

hallie荷莉 annie安妮(白色)
h: what’s the matter?
a: it’s chilly in here, that’s all.
h: want one?
a: oh, sure. i love oreos. at home i eat them with peanut butter.
h: you do? that is so weird. so do i.
a: you’re kidding? most people find that totally disgusting.
h: i know. i don’t get

a: me either.
h: what’s your dad like? i mean, is he the kind of father you can talk to, or is he one of those workaholic types

who says, “i’ll talk to you later, honey,” but, you know, never really does? i hate that.
a: i don’t have a father, actually. i mean, i had one once, i suppose, but my parents divorced years ago. my mother never even mentions him. it’s like he evaporated into thin air or something.
h: it’s scary the way nobody stays together anymore.
a: tell me about it.
h: how old are you?
a: i’ll be 12 on october 11.h: so will i.a: your birthday’s on october 11?h: yeah.a: how weird is that?h: extremely.
oh, hey, it’s stopped raining. want to go get a popsicle or something?
what’s the matter?a: hallie, what’s your mother like?h: i never met her. she and my dad split up when i was a baby. maybe even before. i’m not sure.

he doesn’t like to talk about her. but i know she was really, really beautiful.a: how do you know that?h: well, because my dad had this old picture of her hidden in his sock drawer. he caught me looking at it, like, all the time so he gave it to me to keep. look, i’m really thirsty. sure you don’t want to go to the mass hall and get a lemonade or something?a: will you stop thinking about your stomach at a time like this?h: at a time like what?
a: don’t you realize what’s happening?
i mean, think about it. i only have a mother and you only have a father. you’ve never seen your mum and i’ve never seen my dad. you have one old picture of your mum and i have one old picture of my dad. but at least yours is probably a whole picture, mine’s a pathetic little thing all crinkled and ripped right down the middle and…what are you rummaging in

your trunk for?
h: this. it’s the picture of my mom. and it’s ripped too.a: right down the middle?h: right down the middle.a: this is so freaky. ok. on the count of three, we’ll show them to each other, ok?h: ok.a: one.h: two.a,h: there.h: that’s my dad.
a: that’s my mum.h: that’s the lunch bell. i’m not so hungry anymore. so, if your mom is my mom and my dad is your dad, and we were both born on october 11, then you and i are, like, sisters.a: sisters? hallie, we’re, like, twins.
