

unit 1
say hello 打招呼?
?i miss you 我想你了
?long time no see 好久不见?
?how you doing /how are you你好吗
?good to see you /nice to meet you?
?good luck 祝你好运?
?i hope so 希望如此
im looking forward to it 我很期待
its time to go home. 该回家了。
?say goodbye 说再见?
wave goodbye 挥手再见?
see you 下次见
have a nice day 祝你有愉快的一天

unit 2
wake up 醒醒?
?get up 起床啦?
?brush your teeth 去刷牙?
?do you want to pee / poop?
?wipe your bottom 擦屁屁
wash your hands 洗手?
have your breakfast 去吃早餐
are you hungry 你饿吗?
?take a bite 吃一口
?take a sip 喝一口
?taste it 尝一下
chew it slowly 细嚼慢咽?
spit it out 吐出来
?would you like some ?你要不要吃?
time for snack/ have a snack 该吃点心了?
tidy up 收拾?
clean up 清理一下
well done /good job 做得好

away 放回去?
go to bed 去睡觉
?take a nap 睡一下午觉?
?take a rest 休息一下
lie down 躺下
?sit down 坐下?
?sit nicely 坐好来?
stand up 站起来

unit 3
?be nice 要友好一点?
share your toys 分享玩具?
?we should help each other?
line up 排队?
take turns 要轮流
its your turn 轮到你了
?no pushing 不要推人
?no hitting 不要打人
be quiet 安静点?
no yelling 不要大叫?
speak softly 小声说话
?calm down 冷静一下?
?take a deep breath 深呼吸
?there you go 这就对了?
?please behave 乖一点?
say sorry 说对不起?
it ' s ok 没事?
never mind 没关系?
?say thank you 说谢谢?
youre welcome 不客气?
unit 4
wait a minute 等一下
wait for me 等等我
come back 回来
?come here 过来
?let s go 我们走?
?go play 去玩吧?
play outside 出去玩?
?play a game 玩个游戏?
?dance with me 和我一起跳舞
?sing a song 唱首歌
?read a book 读本书
?go for a walk 去散步?
?play with friends 和朋友去玩
?put on 穿上/背上/戴上
?take off 脱下/取下/拿掉?
turn on 打开(水源、煤气、电源等)
turn off 关掉/关闭(水源、煤气、电源等)

the door 开门

the door 关门
?its too hot 太烫了
?its too cold 太冰了
dont touch it 不要触碰
stop it 停下
no running around 不要跑来跑去
watch your step 注意你的脚下
?watch out 当心?
?be careful 小心点

unit 5
listen to me 听我说?
?listen carefully 认真听
be patient 耐心点?
?pay attention ?认真点?
raise your hand/hands up 举手
look at me ?看着我?
look closer 仔细看
?hold my hand ?牵我的手?
follow me ?跟着我?
come with me 跟我来
?hurry up ?快一点?
slow down 慢一点?
take your time 慢慢来
?right now 就现在

unit 6
whats that/this?那是什么
why is that 为什么
?what happened 怎么了?
whats the matter? 出什么事情了?
?how do you feel 你感觉怎么样
whats going on ?怎么了
what did you do?你做了什么?
what are you doing?你在做什么?
?i know 我知道?
?i love you 我爱你?
im proud of you 我为你骄傲
are you ok ?你还好吗?
youll be fine 你会没事的
?relax 放轻松?
?take it easy 别紧张?
?cheer up/be happy 开心点?
?dont be sad 不要难过
?dont worry 不要担心?
give it a try 试一试?
time s up 时间到了

dont give up /never give up 永不放弃?
come on 加油/快点?
be confident 要有信心
you can do it 你可以做到的
no problem 没问题/没关系
try again 再试试?
?i believe in you 我想你可以做到的
