

? what’s the most popular activity among teenagers in china?
? what do teenagers like to do in your country?
? what’s the most popular activity among teenagers in china?
it might be a little bit discouraging to say that teenagers have a very limited range of choices as their leisure activities. there are only conventional ball games like basketball and soccer for the boys, while girls would get themselves involved

in some more relaxing activities, like reading and shopping.
? what do teenagers like to do in your country?
that mostly depends on the gender. for girls, i believe relaxing activities like shopping and doing manicures would be preferred. while for boys, they/we really engage a lot in sport games like basketball and football, it seems that doing sports can be an ideal outlet of their extra dopamine and hormone.
conventional [k?n?ven?(?)n(?)l] adj. ( 行为观念等) 传统的
involved [?n?v?lvd] adj. 参与的;涉及的
manicure [?m?n?kj??] n. 手甲护理
engage [?n?ge?d?; en-] vt. 使加入
outlet [?a?tlet] n. ( 感情的) 发泄途径; ( 思想的) 表达途径
dopamine [?d??p?mi?n] n. 多巴胺
hormone [?h??m??n] n. 荷尔蒙
imitate [??m?te?t] vt. 模仿
