



A:Good morning! I am here to visit Mr. Johnson. Could you please let him know that I have arrived?

B:Good morning! Sure, please have a seat. I will inform Mr. Johnson about your arrival immediately.

A:Thank you very much. By the way, I am from ABC company. We are interested in cooperating with your company and I am here to discuss the details.

B:That’s great! Mr. Johnson has been looking forward to this meeting. He has prepared a meeting room for you. Would you like to have a cup of tea while waiting?

A:I’d love to. Thank you for yo

ur kind offer.

B:You’re welcome. Here is some information about our company. It might be helpful for your discussion.

A:Thank you. I will take a look at it before the meeting starts. By the way, could you please tell me a little bit about Mr. Johnson? I hope I can make a good impression on him.

B:Mr. Johnson is a very experienced and knowledgeable person. He values efficiency and professionalism. During the meeting, it would be great if you could present your ideas clearly and concisely.

A:I see. I will keep that in mind. Thank you for your advice. Oh, it seems like Mr. Johnson is coming.

B:Yes, that’s him. I will introduce you to him now. Good luck with your meeting!

