a manager can only make decisions blindly.

Managers must understand how information is gathered and analyzed. This is where information technology comes into play. Information technology serves as the eyes and ears of management in a supply chain, capturing and delivering the information necessary to make a good decision. For instance, an IT system at a personal computer manufacturer may help a manager analyze the information and recommend an action. The manager can use the remaining chips first, then look at demand forecast, and determine whether to order more chips.

There are four reasons why timely and accurate information has become more important for effective logistics system design and operations. First, customers recognize information about order status, product availability, delivery schedule, and shipment tracking as necessary elements of total customer service. Then, managers realize that information can be used to reduce human resource requirements. What’s more, information increases flexibility with regard to how, when, and where resources may be used to gain strategic advantage. And finally, enhanced information transfer and exchange capability using the Internet is changing relationships between buyers and sellers and refining channel relationships.

1.Information is so important that . B. managers can only make decisions blindly without it

2.Information technology. A. could be used to gather and deliver information to make decisions

3.Information can. C. help to refine channel relationships

4.If you are a manager,

you will use information to . B. help improve customer service

5.The main point of this passage is about. B. the importance of information


No matter how small your business is and what industry you are in, your company has assets. From a computer to a processing plant, every single thing your company owns is an asset.

Assets can be in different forms. Some assets are physical, such as computers, filing cabinets, and delivery vans. Others are legally binding promises, such as accounts receivable, the money owed to your company. Still others seem to exist more on paper, for example, a year’s worth of insurance paid in advance. No matter what form it takes, anything with monetary value that your company owns counts as an asset.

Assets appear on your balance sheet, reporting the key financial

statements at the end of each accounting period. Your assets will be split into different types to make analysis easier. The order in which you list them on the balance sheet typically matches the way they appear in your chart of accounts.

Assets do more than just show up on reports, though. They are the resources your company uses to produce revenue. Your business cannot bring in sales without assets. For product-based businesses, you can’t produce anything without proper assets. It’s true for service companies as well. At least, you have to have cash to pay your expenses and to help get the word out that your company exists. Service companies also need basic tools to provide service to customers: a hair stylist needs a chair, scissors, and styling tools; an accountant needs a computer and a lot of file cabinets. Assets are key

factors for any business.

1. Which of the following is NOT physical asset? B. Accounts receivable.

2. According to the passage, where do the assets appear? A. The balance sheet

3. What do you think an accountant is responsible for? C. An accountant is responsible for bookkeeping.

4. According to the passage, which of the following is INCORRECT? C. Every businesscan bring in sales without assets.

5. What is the passage discussing about? A. Every business has assets.


International trade is the exchange of goods and services between countries. It gives consumers and countries the opportunity to be exposed to goods and services not available in their own countries. Almost every kind of product can be found on the international market: food, clothes, spare parts, oil, jewelry, wine, stocks, currencies and water. Services are also traded: tourism, banking, consulting and transportation. A product that is sold to the global market is an export, and a product that is bought from the global market is an import.

International trade can benefit us a lot. Trading globally allows us to expand our markets for both goods and services that otherwise may not have been available to us. If you walk into a supermarket and are able to buy Indonesian bananas, Brazilian coffee and a bottle of French wine, you are experiencing the effects of international trade.

International trade brings us both advantages and disadvantages. For instance, international trade may also make the world economy easily affected by factors like prices, supply and demand, as well as global events. Political change in Asia, for example, could result in an increase in the cost of labor, thereby increasing the manufacturing costs for an American sneaker company based in Malaysia, which would then result in an increase in the price that you have to pay to buy the tennis shoes at your local mall. A decrease in the cost of labor, on the other hand, would result in you having to pay less for your new shoes.

1. International trade exchanges goods and services between different countries and regions.T

2. Every kind of goods and services can be found on the global market.F

3. A product that is bought from the global market is an export.F

4. International trade may easily affect world economy.T

5. Political change in one country has nothing to do with international trade.F


The marketing mix consists of ‘the four Ps’: providing the customer with the right product at the right price, presented in the most attractive promotion and available in the easiest place. The product is not just an assembled set of components: it is something customers buy to satisfy a need they feel they have. The image and the design of the product are as important as its specifications. Then the product must be priced so that it competes effectively with rival products in the same market. In addition, the product should be presented to customers through advertising (e.g. TV commercials, newspaper advertisements or posters), packing (e.g. design, labels, materials), publicity, public relation and personal selling. Finally, the product must be available to customers through the most cost effective channels of distribution. A consumer product must be offered to end-users in suitable retail outlets, or available on hire purchase or by mail order.

1. The author of the article intends to explain to us what the marketing mix isT

2. Customers’ satisfaction matters greatly to a product.T

3. The price of a product must be exactly the same as rival products in the same market.F

4. To make your product known to the public, advertising is the only consideration you need to take into account.F

5. A product can reach customers, according to the text, through retail outlets, hire purchase, mail order and online sales.F


1. Based on that, we’ll decide whether to run full-page ads. A.以此为基础,我们再决定是否运作整版广告。

2. A sales department consists of many people who are based in different parts of the country or the worldC.销售部由很多工作在全国乃至世界各地的人员组成。

3. I look forward to hearing from you by return. A.期待能得到您的回信。

4. Although successful salespeople often have special talents and an outgoing personality, the skills they employ are used by us all. B.虽然成功人士通常拥有特殊天赋和开朗性格,但是他们运用的技能也被我们所用。

5. Export companies often have a separate export sales force, whose travel and accommodation expenses may be very high. C.出口公司通常拥有专门的出口营销人员,其差旅费可能会很高。



Functions of Logistics

  Logistics is the physical flow process of goods from the point of origin to the point of consumption concerning transportation, warehousing and storage, loading and unloading, goods handling, packing, distribution processing delivery and information management. For example, after a commercial transaction is done, logistics will carry out the transfer of goods from the seller to the buyer for the lowest cost and in the most effective manner. During the transfer process, logistics facilities, equipment (carriers), administration of information and standardization are needed.

  Logistics has three major functions. Firstly, it creates time value. The same goods can be valued differently at different times. Goods are often in stagnation during the transfer process, which is called the storage of logistics. Secondly, it creates location value. The same goods can be valued differently at different locations. The value added during the transfer process is the location value of logistics. Thirdly, it creates distribution processing value. Sometimes the distribution processing changes the packages of the goods. That is, during this stage, it cuts large packages of goods into smaller parts, which creates added value for goods.

1. Logistics is the physical flow process of goods from the seller to the buyer.T

2. Administration of information and standardization are needed during the transfer process.T

3. Storage creates the location value for goods.F

4. The same goods can be valued differently at different times and locations.T

5. Large packages of goods should always be cut into smaller parts to create added value.F

6. The Basics of Import and Export

Importing and exporting is transferring goods from one country to another while paying attention to the laws and requirements of bringing goods out or into that country. If you want to import in large quantities for commercial purposes, you’ll need to have the consent of the local customs department and the right paperwork. Import and export are the basics of international trade. If you are looking forward to starting your own business in the field of importing and exporting business then here are some tips for starters.

  Foreign embassies provide nice programs and a great deal of information about their goods to promote exporting. You can find out exactly what it is you are looking to buy. If you are exporting, you can approach your local department of trade and see what plans they have on offer to promote exports. Besides, you should consult the tax department to find out if there is a particular process to setting up an importing and exporting company and what documentation you will require. It is also necessary that you find out about any licensing requirements for importing and exporting of goods. Some countries do not allow their goods to go to a certain country and vice versa, this is known as an embargo. In this way, you can make sure that there are no embargoes with the country you are looking to trade with.

1. International trade refers to both import and export.T

2. Only after the local customs department agrees, could you start your own business in the field of import and export.T

3. Foreign embassies do nothing to help promote exporting.F

4. If you are exporting, you can turn to no one for help.F

5. Some countries do not allow their goods to go to a certain country.F

6. 阅读下面的文章,根据文章内容判断文章后的句子是正确(T)还是错误(F)。(每题10分)

Learning Business Skills through Junior Achievement

7.   Junior Achievement is an international movement to educate young people about business and economics for the purpose of helping them prepare to succeed in a world economy.11 The organization is the largest of its kind.

8.   Junior Achievement has gone through different stages in its development. 12 It was started by two business leaders, Horace Moses and Theodore Vail, and Senator Murray Crane in 1919 in Springfield, Massachusetts. The organization started with a small number of children aged ten to twelve. For more than 50 years, Junior Achievement programs met after school as a group of business clubs. But in 1975, Junior Achievement began to offer classes during school hours. Many more young people joined the organization once it began to teach business skills as part of the school day. In 2004, Junior Achievement Worldwide was formed.

9.   The Junior Achievement programs teach about businesses, how they are organized, and how products are made and sold.13 The programs also teach about the American and world economies and business operations. Young people can learn how entrepreneurship works by operating their own companies. For instance, the students develop a product and sell shares in their company. They use the money to buy the materials they need to make their product, which they then sell. Finally, they return the profits to the people who bought shares in the company. It is reported that in the United States alone, there are more than 22,000 places that hold Junior Achievement events currently. According to Junior Achievement, about 287,000 volunteers support its programs around the world.

1. This passage is about Junior Achievement,an international movement to educate young people about businesses and economics.T

2. 2. Junior Achievement was started by two business leaders in Massachusetts.F

3. 3. Classes during school hours have been available in Junior Achievement for more than 60 years.F

4. 4. Junior Achievement has been worldwide since 1919F

5. 5. Volunteers of Junior Achievement teach about the American and world economies and business operations.T


1.It is important to clear your cookies after each banking session, especially at a public computer. A. 重要的是在每次银行交易业务结束后,要清除你的上网痕迹,尤其是在公共电脑上。

2. For further information, you can call at the bank’s customer service hotline 12345 to extension 3124, or pay a visit to www.bocusa.com. C. 要了解更多信息,你可以拨打银行客服热线12345转分机3124,或者访问 www.bocusa.com 网站去查询。

3. Online banking refers to banking activities that are carried out over the Internet on a secure website. A. 网上银行是指通过互联网在安全的网站上实现的银行业务活动。

4. Thus you can protect yourself from identity theft. B. 这样,你就可以保护自己,避免身份被盗用。

5. You can inform your bank of your account number so that your money can be transferred directly. A. 你可以把你的账号告知银行,以便你的钱直接转账。


1. After a commercial transaction is done, logistics will carry out the transfer of goods from the seller to the buyer for the lowest cost and in the most effective manner. B. 在完成商业交易后,物流将以最低成本和最有效的方式将商品从卖方运输到买方。

2. Goods are often in stagnation during the transfer process, which is called the storage of logistics. A. 商品在流转过程中往往有处于停滞状态的时候,这被称为物流存储。

3. Sometimes the distribution processing changes the packages of the goods. C. 有时,配送加工会改变商品的包装形态。

4. Information is important because it provides the facts that supply chain managers use to make decisions. B. 信息很重要,因为它提供了供应链管理者用以决策的事实。

5. With the rapid economic growth in China, the logistics industry is expanding greatly. A. 随着中国经济的快速发展,物流行业也极大发展。


  Accounting errors will happen from time to time, but many common accounting mistakes can be avoided with proper planning and preparation. Here are the top seven accounting mistakes that should be paid more attention to.

  1. Not knowing your true cash balance: Due to things like automatic payments and bank charges, money that appears in your cash drawer and your checking account may already be spent.

  2. Mistaking profits for cash: When you have a lot of credit sales, your company can post big profits without seeing any cash.

  3. Paying bills too soon: If your vendors give you thirty days to pay them, take it. Unless you get a discount for paying early, paying your bills only when they’re due improves your company’s cash flow.

  4. Avoiding bookkeeping tasks: Not recording and posting transactions regularly leaves you with a mountain of bookkeeping to deal with in the end.

  5. Paying accidental dividends: Every time a corporation owner takes money out of his business, it counts as a dividend. That can lead to a bigger personal income-tax bill.

  6. Not keeping personal finances separate from business: Mixing up business and personal money can cause bookkeeping and legal problems.

  7. Setting prices too low: Know your costs before you set product or service prices, or you run the risk of losing money on every sale. A simple break-even analysis can help you set prices at a profitable level.

1. Accounting mistakes cannot be avoided.F

2. With a lot of credit sales, your company may have no cash at hand.T

3. It is recommended not to pay bills too soon.T

4. Business money and personal money can be mixed up.F

5. Try your best to know your costs before you set product or service prices.T


1. After a commercial transaction is done, logistics will carry out the transfer of goods from the seller to the buyer for the lowest cost and in the most effective manner. B. 在完成商业交易后,物流将以最低成本和最有效的方式将商品从卖方运输到买方。

2. Goods are often in stagnation during the transfer process, which is called the storage of logistics. A. 商品在流转过程中往往有处于停滞状态的时候,这被称为物流存储。

3. Sometimes the distribution processing changes the packages of the goods. C. 有时,配送加工会改变商品的包装形态。

4. Information is important because it provides the facts that supply chain managers use to make decisions. B. 信息很重要,因为它提供了供应链管理者用以决策的事实。

5. With the rapid economic growth in China, the logistics industry is expanding greatly. A. 随着中国经济的快速发展,物流行业也极大发展。
