



1. 旅行问询
T: Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the nearest subway station?
S: Sure. You go straight ahead for two blocks, and then turn left. It’s on your right.

2. 衣物购物
T: Do you have this dress in a smaller size?
S: Yes, we do. Let me check for you.

3. 咖啡店订购
T: I’d like a large coffee to go, please.
S: Sure, anything else?

4. 饭店预定
T: Do you have a table for two at 7 o’clock?
S: I’m sorry, we’re fully booked at that time.

5. 面试场景
T: Can you tell me a little about your previous work experience?
S: Sure. I worked as a sales manager for three years at ABC Company.

6. 学校日常对话
T: Excuse me, could you tell me where the library is?
S: Sure. It’s on the second floor, next to the cafeteria.

7. 社交场合
T: Hi, my name is Tom. Nice to meet you.
S: Hi Tom, I’m Sarah. Nice to meet you too.

8. 医生就诊
T: I have been having a headache for the past few days. What should I do?
S: I would recommend taking some painkillers and

getting plenty of rest.

9. 银行业务
T: I’d like to open a savings account, please.
S: Alright, I’ll need your ID card and proof of address.

10. 超市购物
T: Excuse me, where can I find the dairy products?
S: They’re in the back, on the left-hand side.

11. 车站问询
T: Could you tell me when the next train to London departs?
S: The next train leaves in 10 minutes from platform 2.

12. 打电话预约
T: Hi, I was wondering if I could make an appointment to see the dentist?
S: Of course. How about next Wednesday at 2 pm?

13. 约会安排
T: Would you like to go out for dinner this Friday?
S: That sounds great. What time should we meet?

14. 旅行讨论
T: Have you ever been to Paris?
S: Yes, I went there last year. It was an amazing experience.

15. 室内定位
T: Excuse me, could you help me find the meeting room?
S: Sure. It’s on the second floor, at the end of the hallway.

16. 邮局业务
T: I need to send this package to Australia. How much will it cost?
S: It depends on the weight and size of the package. Let me check for you.

17. 餐厅点餐
T: Can I have the grilled salmon, please?
S: How would you like it cooked? Rare, medium, or well-done?

18. 机场问询
T: Excuse me, where can I collect my luggage?
S: The baggage claim area is on the ground floor, next to the arrivals hall.

19. 学校选课
T: I’m interested in taking a computer programming class. Could you give me more information?
S: Sure. The class meets twice a week and starts next month.

20. 乘坐出租车
T: Can you take me to the airport, please?
S: Of course. Please get in.

