职场英语故事杂谈 我离开学术界走向Google的9个原因

职场英语故事杂谈  我离开学术界走向Google的9个原因

terran lane教授,普渡大学博士、麻省理工学院(mit)人工智能实验室博士后,2002年起就职于新墨西哥大学,2

008年升任该校终身副教授,2012年辞职转投谷歌公司。作者辞去新墨西哥大学的职务,但是新墨西哥大学的网站还保留着这篇文章。terran lane教授在离职前写了一篇文章《我离开学术界走向google的原因》,使他震惊欧美学界。

as almost everybody knows at this point, i have resigned my position at the university of new mexico. effective this july, i am working for google, in their cambridge (ma) offices.


countless people, from my friends to my (former) dean have asked “why? why give up an excellent [some say ‘cushy’] tenured faculty position for the grind of corporate life?”


honestly, the reasons are myriad and complex, and some of them are purely personal. but i wanted to lay out some of them that speak to larger trends at unm, in new mexico, in academia, and in the us in general. i haven’t

made this move lightly, and i think it’s an important cautionary note to make: the factors that have made academia less appealing to me recently will also impact other professors. i’m concerned that the us — one of the innovation powerhouses of the world — will hurt its own future considerably if we continue to make educational professions unappealing.


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