


1. “What’s your favorite swimsuit style?”
这个问题常常被人们用来寒暄和交流对泳装的喜好。在海滩上,你可以向他人询问:“What’s your favorite swimsuit style?”(你最喜欢的泳装款式是什么?) 或者你也可以说:“I love the retro style swimsuit, what about you?”(我喜欢复古款式的泳装,你呢?)

2. “Where did you buy your swimsuit?”
人们常常对别人的时尚选择心生好奇,因此会问到:“Where did you buy your swimsuit?”(你在哪里买的这套泳装?) 对方可以回答:“I got it from a famous swimwear shop downtown.”(我在市区的一家著名泳装店买的。)

3. “Can you recommend any good swimsuit brands?”
如果你对泳装品牌不太熟悉,可以向别人请教:“Can you recommend any good swimsuit brands?”(你可以推荐一些好的泳装品牌吗?) 或者你也可以向别人寻求意见:“Which brand do you think offers the best quality swimsuits?”(你认为哪个品牌的泳装质量最好?)

4. “How do you take care of your swimsuit?”
泳装穿了一天后,需要进行正确的清洗和保养。你可以问别人:“How do you take care of your swimsuit?” (你是如何保养你的泳装的?) 别人可以与你分享:“I always hand wash my swimsuit with gentle detergent and let it air dry.”(我总是用温和的洗涤剂手洗我的泳装,并晾干。)

5. “What’s your opinion on swimwear fashion trends this year?”
时尚潮流每年都有新的变化,你可以和别人讨论:“What’s your opinion on swimwear fashion trends this year?”(你对今年的泳装时尚潮流有什么看法?) 别人可以分享他们的观点:“I think high-waisted bikinis and one-shoulder swimsuits are popular choices this year.”(我认为今年高腰比基尼和单肩泳衣都很受欢迎。)


