

【#英语口语# #往常英语口语8000句(精选10篇)#】英语口语8000句着眼往常日子、学习、作业等言语环境,包括了当今有用、简练、地道的往常口语表达方法。无忧考网收拾了十篇往常英语口语8000句,等待阅览!
1.往常英语口语8000句 篇一
   i can smell your perfume a mile away.

  your perfume is romantic.

  im young in spirit. 我的心还很年青。

  i have a youthful spirit.

  im young at heart.

  cant you fix it.

  im all thumbs.

  im very clumsy.

  i have butterfingers.

  i like being alone.我喜爱独处。

  i enjoy having time to myself.

2.往常英语口语8000句 篇二
  im a loner.

  im temperamental. 我爱发脾气。

  im easygoing.我可不是,我挺豪氤。

  im an optimist. 我是个乐天派。

  im carefree.

  i like to take it easy.

  your face is red!

  i get embarrassed easily. 我遇事就慌。

  im practical about everything. 我干事都很实际。

  i like to be practical about things.

  im a very practical person.

3.往常英语口语8000句 篇三
  i have a one-track mind. 我是一根筋。

  im obsessed with one idea.

  i cant take my mind off of…无法不去想..

  im a good judge of character. 我看人很准。

  i have a good eye for character.

  im a poor judge of character.

  you like sweets, dont you?  

  yeah, i have a sweet tooth.是,我爱吃甜食。

  i love sweets.

  i prefer savory to sweet. 我更爱吃辣的。

  i have led a dogs life. 我过着凄惨的日子。

  i have had a miserable life.

  ive had a terrible life.

4.往常英语口语8000句 篇四
  i have good/poor eyesight. 我的视力不好。

  this is dennis smith.

  this is dennis smith speaking.

  is this mr. dennis smith?

  is this the finance department?

  is this dr. jim bakers office?

  do you mind if i use your phone?

  no, please go ahead. 不介意,请用吧。

  may i speak to mr. sato?我想找所腾先生。

  may i speak with mr. sato?

  id like to speak to mr. sato, please.

  is mr. sato there, please?

5.往常英语口语8000句 篇五
  mr. sato, please.

  is mark there? 马克在吗?

  im sorry for calling you this late.

  i hope im not disturbing you. 我期望我没打扰到您。

  i hope im not keeping you.

  i hope i didnt wake you up.期望/期望没吵醒您。

  it is urgent i talk to mr. barr now.我有急事要找巴尔先生。

  i need to get in contact with mr. barr right away.

  i need to talk to mr. barr immediately.

  is meeting.有关明日开会的事给您打电话。

  im returning your call.我给您回电话。

6.往常英语口语8000句 篇六
  im calling you back.

  abc business college, may i help you?

  thank you for calling abc business college. can i help you?

  whos calling, please?

  whos speaking, please?

  who is this, please?

  may i ask whose calling?

  who should i say is calling?

  who in particular would you like to talk to? 您想找哪位接电话?

7.往常英语口语8000句 篇七
  hes been expecting your call.

  which suzuki do you want to talk to?

  there are three suzuki’s here.

  would you mind calling back later?您能过会儿再打吗?

  could you call back later?

  extension 103, please.

  may i have extension 103?

  could i have extension number 103?

  please connect me with extension 103.

  would you transfer this call to extension 103?

  ill connect you to extension 103.我给您接103分机。

  im transferring your call to extension 103.

8.往常英语口语8000句 篇8
  may i speak to mr. smith?

  hold on, please. 请稍等。

  one moment, please.

  just a moment, please.

  hold the line, please.

  just a second, please.

  ill put him on. 我让他接电话。 

  ill connect you. 把电话转接给你。

  ill transfer your call.我把电话给您接曩昔。

  ill put you through.

  ill get your party for you. 我把电话接给你要找的人。

9.往常英语口语8000句 篇九
  let me transfer this call for you.

  im transferring ur call to the person in charge.我把你的电话接到运营部去。

  im transferring ur call to the sales department.

  mr. peck is on line one. 是贝克打来的,请接一号线。

  mr. peck for you. hes on line one.

  pick up line one. its mr. peck.

  you have a call from mr. miller of abc.

  theres a call from mr. miller of abc.

  mr. miller of abc is on the line.

  your party is on the line.

10.往常英语口语8000句 篇十
  sorry, her line is busy now. 她正在打电话。

  alright. ill try again later.

  shes on another line now.

  ms. kane is talking to someone else now.

  is on the other line now.

  is tied up at the moment.对不住,她如今抽不开身。

  im sorry, she has company at this time. 对不住,他如今正在招待客人。

  would you like to hold? 您等会儿行吗?

  no, ill call back later. thanks.

  would you like to stay on the line?
