



原创 2015-02-04京晶

来自云南的理烨是一名大学教师,当她听说家乡昭通唯一一所乡村小学开设了英语课却严重缺乏师资时,毅然报名支教教授整所学校的英语课。一个学期的志愿者服务使得她和孩子们打成了一片,建立了深厚的师生情谊,并成功地培养了孩子们对英语学习的浓厚兴趣,更让她在实践理想的过程中寻找到自身价值,并感受到强烈的心灵净化。在欧美国家,做志愿者服务几乎是每个年轻人的必经生命体验,在无偿为他人服务的过程中体会人对于社会的存在意义,从而寻找更重要高远的生命目标,并获得更充实的成就感。出于对乡村小学现状的关注,理烨决定写下她支教的故事,希望更多的年轻人加入支教,力所能及做公益,并呼吁全社会对乡村儿童教育给予更多的关注。 2.4『轻松美语口语话题训练』之【你的英语?你的故事?净化心灵的知识公益·我在乡村支教做英语老师】li ye’s story: iwas a volunteer teacher in the countryside dialogue:hi, li ye, longtime no see. i heard you went to zhaotong in yunnan to be avolunteer teacher at a primary school in the countryside.


hi, 理烨,好久不见,听说你去云南昭通一所农村小学当义务教师了?

yeah. at theprimary school in zhaotong’s countryside, even though there was an english class scheduled, there wasn’t a teacher to teach the class. the kids really wanted to study english. so i signed up to be a volunteer. i spent oneday a week teaching all of the kids english.


what? you taught the whole school english all by yourself? how were you able to keep upwith it all?

sophia: 什么?你一个人上全校的英语课?你怎么坚持下来的?

because the kidswere so cute! i remember the first day of class, right after we finished the kids gave me a warm round of applause. everyone stood up andbowed to me. at that moment, i cried. i felt really close to the kidsalready, like i couldn’t be separated from them.



that’s sotouching! did the kids like learning english?

sophia: 真让人感动!孩子们喜欢学英语吗?

not only did theylike it, but they worked really hard. the students have to walk two hours a dayto the school. they really cherished the opportunity to study english. they loved reading english and asking questions. they were like alittle group of angels. every day after class i was tired and happy.


your work as acollege teacher was already keeping you so busy. why did you volunteer to be ateacher?


because i realized that the children’s parents were all out of town working. they were so lonely.they really liked school and dreamed ever since they were little of using what they learned to change their destiny. i wanted them to be able to see the outside world. that’s why i chose to become a volunteer teacher.


you’re so amazing! sowhat do you think was the most rewarding part for you?


you can’t imagine.the kids purifiedme. their minds are so clean. it let meenjoy the pleasure of being a children’s english teacher. i rediscovered my value: helping others.


did anythingregretful happen?

sophia: 有什么遗憾吗?

yeah. i’m nota very strong person, so i wrote this story. i hope more people can pay closerattention to theimpoverished kids from the mountains. i hopeeven more that the government can invest heavily in countryside educationand allow the kids to enjoy a more balanced set of educational resources.


you’re a greatteacher. we give you mad props! sophia: 你是个好老师,我们给你点赞! new words fordialogue:a warm round ofapplause = 热烈鼓掌 cherish = 珍惜 purify = 净化 impoverished = 贫困 give you mad props= 给你点赞 英语pk台 主持人京晶微信号:goingforgold2012 (查询每日节目预告,直播语音互动)

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