


Easier to read

OrCam Read is a lightweight, handheld device with a smart camera that can read text from any digital screen or printed surface.If you constantly read large blocks of textor suffer from reading fatigue or evendyslexia (阅读困难), OrCam Read can help.


阅读障碍,可以试试OrCam Read。这个轻轻的


Users simply point the device at a book page, an ad, a menu or anything elsecontaining text and press a button.The device willinstantly vocalize (发声) text in a natural-sounding voice,either through its tiny speaker or a connected Bluetooth device. OrCam Read also supports text inmultiple languagesand can even operatewithout any internet connection.


Easier to eat

Pasta is a popular food around the world.But sometimes you may find ithard to get pasta onto your fork. It’s also difficult to keep the sauce on your pasta.


Dan Pashman is a foodie from the US. To solve these problems, he createdhis dream pasta, called Cascatelli.It’s a pasta with a half-tube (半筒型)

shape and big ruffles (褶皱).

It looks like the letter “J”. How does this special shape help you eat?Bigger ruffles help it catch sauce. And you can easily get it onto your fork because it’s longer.

Dan Pashman是一位来自美国的美食家。为了解决这些问题,他创造了“梦想中的意面”——Cascatelli——半筒型还带有很大褶皱,吃起来方便不说,酱汁也容易挂上啦~


审核:海 新

终审:张 扬

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