


vip专享文档 2010-08-12 5页 用app免费查看





1.it’s up to you.由你决定。


*it’s up to your to carry out the plan由你实行那个计划。

*it’s up to us to help those in need.我们有责任帮助那些有困难的人。

【特别解释】up在这里是”应由…负责,由…决定”的意思,当我们想授权某人做某事时,我们就可以用up to 这个词。

2.i envy you.我羡慕你。


*she envied john for his success.她嫉妒约翰的成功。

*i envy you your health.我羡慕你健康的身体。


3.how can i get in touch with you? how can i contact / reach you?



*please contact me when you come home.你回到家时请跟我联系。

*i must contact my lawyer before i make my final decision.


*newspapers keep us in contact with the events of the world.


4.where can i wash my hands?请问洗手间在哪里?

*i wash my hands of you and all your wild ideas!


5.what’s the weather like today?今天天气如何?


*what’s it like, being an actor?当演员是什么滋味?

【意外收获】what’s something like?(…是怎么样的?),当你想让某人对某事/某物/某人作出描述或说明时,请应用这个最地道的表达方式。

6. where are you headed[朝…方向行进]?你要到哪里去?


*he realized that he was heading in the wrong direction.他意识到走错了方向.

*we headed out to school.我们出发去学校。

7.i wasn’t born yesterday.我又不是三岁小孩。

8.what do you do for relaxation[消遣,娱乐]?你做什么消遣?


*it’s one of his favorite relaxations.这是他最喜欢的消遣之一。

*it’s so necessary for you to have some rest and relaxation?


9.it’s a small world.这世界真小。


*the whole world knows that.那个事人人皆知/谁都知道。

*he is a big figure in the business world.他在商界是一位很有威望的人。

10.it’s my treat[请客,款待] this time.这次我请客。


*it’s her birthday and she wants to give us all a treat.


*this is to be my treat, so i’ll pay for everything.


11.the sooner the better.愈快愈好!

12.when is the most convenient [方便的,便利的] time for you?何时最方便。


*his house is in a convenient place, near the station.


*is it convenient to you if i come at 6 p.m.?如果我下午6点来拜访你,你方便吗?

13.take you time.慢慢来,别着急。


*how long will it take you to finish the work?你要花多长时间才能完成那项工作?

*it took me an hour to walk there.走到那里花了我一个小时。

14.i’m crazy about bruce lee.我迷死李小龙了。

i’m crazy about rock music.我对摇滚乐很着迷。


*the girls all went crazy over him.姑娘们都为他神魂颠倒。

*the boys are crazy about the singer.那些男孩疯狂迷上了那个歌手。

15.what should i call you?我怎么称呼你?


*he always called me as “my friend”.他总是以“我的朋友”称呼我。

*he was always called as “genius”.他总被人们称为“天才”。

16.what was your name again?请再说一次名字好吗?

17.would you care for [喜欢] a cup of coffee?要杯咖啡吗?


*he didn’t care for the taste of the drink.他不喜欢这饮料的味道。

*i really care for the students in my class.我真喜欢我班上的学生。

18.she turns me off[使厌烦,使失去兴趣].她使我厌恶。


*the music turns me off.这种音乐让我腻烦。

*i turned off when they started talking about computers.


19.so far so good.到目前为止都好


* so far i have been learning about china.


*i’ve been here for three weeks, and so far i’ve enjoyed it.


20.it drives[逼迫,迫使] me crazy.它使我疯了。


* continual failure drove him to suicide.不断的失败逼得他自杀。

*the failure drove him into despair.这次失败使他绝望。

*poverty and hunger drove them to steal.贫穷和饥饿迫使他们偷窃。

*anger drove her mad.她气得快发疯了。

*drive sb. crazy / to insanity / out of his mind



21.she never showed up[出席,露面].她一直没有出现。


* did everyone you invited show up?你邀请的人都来了吗?

*it was eleven o’clock when he finally showed up.


22.that’s not like him.那不象是他的风格。

23.i couldn’t get through.电话打不通。


* i tried calling you several times yesterday but i couldn’t get through (to you).昨天我给你打了几次电话,可是都没有打通。

*i tried to telephone you but i couldn’t get through.


24.i got sick and tired of hotels.我讨厌旅馆。


*i’m sick and tired of your complaints; be quiet.


*i’m sick and tired of my monotonous life.我对自己的单调生活感到厌倦。

25.be my guest.请便/别客气。

26.can you keep an eye on[注意,留心察看] my bag?


* can you keep an eye on the baby while i go shopping?


27.let’s keep in touch.让我们保持联系。


* are you in touch with him now?你现在和他有联系吗?

*he is now out of touch with his old friends.


*i try to keep in touch with current events by reading the newspapers.


28.let’s call it a day.我们今天到此为止。

【额外成就感】call it a day:决定暂时或永久停止

* after forty years teaching english he thinks it’s time to call it a day.


29.i couldn’t help it.我没办法。


*we couldn’t help the accident.我们未能防止事故发生。

*don’t make it any worse than you can help.尽量不要把事情弄得更糟。

30.something’s come up[发生,出现].有点事。


*i’ll let you know if anything comes up.如果发生了任何事,我会让你知道。

*a chance may come up soon.一个机会可能会很快出现。

31.let’s get to the point[要点,核心].让我们来谈点要点。


*i’m in a hurry, so get to the point.我的时间很紧,因此请扼要的谈一下关键问题.

*the speaker kept wandering off / away from the point.


*let’s stop discussing trivial details and come / get to the point.


32.keep that in mind.记住那件事。


*we have no vacancies now, but we’ll certainly bear your application in mind.我们目前没有空缺,但是我们一定记住你申请的事。【拒绝套话之一】

*are you clear in your own mind what you ought to do.


*it’ll soon go out of mind.这件事很快会被忘记。

33.that was a close call.太危险了/千钧一发。


*that was a close call ! we nearly hit that car.


34.i’ll be looking forward to it.我将期待这一天。


* we are looking forward to our vacation.我们盼望着假期的到来。

*i look forward to receiving your reply.我期待着得到你的答复。

35.chances are slim[渺茫的,微小的].机会很小。


* their chances of winning are slim.他们取胜的机会很渺茫。

36.far from it.一点也不。


*far from being angry. he’s delighted.他一点也不生气,还很高兴。

*the problem is far from easy.这问题绝非易事。

*your account is far from true/ the truth.你说的根本不是事实。

37.i’m behind in my work.我工作进路落后了。


*he’s behind the rest of the class in reading.他在阅读方面不如班上的其他同学.

*britain is behind japan in developing modern technology.


38.it’s a pain in the neck.那真是麻烦/棘手的事。


*she’s such a pain in the neck.她是个如此讨厌的人。

*it’s a pain in the neck having to meet them at the airport.


39.we’re in the same boat[处于同样的境地,通常指不幸].我们的处境相同。


*we are in the same boat; we both failed the exam.我们都一样,考试都没及格.

*if you lose your job i’ll lose mine, so we’re in the same boat.


40.my mouth is watering.我在流口水了。


*the sight of the food made my mouth water.看见食物,我就垂涎欲滴。

41.what do you recommend[推荐]?


*he recommended me for the post of principal.他举荐我担任校长。

*i can recommend their pizza.那家店的比萨饼值得推荐。

42.i ache all over[到处].我全身酸痛。


*the news spread all over the world.这消息传遍全世界。

43.i have a runny nose.我流鼻涕。

44.it’s out of the question[不可能,不值得考虑的].这是不可能的。


*she knew that a vocation this year was out of the question.


45.do you have any openings?你们有空缺吗?

46.it doesn’t make any difference.没什么差别/无所谓。


*flowers make no / a lot of difference to a room.


*it doesn’t make much / any / the least difference to me what you do.


*when you’re learning to drive, having a good teacher makes all the difference.初学驾驶如有好的教师指导,差别很大。

*a hot bath makes all the difference in the morning.


47.i’m fed up[极其厌倦] with him.我受够他了。


*i won’t wait any longer – i’m fed up.我腻了,不想再等了。

*she is very fed up about it.她对此非常不满。

48.you can count on[指望,依靠] us.


*you can’t count on tom being punctual.你不要指望汤姆会守时。

*she counted on us to help her.她指望我们帮助她。

49.it doesn’t work.坏了/不动了。


*i don’t know how to work the machine.我不懂得怎样使用这台机器。

*i think the teacher works us too hard.我觉得老师害得我们太苦了。

*don’t work your employees to death.别把你的雇员都累死。

50.it’s better than nothing.总比什么都没有好。


*there’s nothing like a cup of tea when you’re thirsty.


*nothing gives me more pleasure than learning english.


*there’s nothing interesting in the newspaper.报纸上没有什么有趣的新闻。

51.think nothing of it.别挂在心上。

52.i’m not myself today.我今天心神不宁。

53.i have a sweet tooth.我喜欢吃甜食。

54.i can’t express[表示,表达]myself very well in english.



*express your ideas clearly to me.把你的构想向我说清楚。

*i can’t express how happy i am that you have come.


55.for the time being.暂时,暂且,目前。


*this will do for the time being.暂时这样就行了。

*you’ll have your own office soon but for the time being you’ll have to share one.你很快就有自己的办公室了,不过暂时还得和别人合用一间。


*i’ll let you keep the book for the time being, but i’ll want it back next week.


56.this milk has gone bad.这牛奶变质了。


*this is a very bad performance.这是一次非常糟糕的演出。

*the recent rain has had a bad effect on the crops.


*he came at a bad time.他来的不是时候。

*bad habits are easily formed.坏习惯容易养成。

57.don’t beat around the bush.别拐弯抹角/兜圈子。


*tell me the truth, don’t beat around the bush.实话告诉我,别兜圈子。

*stop beating around the bush and tell me who won.


58.it’s up in the air[悬而未决].尚未确定。


*change is in the air.人们感觉到即将发生变革。

*the question hung in the air.这个问题仍悬而未决。

59.math is beyond me.我对数字无能为力。


*what you said is beyond me.你说的话我无法理解/我不明白你在说什么。

*he has gone far beyond me in learning.他在学问上超过我。

*how people design computer games is beyond me.


60.it slipped my mind.我忘了。


*her name has slipped from my mind.我想不起她的名字。

*i’m sorry i forgot your birthday; it completely slipped my mind.


61.you can’t please[使某人感到满意或愉快] everyone.


*our main aim is to please the customers.我们的目的是让顾客满意。

*he’s a very hard / difficult man to please.他是一个很难讨好的人。

62.i’m working on it.我正在努力。


*he is working on a book about the vietnam war.他在写一本关于越战的书。

63.you bet !当然。

64. i can’t come up with it.我做不到/我想不出来。


*just a short line to say thanks.只言片语聊表谢意!

65.are you pulling my leg?你在开我玩笑吧?


*don’t take any notice of what he says-he’s pulling your leg.


66.sooner or later.迟早会的。

67.i’ll keep my ears open.我会留意的。

68.it isn’t much.那是微不足道的。

69.neck and neck.不分上下。


*the two contestants are neck and neck with 20 points each.


70.i’m feeling under the weather.我觉得不舒服/精神不好/情绪低落。


*she’s been a bit under the weather recently.她近来身体不大好。

71.don’t get me wrong.不要误会我。


*please don’t get me wrong. i’m not criticizing you.请不要误解我,我不是批评你.

72.i’m under a lot of pressure.我压力很大。


*the city is under financial pressure.本市正遭遇财政困难。

*we put pressure on the government to change this law.


*the pressure of work was too great for him.工作压力使他承受不了。

73.you’re the boss.你是老板,一切听你的。


*she is the boss in the house.她掌握家里的实权/她是一家之主。

74.it doesn’t make any sense.毫无意义。【无录音】

75.if i were in your shoes.如果我是你的话。【无录音】

76.what’s this regarding?这是关于哪方面的。


*in regard to your request, no decision has been made.


*in that regard, at least, we agree.至少,在这个问题上我们是一致的。

77.over my dead body!休想!


*i told him that if he tried to remove the fence it would be over my dead body.我告诉他,除非我死了,他休想拆掉这道篱笆。

*you’ll come into this house over my dead body.


78.can you give me a hand?你能帮个忙吗?


*we are short of hands now.我们现在人手不足。

*many hands make light work.人多好做活。

79.we have thirty minutes to kill.我们有三十分钟的空闲时间。


*i usually read a book to kill time.我通常以阅读消磨时间。

*while waiting for the train i killed time by reading a book.


80.whatever you say.随便你。

81.it’ll come to me.我会想起来的。


*a good idea came into my mind / came to me.我想到一个号主意。

*i am ready for whatever comes.无论发生什么事,我都有准备。

82.you name it.你说出来。


*how much will you sell me this for?—name your own price.


83.if i were in your shoes.如果我是你的话。


*i’m glad i’m not in his shoes!我很高兴我不是处在他的境遇。

*you’ll never be able to fill your father’s shoes.你永远 接替不了你父亲的工作。

*will anyone be able to fill her shoes now that she’s left the company?


84.i’ll play it by ear[见机行事,临时现做].随兴之所致/到时候再说。


*i’ve had no time to prepare for this meeting, so i’ll have to play it by ear.


*i have no idea what they’re going to say, so i’ll have to play it by ear.


85.you should take advantage of [利用]it.


*we took advantage of the fine weather to go and went on a hike.


*jean’s mother warned her that men would try to take advantage of her.


86.let’s talk over coffee.边喝边聊。

87.take it easy.轻松一点,别紧张,放松放松,再见。

88.i’m easy to please.我很容易取悦/很好相处。


*he always tries to please everybody.他常想讨每一个人喜欢。

*his words please her.他的话使她高兴。

*he is hard to please.他是难以取悦的。

89.let’s give him a big hand.让我们热烈鼓掌。

90.as far as i’m concerned.就我而言。


*as far as i’m concerned, you can stay out all night.


*as far as i’m concerned, you can do what you like.就我而言,你可以自便。

91.i’m all mixed up[把…弄糊涂,弄混].我全搞混了。


*i’m sorry i’m late; i got mixed up about your address.


*you’re always mixing me up with my twin sister!


92.let’s get together one of these days.找一天聚聚。

93.he’s behind [(表示时间)后于,晚于,迟于] the times.


*his working is behind schedule.他的工作比预定的进度落后了。

*his thinking is behind the times.他的想法赶不上时代。

94.i’m pressed for [因为…缺乏而受困] time.


*i’m pressed for money.我苦于没钱。

*please hurry-we’re a bit pressed for time.请快点-我们时间不多了。

*i’m very pressed for cash at the moment-can i pay you next week?


95.i’m up to my ears[忙得不可开交,深陷于某事物中] in work.



*he is up to his ears in debt.他债台高筑。

*just lately i’ve caught up to my works. you’ve no ideas how much work there is.最近以来我忙极了,你想象不到工作量有多大。

96.you can’t do this to me.你不能这样对我。

97.just to be on the safe side.为了安全起见。

98.i hope i didn’t offend you.希望没惹你生气。


*he apologized for having offended her visitors.他因为冒犯她的客人而向她道歉.

*he is easily offended.他容易生气。

99.it won’t take much time.不会花很多时间的。


*that work will take three hours.完成那项工作需要三个小时。

*the homework took me a whole day.做家庭作业花了我一整天的时间。

*it takes courage to do so.好久不见了。

100.it’s been a long time.好久不见了。

101.it’s nothing.小事情/不足挂齿。

102.it’s a long story.真是一言难尽。


*i can’t believe his story.我无法相信他的说法。

*let me tell you the story of my experience.让我告诉你们我的亲身经历吧。

103.it’s about time.时间差不多了吧/是时候了。


*it’s about time to get up.差不多该起床了。

*i’m about ready.我差不多准备好了。

104.it’s incredible.难以置信。


*it is incredible that he should have gone to live in such a dangerous country.他竟然搬到那样危险的国家去住,实在令人无法相信。

*it’s an incredible story to me.这对我来说是一个无法相信的传闻。

105.it’s hard to [对…很困难] say.很难说。


*this problem is hard to solve.(it’s hard to solve this problem.)


*she is hard to please.她很难取悦。

106.i can’t imagine why.我想不通为什么。


*can you imagine what it would be like to live without electricity?


*i can’t imagine that anyone cares about what i do.


*would you ever have imagined him / his becoming a politician?


107.that can’t be.不可能的。

108.that’s really something.真了不起。


*he is something.他是重要人物。

*there is something in what she said.她说的话里有些重要内容。

109.are you sure?你肯定吗?


*if you’re not sure how to do it, ask me.假如你拿不准怎么样,就来问我好了。

*can i be sure of a profit if i invest?我要是投资,肯定能获利吗?

*you’re sure of passing the exam if you work hard.只要用功,就一定能考及格.

110.are you crazy?你疯了吗?


*that noise is driving me crazy / making me go crazy.那嗓声吵得我要发狂。

*you must be crazy to go walking in such awful weather.


111.excuse me for a moment.失陪一下。

112.i mean it.我不是开玩笑的

i’m serious. i’m not kidding.我是严肃的,我不是在开玩笑。


*what does she mean by canceling her performance?


*he means (to cause) trouble.他存心捣蛋。

*i wasn’t serious, i meant it as a joke.我并非有意,我只是开个玩笑而已。

113.i’ll consider the matter.我会考虑这件事。


*i considered changing my job, but in the end i decided not to.


*i want you to consider all pros and cons.


*if you consider (the fact) that she’s only been studying english a year, she speaks it very well.如果你考虑到她刚学了一年英语,她英语说得就算不错了。

114.i’ll do something about it.我会想办法的。

115.what are you talking about?你在说些什么?

116.i’m afraid i can’t.我恐怕不行。


*i am afraid you don’t see my point.恐怕你没有明白我的意思。

*i’m afraid there’s some sort of misunderstanding.这恐怕有一些误会。

*knowing what he is capable of, you have every right to be afraid.


117.i’m dying to see you.我真想见你。


*i’ll dying for a drink。我很想喝一杯。

118.i’m flattered.你过奖了。


*she was flattered at the invitation.她受到邀请,不胜荣幸。

*she was flattered by their praise.他们的称赞使她受宠若惊。

119.i’m not in the mood.我没有心情。


*are you in the mood to listen to music?你有兴致听音乐吗?

*i like to go to the movies when i feel in the mood for it.


120.i’m so scared.我很怕。


*you’ll scare the baby if you shout.你若大声喊叫,会吓着婴儿的。

*you scared me!你使我吓了一跳。

121.i can’t make it.我去不了/我赶不上。


*we made new york after dark.我们在天黑后到达纽约。

*can we make the 5:30 train?我们能赶上5:30的火车吗?

122.you can never tell.不知道/谁也没把握。


*you can’t tell anybody by what they seem.你不能凭外表判断人。

*i can’t tell what will happen.我可说不出将来会发生什么。

123.i won’t buy your story.我不相信你这一套。


*the police will never buy that story.警方绝不会相信这个说法。

*the refused to buy that explanation.他们拒绝接受那样的解释。

124.it hurts like hell[拼命地,猛烈地].疼死了!

it must have hurt like hell.一定是疼痛难忍。


*he ran like hell.他拼命跑。

*my tooth hurts like hell.我牙疼得要命。

125.it can’t be helped.无能为力/只能接受。

126.sorry to bother you.很抱歉打扰你。[事前]

sorry to have bothered you.很抱歉打扰你。[事后]


*he comes bothering me day after day.他每天都跑来打扰我。

*i try to be punctual in getting dinner on the table.


128.you may leave[托付给…;委托;把…交给] it to me.交给我来办。


*you can leave the cooking to me.做饭的事你尽可以交给我。

129.i with i could.不行【客气表达法】


*how i with the vacation would last longer!如果假期一长一点那该多好。

*i with you to be more careful.我希望你更谨慎。

130.what’s the rush[急忙,赶紧]?


*she was always in a rush.她总是很匆忙。

*i don’t like the rush of the city.我不喜欢纷繁忙碌的城市生活。

131.what’s so funny?有什么好笑的。


*he is a very funny man.他是一个很有趣的人。

*i heard such a funny story this morning.今天早上我听到意见十分有趣的事。

*i don’t think that’s at all funny.我觉得那件事一点也不好笑。

132.i couldn’t agree more.我完全同意。

133.stay out of this matter, please.请别管这件事。


*that is a serious matter.都是件严重的事。

*he is not interested in money matters.他对金钱问题不感兴趣。

*he doesn’t like to talk about political matters.他不喜欢谈政治的事情。

*it is a matter of life and death to me.那对我是生死交关的问题。

134.don’t just shake your head.别只是摇头,想想办法!

135.don’t jump to conclusions.别仓促/过早下结论。


*i don’t like the conclusion of the play.我不喜欢这出戏的结局。

*i came to the conclusion that he’d been lying.我看他是在说谎。

136.that was a lousy[糟糕的,蹩脚的] movie.那电影真是糟透了。


*his health has been lousy.他的健康状况近来很糟。

*he tried to sell me his lousy radio.他想把他那台破收音机卖给我。

137.have you thought about staying home?是否考虑在家呆着。

138.i’ll come. i give you my word.我向你保证。


*he gave her his word that he would never be late again.


*i give you my word for it.对于此事我向你保证。

139.i swear[发誓] i’ll never tell anyone.我发誓不告诉任何人。


*i could swear i’ve been here before.我敢发誓我曾经来过这儿。

*when are you going to swear off cigarettes?你打算什么时候发誓戒烟?

*do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?


140.i’ll make it up [补偿,弥补] to you.我会赔偿的。


*i’ll make up the money to the amount you need.我会补足这笔款子。

*we’re working fast to try and make up for lost time.


141.i’m very/really/terribly/awfully/extremely sorry.十分抱歉。

142.forgive me for breaking[违反] my promise.原谅我食言。


*don’t break the rules.不要违规。

*it’s wrong to break the law.犯法是不对的。

143.let’s forgive and forget!摒弃前嫌忘记旧恶。

145.don’t underestimate[低估,估价不足] me.不要低估我。


*don’t underestimate the difficulties of the work.不要低估了这项工作的艰巨性.

*i underestimated the cost of the journey.我对旅费估计不足。

146.she gives me a headache.她让我头痛。

147.it’s very annoying.那真烦人。


*how annoying!真讨厌!

*the hour’s delay was most annoying.这时候耽误是最令人烦恼的。

148.he often fails to keep his word.他常常不能遵守诺言。


*he is a man of his word.他是守信的人。

*he never breaks his word.他决不食言。

149.you made me feel ashamed of myself.你让我觉得惭愧。


*her husband felt ashamed at/of her behavior.她丈夫为她的行为感到羞愧。

*i’m ashamed for you.我为你感到害臊。

150.i hope it turns out [结果是] all right.我希望结果很好。


*the news turned out to be false.那个消息后来证明是假的。

*how did your party turn out last night?你们昨晚的聚会结果怎么样?

151.i can’t handle this alone.我无法单独处理这件事。


*who can best handle the problem?谁能将那问题处


*he is very hard to handle.他很难应付。

152.how lone will it take to have this radio fixed?修理要多久?

153.come to me if you are in any difficulty.有困难来找我。


*i have great difficulty in understanding him.我觉得很难理解他。

*i did it without much difficulty.我没费多少劲就完成了哪像工作。

*he is in difficulty in his business.他在事业上遇到困难了。

154.who do you think you are?你以为你是谁?

155.you’re wasting your breath.你在白费口舌。


*they won’t listen, so don’t waste your breath telling them.


156.it doesn’t seem like that.不象是那样。


*do whatever seems best.只要觉察出是最好的,就去做。

*it seems to be the best solution.这似乎是最好的解决办法。

157.don’t get on my nerves i [惹人心烦,使紧张不安].不要搅得我心神不宁/心烦。


*those noisy children simply got on my last nerves.


158.everything will be fine.一切都会很好。

159.i’ll be ready in a few minutes.


160.i wonder what happened to him.我不知道他发生了什么事。


*i’d stay if they promoted me, but i can’t see that happening.


161.you’re just trying to save face.你只是想挽回面子。


*the embarrassing situation caused me to lose face.


*he had to resign, to save face.为了保全面子,他不得不辞职。

162.his argument doesn’t hold water[合理].他的论点站不住脚。


*the theory may hold water.这理论可能行不通。

163.your face tells[显示,表示] it all.你的表情透露了一切。


*eyes sometimes tell what’s on our minds.


*her face tells her joy.她的脸显露了她的喜悦。

164.the days are getting longer.白天越来越长了。

165.you’ve got to do something.你一定要想想办法。

166.i hope this will teach you a lesson.给你一个教训。


*his failure was a lesson to us.他的失败是我们的一个教训。

*his courage is a lesson to us.他很有勇气,是我们大家的榜样。

167.i feel younger than ever.我觉得比从前年轻。


*she felt in her bones that she would succeed.她坚信自己能够成功。

*i felt it advisable to do nothing.我认为最好什么也别做。

168.it’s a hard job, but i hope he can make it.工作很艰难,但希望他成功。


*he’s never really made it as an actor.他当演员从未有所成就。

169.don’t look wise.不要摆出一副聪明相/自作聪明。


*you were wise to keep away from him.你避开他是明智的。

*it was not very wise of you to sell the property.你把物业卖了可不是办法。


170.i’m afraid all my efforts were in vain.我的努力白费了。


*all our work was in vain.我们白干了一切。

*we tried in vain to make him change his mind.


171.what happened to your memory?你的记性是怎么搞的?

172.you’re going too far.你太过分了。


*her rudeness went too far.她太粗鲁了。

*you’re carrying/taking that joke too far.

173.don’t bury your head in the sand.不要逃避现实。


*no use hiding your heads in the sand, folks.各位,逃避现实是没有用的。

174.i have no other choice.我别无选择。


*what influenced you when you made your choice?


*he is the people’s choice for president.他是人民选出来的总统。

*there was a big choice of shops in the small town.


175.i don’t have the nerve [勇气,胆量]to do it.我没有胆量/勇气去做。


*a test pilot needs plenty of nerve.飞行试飞员需要极大的勇气。

*it takes a bit of nerve to cross these chain bridges.过这种铁索桥需要点胆量。

176.it’s a matter of life and death.事关生死/很严重的事。

177.nothing works.一筹莫展/诸事不顺!


*my brain doesn’t seem to be working well today.我的头脑今天好像不太灵光。

*the plan worked well.那项计划进行顺利。

178.money will come and go.钱会来也会去。

179.he’s been behind bars[栅栏] for almost 30 years.他坐了几乎三十年的牢。


*his bad english is a bar to his getting a job.


*poor health may be a bar to success in life.


180.if i had known that, i could have helped you.


181.i couldn’t care less.我不在乎/我无所谓。


*he failed the examination but he didn’t seem to care.


*don’t you care about this country’s future?难道你不为国家前途担忧吗?

*i don’t think she cares about what happens to her children, all she cares about is her social life.我认为他并不关心她孩子的事,她关心的只是她的社交活动。

182.you have my word.我向你保证。

183.he hit the ceiling[勃然大怒,大发雷霆] at the news.他听到那消息大为震怒。


*when emily came home at three in the morning, her father hit the ceiling.


184.i don’t mind staying up[熬夜]late.我不在乎熬夜。


*i stayed up until 2:00 in the morning.我熬夜直到凌晨2点。

185.you are too outspoken[直言的,坦率的]!你太直言了/直率/坦率了。


*jean was outspoken about her wish to be married.


186.i can’t afford to buy that.我买不起那个。


*i cannot afford two days off a week.我忙得无法一星期抽出两天休假。

*can you afford the expense?你出得起这笔费用吗?

187.i think it’s a reasonable price.我想那是合理的价钱。


*no reasonable person could refuse.凡是明事理的人都不会拒绝此事。

*she’s perfectly reasonable in her demands.她的要求完全合情合理。

188.i’d like to try on these hats.我想试试这些帽子。

189.he puts me to shame.他使我蒙羞。


*the child behaved so rudely that he put his father to shame.


*your beautiful handwriting puts my untidy scrawl to shame.


190.every dog has his day.凡人皆有得意时。

191.don’t give me any excuses.不熬对我提出任何借口。


*a bad excuse is worse than no excuse.与其做个差劲的辩解,不如不说。

192.are you out of your mind?你疯了吗?


*if you believe that, then you must be out of your mind.


*he was out of his mind with grief.他伤心得精神错乱了。

193.he’s been everywhere.他到处都去过了。


*the cat followed her everywhere she went.无论她到哪那只猫都跟着她。

*i have not traveled everywhere in guangzhou.我还没有游遍广州。

194.what’s bothering you?什么在困扰你?


*don’t bother your father (about it) now; he is very tired.


*the problem has been bothering me for weeks.那个问题已经困扰了我几周了。

*don’t let his criticisms bother you.别因为他批评你而感到烦恼。

195.who is to blame[责备,归咎于]?


*he was unfairly / unjustly blamed.他被错怪了。

*i am very much to blame.都怪我不好。

196.there are a lot of rumors[谎言,谣传] going around.很多谣言流传着。


*various rumors about him are going around.


*rumor has it that he’s found a new job.听说他又找到了一份新工作。

197.i don’t feel up to that.我觉得不能胜任那工作。


*it’s not up to his usual standard.这次没有达到他平时的水平。

*i don’t feel up to going to work today.我今天不舒服,不能上班。

198.i’m mad at myself.我生我自己的气。


*i do feel mad about making that stupid mistake.


*if she gets mad with him, she will not speak to him for days.


199.it’s raining cats and dogs.下着倾盆大雨。

200.the sky is getting very cloudy.天空的云越来越多了。

201.you won’t get away with this.你逃不掉这个惩罚。


*i’m afraid i can’t get away from the meeting.我恐怕难以从会议中抽身。

*how did he get away with cheating?他是如何考试作弊而未被发现?

202.i’m tired of going to school day after day.我厌倦上学。

203.who am i supposed to see?我应该去见谁?


*we are supposed to help each other.我们理应彼此帮助。

*he is supposed to be there on time.按理说他应准时到那儿。

204.his idea is childish.他的想法很幼稚。

205.i need small change.我需要零钱。

206.don’t try to brainwash me!不要想给我洗脑。

207.i don’t seem to have any luck today.我今天运气不好。

208.that reminds me.那提醒了我。


*i was reminded of my promise.有人提醒我不要忘了我的承诺。

*remind me to mail this letter.记得提醒我要寄这封信。

209.what the hell are you doing?你究竟在做什么?

210.i can’t seem to get to sleep.我好象睡不着觉。

211.you look very serious about something.你似乎有严重的事。


*he seems very serious, but in fact he has a delightful sense of humor.


*please be serious for a minute, this is very important.请严肃点,这事很重要.

212.i hope i’m not in the way.我希望我没有造成妨碍。


*don’t stand in my way.不要妨碍我。

*her social life got in the way of her studies.她的社交活动妨碍了自己的学业。

213.what are you so excited about?


*she is easily excited.她容易激动。

*why are you so excited?你干嘛那么激动?

214.tell me about your trouble.把你的烦恼告诉我。

215.i feel much better now.我现在觉得好多了。

216.i hope you will get well soon.希望你很快就会好。

217.she is sick in bed.她卧病在床。

218.i have a slight[轻微的,不足道的]fever.


*i haven’t the slightest idea what you’re talking about.


*she was not in the slightest surprised.她一点也不吃惊。

219.a fool never learns.傻瓜永远学不会/得不到教训。

220.this is the schedule for tomorrow.这是明天的日程表。


*i’ll work out our schedule.我将制定出我们的计划。

*what is on the schedule this morning?今天上午有什么安排?

221.how late are you open?你们营业到多晚?

222.i’m here on business.我来这里出差。

223.what’s hong kong famous for?香港以什么闻名?


*new york is famous for its tall buildings.纽约以高楼大厦而闻名。

224.what brings you to beijing?什么风把你吹来北京的?

225.she looks blue.她满面忧虑。


*tom’s been feeling blue ever since his divorce.自离婚以来,汤姆一直很忧虑。

*i feel blue at the news.我听到这消息而闷闷不乐。

226.i just don’t know what to say.我就是不知道要说什么。

227.let’s have fun tonight.今晚让我们乐一乐。

228.thank you for coming to see me off.谢谢你来为我送行。


*she’s off to guangzhou tomorrow.她明天出发去广州。

*i must be off soon.我很快就得走了。



