

unit 1? whats the matter??
1. whats the matter? 怎么了?(哪儿不舒服?)
whats the matter? (你)哪里不舒服?
whats grandpa? 杰克的爷爷得了什么病?
需要注意的是,当你只是想表示关心,询问对方的身体情况时,最好不要在whats the matter with you?也可以表示带有责怪或者不理解之意,可能会引起误解。除本句外,人们还常用以下结构询问疾病、不适及突发情况:
whats wrong (with …)??
whats the trouble (with …)??
what happened (to …)??
is there anything wrong (with …)??
do you have a(n)? +疾病名称? (英式英语为:have you got a(n) +疾病名称?)
did you catch/get …? (如:did you catch a cold?)
2. you need to take breaks away from the computer. 你需要远离电脑休息一下了。
副词结构away from属一种固定搭配,其原始语义为“离开……(某处);与……(某处)有一定的距离”,与不同动词配合使用时,具体意思往往会受上下文的用词影响。此处take breaks away from the computer即指“停止玩电脑进行休息;远离电脑进行休息”。试体会以下句子中away from …的意思:
in spring or autumn, my parents usually take their annual vacation away from home. 我父母通常在春季或秋季离家去外地休他们的年假。
ill be away from school for a week. 我将离校一周。
they live away from us. 他们不和我们住在一起。
3. thanks to mr. wang and the passengers, the man was saved by the doctors in time. 多亏了王先生和乘客们,医生们及时挽救了老人的性命。
英语有thanks to …和thanks for …两种说法,它们虽仅为介词不同,但意思和结构均有所差异。
1)thansks to …意为“多亏……;由于……等,既可接“人”也可接“事”,是一个副词结构的短语,用于句首或句尾,且往往由逗号将它与句子的主体隔开。例如:
thanks to your mother, i got the book. otherwise it might have been sold out. 多亏了你妈妈,我才买到了这本书,不然的话也许就卖完了。
i was late for work today, thanks to the slow traffic on the highway. 由于公路交通拥堵,今天我上班迟到了。
2)thanks for …本身是一个完整的句子,意为“多谢……;十分感谢……的帮助”,thanks之前还可添加“many”,或之后添加“very much”及“a lot”等进行修饰。例如:
thanks for your letter. 多谢你的来信。
many thanks for your generosity. 十分感谢你的慷慨大度。
thanks very much for your help. (thanks a lot for your help.) 多谢你的帮助。
4. as a mountain climber, aron is used to taking risks. 作为一位登山者,阿伦已习惯了冒险。
1)此句中is used to意为习惯于……”,其中to为介词,其后接名词或动名词短语。又如:
hes used to falling asleep with such noises around him. 他已习惯在这样的嘈杂声中人睡了。
are you used to the life here?你对这里的生活习惯吗?
2)英语还有used to,表示“过去常常”,需要特别区分。有关used to结构,请参看本书下一单元的课文注释。
5. on that day, arons arm was caught under a 360-kilo rock that fell on him … 那一天,一块360公斤的大石头朝他落下来,阿伦的一条胳膊被压在了石头下面……
在这个句子中,be caught (get caugh)的意思相当于get stuck(被卡住而不得动弹)。例如:
her long hair was always geting caught on her necklace. 她的长发老是被项链卡上。
6. because he could not free his arm, he stayed there for five days … 因为无法使自己的胳膊挣脱开来,他在那里待了五天……
此句中动词free相当于release,意思是to move someone or something so that they are no longer held, fixed, or tapped,在本句中可被译作“挣脱(束缚)”。又如:
he stepped into a hole when he wasnt paying attention to where he was going, and he could not free his foot. 他一不留神踩进了一个洞里,脚拔不出来了。

unit 2? ill help to clean up the city parks.?
1. visit sick children in the hospital 看望生病住院的孩子们
1)sick和ill两个形容词均有“生病的”意思,在用法上虽有一些相同的地方,有时可以互换,但仍有许多不同之处。两者最大的区别在于当ill作“生病的”之意解时,多与系动词be, feel, become, fll, get, be taken等搭配,用作表语,较少用在名词前面作定语。例如:
dave was so ill that he had to stay in bed for a month at least. 戴夫病得厉害,至少需要卧床一个月。
sofia was suddenly taken ill (=became ill suddenly) while on holiday. 索菲亚在度假期间突然病倒了。
mentally ill patients have the same rights as anyone else. 患有精神疾病的病人和其他任何人一样享有同样的权利。
值得注意的是,ill这样的用法十分有限,且多与patient,health等少数名词搭配使用。当用在名词前作定语表达“生病的”意思时,人们更多地使用sick。此处sick children便是一例。再如:
diana spent months looking after her sick mother. 戴安娜花数月照顾她生病的母亲。
i ate so much of ice cream one day i was violently sick. 我天里吃了太多的冰淇淋,突然吐得一塌糊涂。
he dashed to the bathroom and was sick again. 他冲向厕所,又吐了。
maria cans sick. 玛利亚因为生病,今天来不了了。
2)此处in the hospital意为“住院”,系美语用法。在英国,人们则多说in hospital。 与之相类似的还有:go to the hoptal(【美】去看病;上医院)和go to hospital(【英]去看病;上医院)。
2. they told me stories about the past and how things used to be. 他们给我讲了昔日的往事和过去的生活。
used to多用于两种情况的表述。其一,表示过去一度存在但现在已经消逝的某一特定的情形(used to say that a particular situation existed for a period of time in the past, but does not exist now)。此处便是如此。这一用法下,used to常与be, have, live, stay, like, love等词连用,表示“曾;曾经”。如:
i used to live in london. 我曾住在伦敦。
we used to be very good friends when we were at school. 我们在上学的时候曾是十分要好的朋友。
其二,used to还可用来表示“过去常常”做的某件事情或某种行为(used to say that something happened frequently or all the time during a period in the past)。例如:
were eating out more often than we used to. 我们最近外出吃饭的次数比以前要高出许多。
you used to see a lot of her, didnt you? 你以前时常见她,对吧?
used to的否定结构多为didnt use to。例如:
i didnt use to like him much when we were young. 小时候,我并不曾多么喜欢他。
但旧式或极为正式用法中,人们也说used not to(缩写形式为usednt to):
he used not to smoke. 他过去并不吸烟。
我们也可使用“never”来强调否定used to。例如:
they never used to ask where id been. 他们过去对我去了哪里从不过问。
在问句中,人们已习惯使用did … use to结构。例如:
did you use to study in this building? 你过去就曾在这栋楼里学习吗?
where did you use to live before you moved here? 你在搬来之前曾住在哪里呢?
注意:由于used to (do)是九年级第四单元的重点语法项目,教师不必在教学本单元时给予过多、过细致的讲解,只需让学生理解这一结构所能表达的含义即可。
3. mario green and mary brown … give up several hours each week to help others. 马里奥?格林和玛丽?布朗每一周都腾出几个小时来帮助他人。
he volunteers at an animal hospital every saturday morning. 他每周六,上午在一家动物医院做义工。
以上两句中的each和every是一对近 义词,但各自的侧重点不同,值得关注。
each man has his own name. 每个人都有自己的名字。
each time you practice, you get better at playing tennis. 每次你进行网球练习,你都会打得更好。
i get sick every time i eat seafood. 每次我吃海鲜都会生病。
every one of you must attend the meeting. 你们每个人都必须参加会议。
he gave two to each (person). 他给每人两个。
each (school) has its own library. 每一所学校都有图书馆。
we have every reason to believe that the operation will be a success. 我们完全有理由相信手术会取得成功。
each student was asked the same question. 每个学生都被问了同样的问题。
every child was dressed in a costume. 所有孩子都穿了演出服。
almost every cake was sold. 几乎所有的蛋糕都卖完了。(不说:almost each cake was sold.)
not every student went on holiday. 并非每个学生都度假去了。(不说:not each student went on holiday.)
none of the books are mine. 没有一本书是我的。(不说:each of the books are not mine.)
4. last year, she decided to try out for a volunteer after-school reading program. 去年她决定参加一个课外阅读项目的志愿者选拔。
句中try out for是一个短语动词, 意为“报名参加选拔;申请参选(某项活动)为其中一员”。例如:
why did you decide to try out for the olympics? 你为什么要报名参选奥运会?
would you try out for the school socer team? 你会申请参加校足球队的选拔吗?
theyre trying out a new frming method. 他们正在试验种新的耕作法。
she enjoys trying out new ways of doing things. 她喜欢尝试各种新的办法来做事情。

unit 3? could you please clean your room??
1. i think two hours of tv is enough for you! 我认为你看两小时电视就足够了!
此处,two hours of tv虽为复数,但却表达一种整体的概念。 英语语法规定:当时间、长度、距离或其它可数名词表示一个完整的整体概念用作主语时,其后的谓语动词应用单数形式与之匹配。这是“主谓一致”概念中一个值得注意的地方。又如:
two months is quite a long time. 两个月是挺长的一段时间。
thirty students is not a big number for a class. 30人对一个班来说算不上是个大数目。
2. and she wont be happy if she sees this mess. 如果她看到这么乱会生气的。
your hair is a mess. 你的头发很乱。
im sorry the house is a mess. 抱歉,这房间有点儿脏乱。
与mess搭配所形成的常用短语有in a mess, make a mess, a complete/total mess, clean/clear/tidy up the mess,以及短句“what a mess!” 例如:
they left the kitchen in a mess after baking a cake. 他们烤了个蛋糕就把厨房弄得一团糟。
if he dog makes a mess, you clean it up! 要是狗把东西弄脏、搞乱了,你来收拾干净!
would you clear up this mess? 你把这些脏东西收拾掉好吗?
what a mess! lets tidy itup. 多么乱呀!咱们把它整理一下。
3. the minute i sat down in front of the tv, my mom came over. 我刚一坐到电视前面,我妈就走了过来。
此处the minute moment (that) …相当于as soon as …意思是“一……就……”。
又如:i need to see her the minute she arrives. 她到我就需要见她。
4. … she did not do any housework and neither did i. ……她没有干任何家务,我也没干。
neither did i是一种倒装结构,此处neither为副词,还可用nor来替换。当neither或nor表示“也不”这一概念时,往往使用倒装的形式。再如:
a: ive never been to australia. 我从来没有去过澳大利亚。b: neither have i. 我也没有。
hes not good at swimming, nor am i.他不擅长游泳,我也不擅长。
5. “what happened?” she asked in surprise. 她吃惊地问道:“发生什么事了?”
此处,介词短语in surprise表示状态,意为“吃惊地;惊讶地”。再如:
she stared in surprise when she arived at school to find her desk filled with presents. 她到了学校发现她的桌子堆满了礼物,便吃惊地盯着(这一切)。
bills eyes widened with surprise when he saw how much the meal cost. 当比尔看到这顿饭的价钱时,他吃惊地瞪大了眼睛。
it was with some surprise that i read of his resignation. 读到他的辞职信,我多少有些吃惊。
此外,to还与surprise搭配,构成to ones surprise短语,表达“令人吃惊的是;令人惊讶的是”这样的意思。例如:
much to her surprise, she enjoyed the party. 她挺享受这次的聚会,这令她自己十分惊讶。
she showed no surprise at all at the news. 听到这则消息,她没有表现出任何惊讶的表情。
6. they dont have time to study and do housework, too. 他们没有时间既学习又干家务。
也许有人会对此句的正确性提出质疑:不是说否定句中要使用or和either吗?此句怎么仍然为and和too呢?实际上此句并无错误。句中被否定的部分是宾语“time”,而to study and do housework,too表达了“(既)学习,还要干家务”的意思,为肯定的概念,用作timne一词的定语。若按语法关系直译的话,此句应为“他们没有既学习还做家务的时间”。
7. since they live in one house with their parents, they should know that … 既然他们与父母同住一个屋檐之下,他们应该知道……
since you are unable to answer, perhaps we should ask someone else. 既然你答不上来,也许我们应该请别人回答。
since wes take a taxi. 既然要迟到了,那我们打出租车吧。
we decided to buy a new washing machine since the one at home was not working well anymore. 由于家里的洗衣机不再好用了,我们决定买个新的。

unit 4? why dont you talk to your parents??
1. i guess you could tell her to say sorry. 我觉得你可以要她道歉。
1)英语guess本意为“猜;猜测”。美国英语用法中,i guess …这一结构与i think …类似,表达“我想……”,用于陈述自己的观点、看法及建议。再如:
its time for you now, i guess, to take a break away from your compuer. 我想你现在应该从电脑上停下来,休息一下了。
2)tell sb. to do sth.意为“要求某人做某事:令某人做某事”,语气较ask sb. to do sth.(请求某人做某事;想要某人做某事;让某人做某事)要强。例如:
could you please tell him not to jump so hard like that upstairsr? it stand it. 麻烦你叫他不要在楼上那么狂跳好吗?我心脏有问题,受不了。
3)say sorry (to sb.)表示“(向某人)道歉”之意,是apologize to someone的口语表达方式。类似这样的口语表述还有:
say hello/hi to … 向……问候;问候……
say thank you to …或say thanks to … 向……致谢;感谢……
say goodbye to … 向……道别
say yes to … 对……表示同意
say no to … 对……表示不同意;拒绝……
2. also, my elder brother is not very nice to me. 还有,我哥哥对我也不是很好。
elder一词意同older,表示“年长的”,主要用于表示家里兄弟姐妹中先出生的孩子,常与brother和sister搭配,表示“ 哥哥(elder brother)”、“姐姐(elder sister)”。以英国英语更为常见。相反,“弟弟”、“ 妹妹”则分别为younger brother和younger sister。在这种用法中,elder仅用于名词之前,作为定语。又如:elder son(大儿子);elder daughter(大女儿)。
此外,elder也和定冠词the连用,构成the elder of …结构,表示“两者中年纪较大的一位”。例如:
sam is the elder of the two. 两人中山姆年纪较大。
the elder

of their two sons 他们两个儿子中的老大
the elder还可与名字搭配,置于名字之前,表示两位同名人中年龄大的一位,类似于汉语“大张”、“大刘”的说法。例如:
the elder peter 大彼得
3. however, the tired children dont get home until after 7:00 p.m. 可是,疲惫的孩子们直到晚上7点后才到家。
in some failies competition starts very young and continues until the kids get older. 在有些家庭里,竞争从很小就开始了,一直持续到孩子们长大。
以上两个句子中均有连接词until,表示“直到……”。在第一个句子中,get是瞬间动词,因此使用了not … until …结构,表示“直到……”。再如:
he didnclock. 他直到九点才到达。
once she starts singing, she wont stop until a few hours later. 一且她开始唱,她就会一直唱几个小时才停下来。
i was up until past midnight studying for the english test. 我为了英语测验一直学习到了半夜都没睡。
we waited until he had finished his lunch. 我们一直等到他吃完午饭。

unit 5? what were you doing when the rainstorm came??
1. so while you were seeping, i called jenny and she helped me. 所以你睡觉的时候,我打电话给珍妮,她帮了我。
while sandy

was flling out the forms, i called jimmy from the airport. 在桑迪填写表格的时候,我从机场给吉米打了一个电话。
someone broke into her house while she was on vacation. 当她在外度假时,家中被盗了。
she was talking on the phone while watching tv. 她边打电话一边看电视。
另外,连词when也可以表示“……的时候”的意思,表现在具体的某一时间点或一段时间中(at or during the time that something happens),所引导的从句中的谓语动词既可为瞬间性动词也可是延续性动词。例如:
he was quite shocked when i told him. 当我告诉他时,他十分震惊。
when he was at grenfield high, he always played defense. 他就读绿地中学期间总是打后卫。
when the meal was finished, my mother washed up and brewed a pot of tea.吃过饭后,我老妈把所有东西都洗干净,沏了一壶茶。
ill call you again when i get home. 我到家后再给你打电话。
i do every single bit of housework while he just does the dishes now and again. 我要干每一件家务,而他只是有时洗洗碗筷罢了。
tom is very outgoing and confident while kathys shy and quiet. 汤姆十分外向、自信,而凯西却腼腆文静。
2. with no light outside, it felt like midnight. 屋子外面没有灯,感觉到了半夜似的。
with my parents away,

im the king of the house. 我爸妈不在,我可是家中的“王”了!
i cant work with all that noise going on. 由于那噪音响着,我无法工作。
3. youre kidding! 你在开玩笑吧!
作为动词,kid可表达“开玩笑”的意思,且经常用在一些较为固定的口语套语中,本句便是如此。类似这样的话语还包括youve got to be kidding me.或i was only kidding.等。试看:
you ve got to be kidding me! what do you mean you lost the tickets? 你在拿我开玩笑吧!你说把票给丢了是什么意思?
dont be upset, john was only kidding. 别难过,约翰只不过开开玩笑罢了。
4. she remembers working in her office

near the two towers. 她记得当时(自己)正在双子座附近的办公室里工作。
2)remember (someone) doing something是一种固定搭配,表示“记得(某人)曾经做过某事”,其中remember可表示“记得;回忆起;想起;记住”等意思。例如:
i dont remember seeing him anywhere. 我不记得在什么地方见过他。
he remembered hearing that song at a restaurant once. 他回想起曾在一家餐厅听过那首歌。
1 remember my sister wearing a bright yellow dress. 我记得妹妹穿了条鲜亮的黄色连衣裙。

unit 6? an old man tried to move the mountains.?
1. journey to the west《西游记》
此处journey之后为前往的地点,故用介词“to”,而不说journey of the west或the west journey。
theyre on a journey to european countries. 他们正在欧洲游。
1)当与具体地点搭配时,journey之后常用to, from或between:
the journey from greenhouse to supermarket shelf从大棚到超市货架的行程(to表达“目的地”;from表达“来源地”)
the journey between the two towns两座城镇间的行程(between表达“两地之间”)
the journey of his life 他的一生之旅
some sort of journey of self-discovery 某种自我探索之旅
a journey of 685 miles on the train 685英里的火车旅行
a journey of five days 一个五日行程的旅行
a dangerous jourmey through the jungle 一次穿越丛林的危险行程
an epic journey across africa on foot 徒步横穿非洲的传奇旅行
the journey down the rhine 莱茵(河)之行(down表示“顺流而下;下山”)
the tedious journey up the mountain 漫长而无聊的登山行程(up表示“逆流而上;上山”)
2. … he can make 72 changes to his shape and size, … ……他有72种外形和大小的变化,……
a return to a classical form of music 一次向古典音乐形式的回归
she cried herself to sleep. 她哭着睡着了。
for your safety and others convenience as well, would you wait until the lights change to green? 为了您自己的安全,也为了他人的便利,您等信号灯变绿了(再过马路)好吗?
3. … beause the cever m king kes ighting to help the wek and never gives up. ……因为聪明的美猴王一直为帮助弱者而战,从不放弃。
1)此句中,the weak意为“弱者;弱势群体”,相当于the weak people。英语中“the+形容词”是一种语言结构,表示“某一类人”。例如:
the old and (the) young 老人和孩童们
he gives money to the poor every now and then. 他时常把钱施舍给穷人。
2)give up为一个短语动词,可表达“放弃;对……不抱希望;认输”等意思。例如:
he decided to give up smoking and live a healthier life instead. 他决定戒烟,过更健康的生活。
give up!投降吧!(认输吧!)
she gave up looking for the lost earing after searching for a few hours. 寻找了几个小时以后,她决定放弃寻找那只遗失的耳环。

unit 7? whats the highest mountain in the world??
1. as far as i know, there are no other man-made objects as big as this. 据我所知,没有与这个一样大的其他人工建筑物了。
句中man-made是一个合成形容词,意为“人造的”。英语像这样与-made复合而成的形容词不止一个,常见的有:handmade(手工制作的)、homemade(家庭制作的)、machine made(机制的)、tailor made(量体定制的;特制的;定做的)等,用以描述产品的生产或制造手段、特点等,甚至还有像self-made(自学而成的;自我奋斗而成的;天然形成的)可以用来描述人。例如:
we only sell homemade bread and cakes, and homemade wine. 我们只卖私家烘焙的面包、糕饼,以及家酿葡萄酒。
this movie role was tilor-made for that actor. 这个电影角色是专为那位男演员量身设计的。
2. thick clouds cover the top and snow can fall very hard. even more serious difficulties include freezing weather conditions and heavy storms. 山顶上浓云覆盖,而且雪可能下得很大。更严重的困难是冰冻天气和强烈的暴风雪。
描述天气时,英语形容词与名词的搭配与汉语不尽一致, 值得注意。此处thick clouds(密集的云层;厚密的云块)、freezing weather(极度寒冷的天气)和heavy storms(大暴雪/雨;暴风雪/雨)就是颇具说服力的例子。以下列出与weather, storm, snow, cloud, air这五个天气名词有关的部分描述性搭配,供参考:
●表现“寒冷”时与weather搭配的常见形容词:cold, freezing, icy
●表现暴风雨之“凶猛”时与storm搭配的常见形容词:bad, big, great, heavy, terrible, disastrous, fierce, tremendous, violent
●表现“雪”之“强弱”时与snow搭配的形容词:heavy, thick, light
●表现云层“疏密”时与cloud搭配的形容词:light, thick, heavy, dense
●表现“乌云”时与cloud一词搭配的形容词:black, dark, gray, dense
●表现空气“稀薄”“浑浊”“潮湿”时与air搭配的形容词:thin, thick, humid
3. at 9:00 a.m., they find that most of the babies are already awake and hungry. 到了早上9点,他们发现大多数的(熊猫)宝宝已经醒来并且饿了。
英语中,awake常用于be, stay, keep, lie之后,作表语;但也可与shake等动词搭配,表示“某人摇醒他人”等:
you would have to shake her awake. 你得把她给摇醒。
she was the last person awake. 她是最后一个醒着的人。
另外,awake不与very搭配使用,表示“完全醒来;十分清醒”用fully awake, wide awake,如:
he was wide awake by the time we reached my flat. 等我们到达我的住所时,他已经完全醒过来了。
she rose, still not quite fully awake. 她站起身,但还没有完全清醒。

unit 8? have you read treasure island yet??
1. wow,yourefast! 哇!你(读得)好快呀!
1)当我们说someone is fast,意指此人做事快,使用较短的时间,如上句。当我们说someone is quick,则意指此人行动迅速、反应敏捷、理解得快、急于表现自己或去做某事等。例如:
well, jenny is quick. why not ask her to help you? 珍妮倒是行动敏捷,你为什么不找她来帮你?
sam is very smart and a quick learner, so he usually does well in school. 山姆很聪明,学习能力很强,所以他的学习成绩总是不错。
some students are quicker than others in class. 课堂上,有的学生比另外一些学生理解得要快些。
dont always be so quick to criticize. 不要老是急着提出批评意见。
that was quick — have you fnished already? 真快呀,你已经做完了吗?
its quicker if we go by taxi. 我们坐出租车去会更快一些。
such opportunities, however, were quick to disappear. 然而,这样的机会稍纵即逝。
we stopped to have a quick look at the eiffel tower. 我们停下车来迅速地看了一眼埃菲尔铁塔。
3)当用作定语表达“快的;快速的”,虽然quick和fast在一些时候可以通用,如a quick/fast learner(学得快的学生;接受力快的学生),the fastest/quickest way(最快的办法;最快的途径)等,但许多时候到底使用fast还是quick是一种搭配,有时甚至十分固定。如“快车”为fast train/car,却不用quick;“快速浏览”为a quick look;“迅速的回答”为a quick answer/reply。
2. however, country music brings us back to the “good old days” when people were kind to each other and trusted one another. 然而,乡村音乐把我们带回到去的好时光”,那时的人们互相善待,彼此信任。
此句中each other和one another同义,并无本质上的区别,一 般情况下两者通用,只是one another所指的“互相;彼此”较each other更加笼统。试比较:
we both often help each other at school. 在学校我们两人经常互相帮助。
teachers would encourage their students to help one another / each other in class. 课堂上老师会鼓励学生互相帮助。
they sat for two hours without talking to each other / one another. 他们坐了两小时,相互不说话。
此外,两种表述均有所有格形式(each others)。例如:
they sat there motionlessly, looking into each others eyes. 他们坐在那里一动不动,相互望着对方。
3. she knows that there is the country music hall of fame and museum in nashville. 她知道在纳什维尔有一座乡村音乐名人堂与博物馆。
英语hall of fame是一个合成名词,其复数形式为halls of fame,可用于表示“人”或“场所”。表示“人”时,该词多作为总称表示某一行业的“佼饺者”“群星”;当用来表达“场所”时,则意为“名人遗物收藏纪念馆”“名人纪念堂”等。

unit 9? have you ever been to a museum??
1. its unbelievable that technology has progressed in such a rapid way! 科技进步得如此之快,真是令人难以置信。
句中rapid意为“快速的;飞快的”,表达“发生或做得极快,用时短暂”,与fast, quick同为近义词,但更加正式(formal)。例如:
the force of the rapid inflation of airbags saves adult lives. 安全气囊极速膨起的力量可挽救成人的生命。
the rapid spread of the disease has threatened public safety. 这种疾病的迅猛传播给公共安全造成了威胁。
经常与rapid搭配使用的名词包括:change, growth, increase, rise, decline, progress, development, improvement等。有关fast和quick的常见名词搭配,参见本书上一单元的相关课文注释。
2. it also encourages governments and social groups to think about ways to improve toilets in the future. 它还鼓励政府和社会团体思考如何改进未来的厕所。
encourage意为“给予某人以力量、勇气及希望等(去做某事)”或“积极说服、劝说某人(做某事)”,常译作“鼓励;鼓舞;激发”、“怂恿;支持”、“劝告”等。当宾语为人时,其句型结构为encourage someone to do …,用动词不定式作补语。例如:
teachers should encourage students to participate and raise questions in class. 课堂上老师们应鼓励学生积极参与和提问。
mary encouraged me to apply for the job. 玛丽鼓励我去报名应聘那份工作。
但当encourage之后直接为所做之事时,句型结构则为encourage doing …,要用v. -ing的形式。例如:
mr. wang often encourages reading aloud. 王老师常常要求放声朗读。
3. the tea art performances show how to make a perfect cup of tea with beautiful tea sets. 茶艺表演展示了如何用精美的茶具沏出一杯完美的茶。
a perfect cup of tea意为“一杯好茶;杯完美的茶水”。 在英语中,当表示“量”的结构遇有描述性修饰,形容词的位置有时是令人伤脑筋的事情。大多数情况下,人们习惯于将形容词置于表量名词(unit word)之前。例如:
an easy piece of homework 一个好做的家庭作业
a good cup of coffee 一杯好咖啡
a fresh cup of black tea 一杯新沏的红茶 | a cup of new tea 一杯新茶(意指“当年茶叶冲沏的茶水”)
a basket of big apples 一筐大苹果 | a big basket of apples 一大筐苹果
a bowl of instant noodles 一碗方便面 | a sheet of yellow paper 一张黄纸
a hot cup of tea = a cup of hot tea 一杯热茶
a good piece of advice = a piece of good advice 一则好建议

unit 10? ive had this bike for three years.?
1. my daughter is 16 and my boy is already in junior high school. 我女儿16岁了,我儿子已经上了初中。
英语high schol为“中学”之意,在美国和加拿大尤指“高中”(senior high school)。在英国,“中学”除high school这一说法外,人们还常用secondary school这一说法。此外,为避免high school可能形成的误解,人们还用junior和senior两词来区分初、高中,将“初中”称作junior high或junior high school;“高中”称作senior high或senior high school。
英语可用start school表示“人学;上学”,用finish school表示“结束学业;毕业”。例如:
he is your age and will start school today. 他跟你一样大,今天就要上学啦。
he started to work right after he finished school. 他从学校毕业就开始工作了。
2. my daughter was more understanding, although she also felt sad to part with certain toys. 我女儿更能理解一些,尽管她也觉得要和某些玩具分开很伤心。
part with为一个短语动词,表示“不情愿地与……分手,将之送给或卖给他人”。例如:
paul was reluctant to part with his valuable stamp collection. 保罗实在不愿意卖掉他那些珍藏的邮票。
she took the computer game from jack, who parted with it unwillingly. 她从杰克的手中接过电脑游戏,杰克不情愿地将它放手。
i took the book, thanked her, and told her i would never part with it. 我接过书,谢过她,并告诉她我不会把这本书再送给别人。
3. with a hard job in a crayon factory, he doesnt find much time to visit his hometown. 他在蜡笔厂的工作非常辛苦,所以抽不出很多时间回去看看家乡。
many people like zhong wei regard with great interest how their hometowns have changed. 许多人都像钟伟一样对家乡的变化很感兴趣。
with everyone away on holiday, the house was very quiet. 由于所有人都外出度假去了,房子里很安静。
i cant think properly with all this noise going on. 因为这些嘈杂的响声,我无法正常思考。
the sky grew darker with the approach of dark clouds. 随着乌云渐渐逼近,天空越来越暗。
she was screaming with joy. 她因兴奋而尖叫起来。
jack shook with anger when he heard his money had been stolen. 听到他的钱被偷了,杰克气愤得直发抖。

