



A: Hi, Sarah. Have you heard about the recent air pollution problem in our city?

B: Yes, it’s really serious. The smog makes it hard to breathe.

A: I’ve read that air pollution is not only harmful to our health but also contributes to global warming.

B: That’s true. We should do something to reduce the emissions of pollutants.

A: Absolutely. One way we can help is by using public transportation instead of driving cars.

B: Yes, it will not only reduce air pollution but also save energy and reduce traffic congestion.

A: Another important issue is water pollution. Have you seen the news about the polluted rivers?

B: Yes, it’s heartbreaking to see marine life suffering because of our actions.

A: We can make a difference by reducing our use of single-use plastic and properly disposing of waste.

B: Right. Recycling and reusing are also effective ways to reduce the amount of waste going into landfills.

A: Besides air and water pollution, deforestation is another major concern. It leads to the loss of precious habitats.

B: I’ve heard that planting trees can help restore the balance. We should encourage more tree-planting activities.

A: Absolutely. Preserving biodiversity is crucial for the sustainability of our planet.

B: We should also raise awareness about the importance of environmental protection through educa

tion and campaigns.

A: Yes, teaching children about the environment and the impact of their actions will create a better future.

B: I agree. It’s essential for everyone to take responsibility for protecting our environment.

A: Definitely. We should strive to live in harmony with nature and leave a clean and healthy planet for future generations.

