

俗?担笨叹褪墙鹎J遣皇怯龅焦恍┙羝鹊那榭觯枰帽鹑艘煌铀偎俣龋克阅阈枰卮偎牵敖β省T跹糜⒂锒卮倌男┎换挪幻τ圃沼圃盏男』鸢槟兀肯旅嫒胿ipkid网络外教教我们几句必备的敦促妙语吧!  敦促一般用语  urge vt.力劝,敦促;驱使,推进  n.激烈的愿望,火急需求;推进力  vi.激烈需求  urge sb.to do sth.  敦促常用语句  are you in a hurry?面临别人的磨磨蹭蹭,坐卧不安的你是

不是因为不知如何敦促而干着急呢?  hurrying someone敦促  get moving.= get going.快点干。  come on! you’ll be late.快点!你要迟到了。  hurry up!= hurry!赶忙了!  come on! it’s time to go.快点儿!该走了!  chop! chop!快!从速!  chop v. 切,剁  hurry up. the meeting will be started in a minute.  快点,会议一分钟后就要初步了。  it’s already 11:30. let’s speed up.  现已11:30了, 咱们捉住。  try to hurry a little bit more. they are all waiting for us.  快点吧,我们都等着咱们呢。  get moving or we won’t be able to finish the work.  快点,否则完不成使命啦。  敦促对话参阅  jason: come on! it’s time to go.杰森:快点儿!该走了!  kate: wait a minute. just hold your horses! what’s your hurry, anyway?凯特:等一等。你就耐性等一下吧。你急啥呢?  jason: we’ve got to get gas. and there might be a bit of a line-up at the station. there was the last time i went and i don’t feel like waiting too long this time.杰森:咱们得去加点油。或许还得在加油站排队呢。前次我去就是这个姿势,这次我可不想再等那么长时刻了。  kate: that won’t take long.凯特:那花不了多长时刻。  jason: well, it won’t if there’s no line at the pump.杰森:是啊,假定加油站那儿没人排队就不会等那么长时刻了。  kate: well. i’m not quite ready.凯特:嗯,但我还没有完全预备好呢。  jason: i’ll give you five more minutes, and then i’m going without you!杰森:我再给你五分钟,然后我就走了,不带你了。  kate: you wouldn’t do a thing like that!凯特:你不会那么做的!  jason: of course i would!杰森:我当然会那么做!  kate: but i’m your favorite, you wouldn’t be so mean to me, would you?凯特:我可是你独爱的人啊,你不会对我那么尖刻的,是吗?  jason: who says?杰森:谁说的?  以上就是vipkid英语口语外教介绍的几种敦促英语表达办法,如何稳当地敦促身边的人捉住时刻?想要敦促别人捉住时刻?想要敦促别人从速前进功率,分秒必争地结束使命?如何敦促才更地道?如今你是不是对如何敦促你不着急的小火伴(英语口语中)有所晓得了?加油学!
