外教聘任管理办法公开征求意见 建立外教信用记录制度


吉林医科大学的外教Brian Raymond Barrons在给同学们上课。(图片来源:中国日报)

The draft guideline said education authorities should establish a national information and service platform where education institutions such as schools and tutoring institutions will be able to register, report and seek information about

foreign teachers. 征求意见稿指出,教育行政部门应建立全国外籍教师综合信息服务平台,学校和培训机构等教育机构可以在该平台注册,登录平台备案、查询外籍教师相关信息。


这里的外籍教师(foreign teachers),是指由教育机构聘任、取得外国人来华工作许可和工作类居留证件、在中国境内从事教育教学工作的外籍人员(foreign nationals who are hired by education institutions to work as teachers in China and have acquired work permits and work-type residence permits)。

征求意见稿提出,要建立外籍教师信用记录制度(a credit system for foreign teachers)。

Those whose behavior is in accordance with Chinese laws and their work contracts, and who teach ethically and well, will have that recorded in the credit system, it said.外籍教师在聘任期间遵守中国法律、合同约定,教育教学质量高、师德师风良好,将会纳入信用记录。

The credit system will also record those who breach their contracts, commit crimes, use drugs, mistreat underage students or illegally engage in religious education. They should be fired and reported to the education authorities.外籍教师违反合同约定,有犯罪、吸毒行为,有虐待未成年人行为,非法从事宗教教育等行为的,也将计入信用记录。外籍教师有这些情形之一的,教育机构应当予以解聘,并报告主管教育行政部门。


All foreign teachers must have no criminal record, infectious diseases, or a history of mental illness, sexual harassment or drug use, it said.外籍教师应当无犯罪记录,无传染性疾病和精神障碍史,无性骚扰、吸食注射毒品等行为。

Foreign teachers working at schools should hold a valid work visa, have a bachelor’s degree or higher and have at least two years’ related teaching experience.


Those working as language tutors at training institutions should hold a valid work visa, be a native speaker, have a bachelor’s degree or higher and specific qualifications for teaching a language, it said.



Education institutions that hire unqualified foreign teachers or falsify work permits or other credentials

will be fined from 1,000 yuan to 10,000 yuan per teacher, and those who seriously violate regulations will have their business permits revoked, it added.教育机构非法聘用未经许可和备案的外籍人员任教,或者在申请外籍教师工作许可和其他证明文件过程中伪造文件的,给予每人次1千元以上1万元以下的罚款,情节特别严重的,由教育行政部门依法吊销办学许可证。


工作许可 work permit

居留许可 residence permit

遵守法律法规 abide by laws and regulations

应试教育 exam-oriented education

义务教育 compulsory education

民办学校 private school

基础教育 basic education

(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)

