


1.点菜(Ordering food)


A: Good evening! How many people are there in your party?
B: Hi! Just two of us.
A: Would you like a table by the window or in the middle?
B: We prefer a table by the window, please.
A: Here is the menu. Have you decided what to order?
B: Yes, we would like the fish and chips, a Caesar salad, and two glasses of lemonade.
A: Okay. I will bring it to you shortly. Enjoy your meal!

2. 询问和建议(Inquiring and suggesting)


A: Excuse me, could you tell me what the Chef’s Special is?
B: Of course! Today’s Chef’s Special is grilled salmon with mashed potatoes and steamed vegetables.
A: That sounds delicious. I’ll have that.
B: Great choice! Anything else I can help you with?
A: Do you have any recommendations for appetizers?
B: Yes, our popular choices are the garlic bread and shrimp cocktail.
A: I’ll have the shrimp cocktail then. Thank you for your suggestions.

3. 收拾餐桌(Setting the table)


A: Can you help me set the table for dinner, please?
B: Of course. How many people are we expecting?
A: Just our family, so five places.
B: Alright. I’ll get the plates, glasses, and silverware.
A: I’ll arrange the napkins and the centerpiece. Should I also fill the water glasses?
B: Yes, please. Thank you for helping me.

4. 餐后感谢(Expressing gratitude)


A: Thank you for preparing such a delicious meal. Eve

rything tasted great!
B: You’re welcome. I’m glad you enjoyed it. It was my pleasure.
A: The dessert was especially amazing. Did you make it yourself?
B: Yes, I did. I’m glad you liked it.
A: You are such a talented cook. Thank you again for the wonderful meal.

