
五年级上册Unit 1

young:[j??] 年轻的

funny:[‘f?ni] 滑稽可笑的

tall:[t?:l] 高的

strong:[str??] 强壮的

kind:[kaind] 和蔼的,亲切的

old:[?uld] 年老的

short:[??:t] 矮的

thin:[θin] 瘦的

Mr 先生

from [ fr?m ]从;来自. .

Canada [ ‘k?n?d? ]加拿大

what’s = what


like:[laik] 像……一样;喜欢

he’s = he is

know [ n?u ] 知道

now [ nau ] 现在 ※

no [ n?u ] 不. ※.

principal [ ‘prins?p?l]校长

university student 大学生

[‘ju:ni’v?:siti ][ ‘stju:d?nt ]

strict:[strikt] 严格的

smart:[smɑ:t] 聪明的,巧妙的

active:[‘?ktiv] 积极的,活跃的

Miss [ mis ] 小姐.

Lady [ ‘leidi ] .女士;小姐’夫人

so much [ s?u][m?t?] 很;非常.

fun [ f?n ] 有趣;逗笑. .

quiet:[‘kwai?t] 安静的,文静的

she’s = she is

she [ ?i: ]她. ※

he [ hi: ] .他. ※

her [ h?: ]她的. ※

his [ hiz ]他的 ※

very [‘veri] 很,非常

but [b?t] 但是

五年级上册Unit 2

Monday (Mon.) [‘m?ndi] 星期一.

Tuesday (Tue.) [‘tju:zdi ]. 星期二

Wednesday (Wed.) [‘wenzdei] 星期三

Thursday (Thu.) [‘θ?:zdi ] . 星期四

Friday (Fri.) [ ‘fraidi ] 星期五

Moral Education[ ‘m?r?l ] . [‘edju:’kei??n ] 思想品德课

Social Studies [ ‘s?u??l ] . [ ‘st?diz ]


day [ dei ] 天;日子

wait [ weit ] 等待;等等

waiter [ ‘weit? ] n.侍者,服务员 ※

tomorrow [t?’m?r?u]. 明天

have:[h?v] 有;吃

on :[?n]在……时候

do homework :[du:][‘h?umw?:k]做作业

watch TV 看电视:[w?t?]

read books:[ri:d][buk] 读书

Saturday (Sat.) [‘s?t?di]星期六

Sunday (Sun.) [ ‘s?ndi ]星期天

often [‘?f?n] 常常;经常

sometimes [ ‘s?mtaimz ]有时 ※

usually[‘ju:???li] ※

love [ l?v ] 爱;热爱

yeah [jε?] . 是;行

play computer game玩电脑游戏

too [ tu: ] . 也;太 .

to [ tu: ] ※

do housework [du:][‘ha?sw?:k]做家务

五年级上册(三会)Unit 3

cabbage [‘k?bid?] 洋白菜;卷心菜

pork [p?:k] n. 猪肉

mutton [‘m?tn] n. 羊肉

eggplant:[‘egplɑ:nt] 茄子

fish:[fi?] 鱼

green beans:[gri:n] [bi:n]青豆

tofu :[‘t?ufu:]豆腐

potato:[p?’teit?u] 土豆

tomato:[t?’meit?u] 西红柿

I’d like =I would like

for:[f?:] 为

lunch:[l?nt?] 中餐

we:[wi:] 我们

menu [ ‘menju: ] . n. 菜单

sound [ saund ] 听起来

healthy [‘helθi] a.健康的;有益健康的

tasty:[‘teisti] 好吃的

sweet:[swi:t] 甜的

sour:[‘sau?] 酸的

fresh:[fre?] 新鲜的

salty:[‘s?:lti] 咸的

favourite [ ‘feiv?rit] 最喜欢的

they are:[eei ][ɑ:]他们是

fruit:[fru:t] 水果

don’t =do not

grape:[greip] 葡萄


have to [ h?v ] . [ tu: ]不得不

eat [ i:t ] . v. 吃

五年级上册Unit 4

empty the trash倒垃圾

cook the meals:[kuk][e?][mi:l]煮饭

water the flowers浇花

sweep the floor:[swi:p][e?][fl?:]扫地

clean the bedroom打扫卧室

helpful[ ‘helpful ] a. 有帮助的,有益的

at home

ill [ il] 坏的,有病的.

at home [ ?t ]. [ h?um ] 在家

wash the windows 擦窗户

just do it 就这么干, 说做就做

make the bed:[meik][e?][bed] 铺床

set the table:[set][e?][‘teibl] 摆饭桌

wash the clothes[w??] [ kl?uez ] 洗衣服

do the dishes [ ‘di?iz ] 洗碗碟

put away the clothes收拾衣服

I’d like to =I would like to我想要干…

have a try [ h?v] [trai ]试一试

robot 机器人

can’t =can not

play chess [ plei ] [ t?es ]下棋

use a computer 使用计算机

[ ju:z ] . [ k?m’pju:t? ] ..

五年级上册(三会)Unit 5

air-conditioner [??] [k?n’di??n?]空调

curtain:[‘k?:tn] 窗帘

trash bin:[tr??][bin] 垃圾箱

closet:[‘kl?zit] 壁橱

mirror:[‘mir?] 镜子

bed table:[bed][‘teibl] 床头柜

look at [ luk ] .[ ?t ]看一看 .

own [ ?un ] . a. 自己的

flat [ fl?t ] . 公寓

third [ θ?:d ] . a. 第三的

bedroom:[‘bedrum] 卧室


bathroom:[‘b?θrum] 卫生间

living room:[‘livi?][ru:m] 客厅

very much [ ‘veri ] [ m?t? ] .非常、很多

in:[in] 在……里面

on 在……上面

under:[‘?nd?] 在……下面

near:[ni?] 在……旁边

behind:[bi’haind] 在……后边

over [ ‘?uv? ] prep.在…的上方

in front of [ fr?nt ] [?:f ] 在…前面

clothes:[kl?uez] 衣服

work. [ w?:k ] . 工作

tell [ tel ] v. 告诉,说

五年级上册Unit 6

sky [ skai ] n. 天空

cloud [ klaud ] n. 云

mountain [ ‘mauntin ] n. 山,山脉

river:[‘riv?] 河流

flower:[‘flau?] 花

grass:[grɑ:s] 草

lake: 湖泊

forest:[‘f?rist] 森林

path:[pɑ:θ] 路

park:[pɑ:k] 公园

nature park自然公园 .

farm [ fɑ:m ] . n. 农场,农田

farmer [ ‘fɑ:m? ] . n. 农夫

holiday [ ‘h?l?di ] n.假期,假日

picture:[‘pikt??] 照片

village [ ‘vilid? ] n. 乡村、村庄

city [ ‘siti ] n. 城市

house:[haus] 房子

bridge:[brid?] 桥

tree:[tri:] 树

road:[r?ud] 公路

building:[‘bildi?] 建筑物

clean:[kli:n] 干净的

air [ ?? ] n. 空气

run [ r?n ] 跑、奔跑

any [ ‘eni ] . . a. 任何的

五年级下册Unit 1

do morning exercises晨练

eat breakfast :[i:t][‘brekf?st]吃早饭

have English class 上英语课

play sports:[plei] [sp?:ts]进行体育运动

eat dinner:[i:t][‘din?] 吃晚饭

when:[hwen] 什么时候

about [ ‘?baut ] 关于,大约.

policeman [ p?’li:sm?n ] 警察

work [ w?:k ] 工作

evening:[‘i:vni?] 夜晚;晚上

get up:[get][?p] 起床

at:[?t] 在……点钟

usually:[‘ju:?u?li] 通常;一般

noon:[nu:n] 中午

tell [ tel ] 告诉、说

climb mountains:[klaim] [‘mauntin]爬山

go shopping[g?u][‘??pi?] 购物;买东西

play the piano:[plei][e?][pi’?n?u] 弹钢琴

visit grandparents:[‘vizit] 看望祖父母

go hiking:[g?u][haik] 去远足

weekend:[‘wi:k’end] 周末

often:[‘?:f?n] 经常

sometimes:[‘s?mtaimz] 有时候

rain [ rein ] 下雨. .

either [ ‘aie? ] 也

next [ nekst ] 也

五年级下册(三会)Unit 2

spring:[spri?] 春天

summer:[‘s?m?] 夏天

fall:[f?:l] 秋天

winter:[‘wint?] 冬天

season:[‘si:zn] 季节

which:[hwit?] 哪一个

best :[best]最;极

always 总是[ ‘?:lweiz ] . .

play with[ wie ]玩,与…一起玩

snow [ sn?u ] . 雪


[ li:f ] . [ li:vz ] .

up [ ?p ] . .

north [ n?:θ ] 北方;向北方. .

Halloween. [ ‘h?l?u’i:n ]



[ θ??ks’givi? ]

swim:[swim] 游泳

fly kites 放风筝

skate 滑冰;滑冰鞋

make a snowman 堆雪人

plant trees 种树

why:[hwai] 为什么

because:[bi’k?:z] 因为

sleep 睡觉

五年级下册(三会)Unit 3

Jan. / January[ ‘d??nju?ri ] . 一月

Feb. / February[ ‘febru?ri ] 二月

Mar. / March [ mɑ:t? ]三月

Apr. / April[ ‘eipr?l ] 四月

May[ mei ] 五月

June[ d?u:n ] 六月

July [ d?u:’lai ]七月

Aug. / August [ ‘?:g?st]八月

Sept. / September[ s?p’temb?] 九月

Oct. / October[?k’t?ub? ] 十月

Nov. / November [n?u’vemb?]十一月

Dec. / December[di’semb?] 十二月

chart [ t?ɑ:t ] 图表

birthday [‘b?:θdei] 生日

uncle [ ‘??kl ] 叔叔;舅舅

cousin 表兄弟,表姐妹

first [f?:st] 第一

second [‘sek?nd] 第二

third [θ?:d] 第三

fourth [f?:θ] 第四

fifth [fifθ] 第五

eighth [eiθ] 第八

ninth [nainθ] 第九

twelfth [twelfθ] 第十二

twentieth [‘twentiiθ] 第二十

send [send] 寄;发送

e-card [ekɑ:d] 电子卡片

her [h?:] 她的

able [‘eibl] 能

everyone [‘evriw?n]每个人

then [een] 那么

date [deit] 日期

五年级下册Unit 4

draw pictures:[dr?:] 画画

cook dinner:[kuk][‘din?] 做饭

read a book:[ri:d] [ei][buk]看书

answer the phone 接电话

talk [t?:k] 讲话

Children’s Center儿童活动中心

see you later 再见

[si:] [ju:] [‘leit?]

listen to music 听音乐

clean the room 打扫房间

write a letter 写信

write an e-mail 写电子邮件

mom:[m?m] 妈妈

grandpa:[‘gr?ndpɑ:] 爷爷;外公

speak to [spi:k] 和…讲话

hold on 等一下

study:[‘st?di] 书房

五年级下册Unit 5

fly:[flai] 飞

jump:[d??mp] 跳

walk:[w?:k] 走

run:[r?n] 跑

swim:[swim] 游泳

kangaroo:[,k??g?’ru:] 袋鼠


sleep:[sli:p] 睡觉

climb:[klaim] 往上爬

fight:[fait] 打架

swing:[swi?] 荡;荡秋千

drink water :[dri?k][‘w?:t?]喝水

climber [‘klaim?] 攀登者

五年级下册Unit 6

take pictures:[teik] 照相

watch insects:[w?t?][‘insekt] 观察昆虫

pick up leaves:[pik][?p][li:vz] 采摘树叶

do an experiment:做实验

catch butterfly :[k?t?][‘b?t?flai]捉蝴蝶

woods [w?dz] 树林

ant [?nt] 蚂蚁

interesting [‘intristi?] 有趣的

have a look 看一看

[h?v] [luk]

honey [‘h?ni] 蜂蜜

count insects [kaunt][‘insekt]数昆虫

collect leaves:[k?’lekt][li:vz] 收集树叶

write a report :[rait][ei][ri’p?:t]写报告

play chess:[plei] [t?es]下棋

have a picnic举行野餐

him [him] 他(宾格)

leave [ li:v ] 离开

us [ us ] 我们(宾格)

over there [‘?uv? ][eε?]在那边
