

1. 题目:语音教学试讲 2018年1月6日
2. 内容
here are, in front of peking university, the most famous university in china. the campus is also known as “yan yuan”, the garden of yan. it’s close to the yuanming garden and the summer palace. the university opened in 1898 during the qing dynasty and it was the most important educational institution in the whole of china then.
3. 基本要求
1. 题目:口语教学 2018年1月6日
we got over 1000 letters, faxes, and emails from our readers about their new year’s resolutions. many readers are going to work harder in school this year. lots of readers are going to play sports. some readers said they are going to eat more vegetables. a few readers said they are going to learn a new language. some girls said they are going to exercise more to keep fit.
1. 题目:语音教学 2018年1月6日
2. 内容:
my name is paul brown. i’m english, and i’m 13years old. my birthday is november 3rd. i usually get up at 6:30. my favorite subject is history. i like it because it’s interesting. i play sports in the afternoon. i can play tennis and basketball. i go to the movies on weekends. my favorite actor is jackie chan.
3. 基本要求:
1. 题目:词汇教学试讲2019年1月5日
2. 内容:
a: my uncle works in that restaurant.
b: oh! what does he do?
a: he’s a waiter.
shop assistant/ doctor/ actor/ reporter/ policeman/ waiter/ bank clerk/ student
3. 基本要求
1. 题目: 听力教学试讲 2019年1月5日
2. 内容:
ann: so, tell me about your trip to egypt. how high are the pyramids?
steve: they are huge! one of them – the great pyramid of khufu- is 137 meters high.
ann: how far are the pyramids from cairo?
steve: they are very close. just a few kilometers to the west of cairo.
ann: and how old is the great sphinx?
steve: it’s more than 4500 years old!
ann: wow! how high is it?
steve: it is about 20 meters high!
ann: how long is the nile river?
steve: it’s 6,671 kilometers long.
3. 基本要求:
1. 题目:cartoon
2. 内容:
when people say “culture”, we think of art and history. but one very famous symbol in american culture is a cartoon. we all know and love the black mouse with two large round ears—- mickey mouse. over 80 years ago, he first appeared in the cartoon steamboat willies. when this cartoon came out in new york on november 18, 1928, it was the first cartoon with sound and music. the man behind mickey was walt disney. he became very rich and successful. in the 1930s, he made 87 cartoons with mickey.
3. 基本要求
1. 题目:阅读教学试讲
2. 内容:
there were many sections in the exhibition. in the “” history makers” section, there were photographs and videos of famous people and events from the 1960s . there was a film about neil armstrong walking on the moon. in the “fashion” section, there were examples of clothes, shoes hair styles, etc. fashion was very strange in the 1960s! in the “music” section, there were photos and films of great groups from the 60s! — groups like the beatles and the rolling stones. i liked the “technology” section best. here, there were things like record players and old tvs and radios. they were really different from the ones we have now!
3. 基本要求:
1. 题目:写作教学试讲 2018年1月6日
2. 内容
hi henry,
thank you for your invitation. i’m sorry i can’t visit you this week. i’m really busy. this evening, i’m going to my cousin’s birthday party. and tomorrow, i have to go to the dentist. on wednesday, i have tennis raining with the school team. and i have to study for my chemistry test on thursday. on friday evening. i’m going to the movies with some friends. can you come to the movies with us on friday?
write soon.
3. 基本要求
1. 题目:阅读教学
2. 内容:
hi! i’m a baby dog from america. i’m white, but i have black ears and a black face. my ears look like two triangles. i have big, brown eyes. my legs are not long, but they are very strong. i like to eat bones and dog food. i want to play with you.
3. 基本要求:
1. 题目:听力教学试讲
2. 内容
when i grow up, i am going to move somewhere interesting . paris sounds like a city that i could enjoy. i want to be a reporter for a fashion magazine. so how am i going to do it? first, i’m going to find a part-time job and save some money. then, i’m going to be a student at an art school in paris. and i am going to learn french at the same time. next, i’m going to hold art exhibitions because i want to be famous.
3. 基本要求:
1. 题目:语法教学试讲
2. 内容
traditional chinese doctor believe we need a balance of yin and yang to be healthy. for example, are you quiet and often tired? you may have too much yin. you should eat hot yang foods like beef, dangshen and huangqi herbs. but people who are too stressed out and angry may have too much yang. chinese doctors believe that they should eat more yin foods like tofu.
3. 基本要求:
1. 题目:语法教学
2. 内容:
dear bob,
here is a picture of my family. we are all at home now. i am doing my homework. my parents are watching tv in the living room. my grandfather is reading a piece of newspaper in my room. my sister is telephoning.
your friend
3. 要求
1. 题目:口语教学试讲
2. 内容:
a: today, we’re going to talk about listening. how can you improve your english, class?
b: we can watch tv programme on cctv9.
a: that’s a good idea, zhang hai.
c: we can read english books.
a: yes, that’s a good way to improve your english. anything else?
d: we can read english newspapers and magazines.
a: where can you read books, newspapers or magazines, wei hua?
e: at the library.
a: that’s right. what else can you do?
3. 基本要求
题目:will people have robots?
some robots are very human-like. they can walk and dance like people. some scientists think that in the future they will make robots more like humans. this may not happen in the near future, but at some point, robots will even be able to talk like people. however, some scientists disagree. james white believes that robots will not be able to do the same things as we can. for example, he thinks that robots will never be able to wake up and know where they are . which side do you agree with?
1. 根据文章讲解划线句子的语法知识,讲解一般将来时态;
2. 体现教师引导作用;
3. 试讲过程体现师生互动;
4. 全英试讲
5. 试讲时间约10分钟。



1. 题目:语音教学试讲 2018年1月6日
2. 内容
here are, in front of peking university, the most famous university in china. the campus is also known as “yan yuan”, the garden of yan. it’s close to the yuanming garden and the summer palace. the university opened in 1898 during the qing dynasty and it was the most important educational institution in the whole of china then.
3. 基本要求
1. teaching aims
1) knowledge aim
students will be able to master the rules of liking.
2) ability aim
students can train their listening and speaking skills.
3) emotional aim
students can be more confident in learning english..
2. important and difficult points
1) important point
students will be speaking the linked words correctly.
2) difficult point
students can use the rules of linking in a real situation.
3. teaching and learning methods
communicate teaching method; task-based teaching method;group work method; cooperation study method; independent study method

teaching procedures
step 1: warming up
i will present a english song “valder fields”
step 2: presentation
1)students will listen to the tape to get the main idea of the passage
2)students will listen again and understand the whole passage sentence by sentence.
3)students will listen to the tape and imitate the pronunciation and intonation of the passage
4) students will find out the rules of linking: like a bridge, joining the words together is called linking. we can join the final consonant of one word with the initial vowel of the following word.
step 3: practice
a reading star: students will read the whole passage and mark the rules of linking. then i will invite some volunteers to show.
step 4: consolidation
group work: i will list some more sentences by telling a story on the screen. students will work in groups of four

to find out the words which is using the rules of linking.
step 5: summary and homework
i lead them to summarize what they have learned in this class.
homework: choose a favorite story and find out the rules of linking among those words.
5. blackboard design
rule of linking
put it off
not at all
hello, boys and girls. i am glad to see you again. are you happy today? that’s great. i am so happy to hear that.
1. warming up
do you know the song valder fields? wow, let’s sing together. one two three, go!
“i was found on the ground by the fountain at valder fields and was almost dried…”
2. presentation
now let’s listen to the tape and try to get the main idea of the passage. who gets the answer? yes, the girl by the window. she said

that the main idea is about the most famous university in china, peking university. you are so good. sit down, please.
now, please listen again and try to find out more specific information about the famous university. who can get more details? yes, the boy in red. he said that the campus is known as “ yan yuan.” yes, here are, in front of peking university. the garden of yan.
now let’s listen to the tape and pay attetion to the pronuciation and itoation. ready? go!
after reading the whole passage, what did you find? in front of, campus is, garden of.. yes.we can join the final consonant of one word with the initial vowel of the following word.
3. practice
now, i’d like to choose a reading star. so, please read it aloud and then i will invite some volunteers to show. please remember to mark the linked words.
so much for listening and speaking, boys and girls. do you remenber the game: pass the ball.you should pass the ball one by one, and i will knock the blackboard with a song. now, let’s get it started.
i was found on the groud..
anna, you please. read it loudly. amazing. anyone else? david, please. excellent.
4. production
guys, did you enjoy the game? glad you are so happy. now, please calm down and here is a task for you. here on the screen, i have prepared a story for you. read it with your group members and find out the linked words together. 5 minutes for you.
who’s ready? lee’s group. please show us your answer do read it aloud. very good. let’s claps for them. any group else? you group, please. well done. please go back to your seat.
5. summary and homework
how time flies! now, the boy next to the window, may you help to summarize what we’ve learned today? yes, we have learned that the rulse of linking.
the homework is to choose your favourite story and find out the linked words.
time’s up. see you tomorrow.


