



首先,让我用英文感谢我们的外教老师。Dear foreign teachers, thank you for your dedication and patience in teaching us English. Your passion for the language and knowledge has inspired us to constantly strive for improvement. We are grateful for the various teaching methods you adopted, making the learning process both enjoyable and effective. Without your guidance, we wouldn’t have gained the confidence to communicate in English.

Not only have you taught us English, but you have also introduced us to foreign cultures and customs. Through your fascinating stories and engaging classroom activities, we have not only expanded our vocabulary but also deepened our understanding of the

world. We appreciate your efforts in organizing cultural events and encouraging us to participate. These experiences have broadened our horizons and made us more open-minded. We now appreciate the beauty of diversity and the value of cultural exchange.

Your dedication and commitment to teaching have left a lasting impact on us. We have learned not only the language but also important life skills. Your constant encouragement and support have instilled in us a sense of self-belief and determination. We have become more confident in expressing ourselves and facing challenges. Your belief in our potential has motivated us to work harder and strive for excellence not only in English but also in other areas of our lives.

Moreover, we are thankful for creating a warm and welcoming learning environment. Your friendliness and approachability have made us feel comfortable and encouraged us to actively participate in class. Your willingness to listen to our thoughts and opinions has empowered us to express ourselves freely. We treasure the connections and friendships that we have formed with you, even though we come from different cultural backgrounds. The memories we have made together will always hold a special place in our hearts.

Last but not least, we would like to express our sincere gratitude for your continuous support and guidance, even outside the classroom. You have always been there to answer our questions and provide additional resources for us to improve our language skills. Your dedication to our growth and success is truly commendable and inspiring.

In conclusion, dear foreign teachers, we are grateful and appreciative of your impact on our lives. You have not only taught us English but also shaped us into more globally-minded individuals. Thank you for your dedication, passion, and commitment to our education. We will forever cherish the valuable lessons and memories we have shared.
