

例句 | useful sentence
1. 问路 get directions
1) excuse me, could you tell me where

the downtown is?
2) excuse me, how can i get to the ice building?
3) excuse me, is this way to johnson hotel?
4) excuse me, where is the langham hotel?
5) excuse me, which is the way to the great ocean road?

2. 指路 give directions
1) (it’s) that way.
2) it’s downstairs.
3) go along this road for two blocks. then turn right.
4) walk along this road, and take the first turning on the left.
5) go straight along the road till you come to the corner, then make a right turn.
6) you can take a taxi/subway/bus…

3. 乘车 transportation
1) excuse me, which way to the museum?
2) does this subway go to the downtown area?
3) how do i change buses to go to the beach?
4) can you tell me the way to train station?

对话 | dialogue
[j=jack s=stranger]
looking for an atm
j: excuse me. where can i find an atm?
s: the atms are not here. they are on the first floor.
j: where on the first floor.
s: you’d better take the elevator. when you come out of the elevator, go right. they are at section b2.
j: thank you.
ask for a direction
j: excuse me. how can i get to the downtown area?
s: you mean the shopping center?
j: yes. i’d like to visit the shopping center. how can i get there?
s: you can go to the trading center. it’s about 10 minutes’ walk.
j: but i am new here. can you tell me which way?
s: go along the 18th avenue, take the second turning to the right. about 100 meters’ walk, you will see it on the left.
j: thank you very much.
s: my pleasure.
