


1. 自我介绍 (Introduction)


My name is John. I have been working in the foreign trade industry for five years. I graduated from ABC University with a major in International Business. I am fluent in English and have a good understanding of international

markets. I am excited about this opportunity and interested in joining your company.

2. 讨论工作经验 (Discussing work experience)


In my previous job, I was responsible for managing a portfolio of international clients. I successfully increased sales by 20% within a year by developing new customer relationships and expanding into new markets. I also led a team of sales executives and implemented effective sales strategies to achieve targets. I believe my experience and skills would be valuable in this role.

3. 回答问题 (Answering questions)


面试官:Can you give an example of a difficult negotiation you have been involved in and how you handled it?
应聘者:Certainly. In my previous position, I had to negotiate a contract with a difficult client who was demanding lower prices than we could offer. I carefully analyzed the situation and explained our reasons for the current pricing. I then proposed a compromise that would be beneficial to both parties. Through open communication and willingness to find a solution, we were able to reach an agreement and maintain a good business relationship.

4. 展示团队合作能力 (Demonstrating teamwork skills)


During my previous job, I was part of a cross-functional team responsible for launching a new product in the international market. I collaborated with colleagues from different departments, including sales, marketing, and logistics. Through effective communication and coordination, we successfully introduced the product and achieved our sales targets. I believe my experience in teamwork would be valuable in this position.

5. 关于离职原因 (Regarding reasons for leaving)


面试官:Why did you leave your previous job?
应聘者:I left my previous job because I felt that I had reached a plateau in terms of career development. I am seeking new challenges and opportunities for growth in a company like yours that has a global presence and a strong reputation in the industry.

