

是的,又是我。我又来写帖子啦,这次是英国小哥英语课系列2。我刚考完日语考试就跑来图书馆写了,快用掌声吞没我吧!!!最终有彩蛋!!!这非有必要讲的我国人最喜爱用的10个词,但其真实歪果仁眼里就是…..呃呃呃第一个 delicious想了想我国人如同真的很喜爱用啊,吃到好吃的都会说一句delicious。自个如同也是这样。从如今初步要改了!!!!因为!这个词一般在遇到惊为天人的事物的时分才会用!你去吃米其林三星的时分再用好么。吃路旁边山东大煎饼的时分就不要用啦。那么疑问来了。不必这个那用啥描述好吃呢?很简略,那就用good就好啦。不可就用pretty good。yammy是成人子用的哦,有点childish。第二个是playyou can play an instrument and you can play a game, and small children can play with friends.as an adult, you do not play with friends. it will either sound: childish or sexual.学到了么,下次不要再说play 了。人家问你去干嘛,你说你要去play。人家会认为你要去约炮啊!!!第三个 harmoniouscommon in chinese , but not so common in english.if you’re talking about two people, say that “they get along well” instead of “they have a harmonious relationship”.if talking about two countries, say “they have a good relationship “ rather than “ harmonious”.我招认我国政府是很喜爱用调和这个词,可是日子中就不要用咯。口语就是口语,这个有点过于正式了。第四个 many/ muchhow much ___?/ how many ___? —-no problemi have many ___/ i have much/ so much ___.—–usually very unnaturalwhen saying a statement (i.e. not asking a question). just say a lot or lots ofe.g. i have a lot of money/ apples/times etc.a lot of 和lots of 如同对单复数的捆绑没有那么严肃,单复数都可以用。第五个 brother/ sister you only have a brother/ sister if your parents have another child.your uncle’s /aunt’ s children are your cousins, and not your brothers.小哥说他在我国旅行的时分碰到我国人跟他说有五个兄弟。小哥标明很惊奇,他说我国不是有方案生育么。。。细心问才晓得是表哥,堂哥。第六个 so-sonot incorrect, but rarely said by native english speakers.simply say “ok”, “alright” instead.这个我深有感触,早年常常会说的。可是有次有个教师跟咱们这个词不好之后就不再说了。可是仍是可以听到有些教师也在说这个哈哈。小哥说他常常听到单位的教师说delicious和so-so。他真是要疯。第七个seldomagain, not incorrect, but english speakers seldom say it….because it sounds fat too formal!rarely is a much more natural word to use , or you can use “ don’t often” or “hardly ever”.e.g. i rarely/ don’t often cook at home.真的,我在美剧里许多次听到rarely这个词。第8个 beautifulbeautiful isn’t so bad, but chinese esl speakers say it fat too often. not everything is beautiful.e.g. very few english speakers would say

a city like wenzhou is beautiful .it’s usually reserved for onlu the most attractive places.其实这点我不是很附和啊,小哥说像是姑苏这样的城市才干被称为beautiful city。。。。我标明晰解无能。第8点五个 handsome/prettycalling a person beautiful/ handsome/pretty in english is also quite strange unless you are trying to go on a date with them.if you’ve just met a person, it’s best to say nothing.it you know somebody well and you want to give a compliment , say “you look good today”.第九个 “our” china看到这个我就笑了。。。not too common, we just don’t say “our”[country name] in english.you can say my country or our country if you’re with lots of other chinese people, but the latter often still sounds strange. it’s safer to say just my country.第十个black/yellow skinonly people originally from africa are black. even the darkest indian in the world is not black english.it’s ok to describe somebody as having black skin, but “yellow” is usually considered to be offensive.我觉得我国人被叫黄肌肤也没啥啊。哈哈。感触歪果仁对肌肤颜色仍是看得蛮重的哦。这次共享了挺多干货的了哦。还打晓得释,英文说明想得我累死。可是用英文说明会更理解吧哈哈哈。咱们一同来学英语呀。最终说到了肌肤颜色,那就举荐部美剧好了。名字叫初来乍到。fresh off the boat.讲的是一户台湾家庭移民到美国的华盛顿然后又搬到奥兰多。很搞笑的美剧,中心触及到了肤色疑问,美国梦,嘻哈。我觉得略微有点夸大吧。可是美剧中我国人体裁的很稀有好么!!信我没错的。假定喜爱我写的就多给我谈论呀。我看到了就会将加油写的。老姿势附上小哥帅照!
