


A: Hi, my name is Amy. Nice to meet you!
B: Nice to meet you too, Amy. I’m Brian. Where are you from?
A: I’m from Canada. How about you?
B: I’m from the United States. How do you like it here so far?
A: I love it here. The campus is beautiful and the people are friendly. How about you?
B: I agree. The campus is amazing and I’ve made some great friends already.

A: Good morning, Lisa. How are you today?

B: Good morning, Tom. I’m feeling a little tired, but overall, I’m good. How about you?
A: I’m doing well, thanks for asking. Did you finish your English assignment?
B: Not yet. I’m having some trouble with the grammar part. Can you help me out?
A: Sure, I’d be happy to. Let’s go to the library after class and work on it together.

A: Excuse me, is this seat taken?
B: No, it’s not. You can sit here. By the way, my name is Emily.
A: Nice to meet you, Emily. I’m Mike. Are you a freshman too?
B: Yes, I am. How about you, Mike?
A: Me too. What’s your major?
B: I’m majoring in Economics. What about you?
A: I’m majoring in Computer Science. Maybe we can take some classes together.

A: Hey, Sarah. What did you do over the weekend?
B: Hi, John. I went hiking with my friends. It was a lot of fun. How about you?
A: I went to the movies with my sister. The movie was really entertaining.
B: That sounds great. We should plan something together next time.

A: Excuse me, can you recommend a good place to eat around here?
B: Sure. There’s a popular restaurant called “Cafe Delight” down the street. They have delicious food.
A: Thank you for the recommendation. I will definitely check it out.
B: You’re welcome. Enjoy your meal!


