









在用英语的表达中,我要说一句:Dear Teacher Li, hello! Thank you for your guidance and care.


I thank you again for your teachings and support. Your dedication and patience have influenced me greatly. I am willing to put in more effort and strive for progress because of you.

Dear Teacher Li, you have been not only a teacher but also a guide and mentor to me. I am grateful for your personal care and guidance. In times of difficulty, you have always encouraged me and helped me find the right path. Your confidence in me and selflessness have helped me overcome my shortcomings and achieve personal growth and progress.

Furthermore, I want to express my gratitude for the opportunities and platforms you have provided me. You have always encouraged us to actively participate in various learning and practical activities, giving us a stage to showcase ourselves. It is these opportunities and platforms that have motivated me to challenge myself and surpass my limitations, giving me a sense of accomplishment and pride.

Additionally, I want to thank you for your guidance in English learning. You always use engaging teaching methods and diverse materials to make English learning interesting and enjoyable. You have not only imparted knowledge but also cultivated our reading, writing, and oral communication skills. These are invaluable treasures that will accompany us throughout our lives.

Finally, I sincerely hope that you remain healthy and happy as always. You are our guiding light and an important part of our lives. My growth is inseparable from your education and companionship. I always carry a grateful heart and constantly think of you.

In expressing myself in English, I want to say: Dear Teacher Li, hello! Thank you for your guidance and care.
