




1. i must apologize for …

2. i’m terribly sorry for …

3. please accept my apologies for …

4. excuse me for …

5. please forgive me for …

6. i’m really ashamed of what i did.

7. i’d like to apologize for …

8. i’m really sorry about what i said.

9. it’s my fault. i shouldn’t have …

10. i owe you an apology for …

11. i’m so embarrassed. i didn’t mean to …

12. that was rude of me. i’m sorry.

13. i hope you’ll forgive me for …

14. pardon me for this …

15. i’m ashamed of …

16. i shouldn’t have …

17. i am so sorry for …

18. i apologize for …

19. i do apologize for …

20. i really must apologize for …

21. i’m very sorry.

22. i want to apologize for …

23. i was wrong.

24. what can i do to make it right?

25. i’ll try not to do that


26. will you please forgive me?

27. how do i make it right?返回搜狐,查看更多

