



1.see you later.再会。

2.class begin.初步上课。

3.how are you?你怎么样?

4.are you fine?你还好吗?

5.i like school!我喜爱上学。

6.i like reading.我喜爱读书。

7.i have a big bag.我的书包很大。

8.say hello to teacher.向教师问好。

9.my deskmate is a boy.我的同桌是个男生。

10.my deskmate is a girl.我的同桌是个女人。

11.the teacher asked us to read.教师让咱们读书。

12.there are two books in the bag.书包里有两本书。

13.i like playing with my friends.我喜爱和兄弟一同玩。

14.the food in the school is delicious.学校的饭极好吃。


15.i want lego.我想要乐高。

16.i like painting.我喜爱画画。

17.i like toy cars.我喜爱玩具轿车。

18.i like playing blocks.我喜爱玩积木。

19.we like to play soccer.咱们喜爱踢足球。

20.we like to play house.咱们喜爱玩过家家。

21.we like to play tag.咱们喜爱玩捉人游戏。

22.we like to play baseball.咱们喜爱打棒球。

23.i like to play crossword.我喜爱玩填字游戏。

24.but we do not play with fire.可是咱们不玩火。

25.we like to play dress-up.咱们喜爱玩打扮游戏。

26.i like camping with my family.我喜爱全家野营。

27.we like to play hide and seek.咱们喜爱玩捉迷藏。

28.we like to play video games.咱们喜爱玩电视游戏。

29.i like running with my mother.我喜爱跟母亲跑步。

30.i like playing basketball with my father.我喜爱跟我父亲打篮球。



1.my name is michael.我的名字是迈克尔。

32.my dad likes smoking.我父亲喜爱抽烟。

33.what do grandparents do?爷爷奶奶是做啥的?

34.my mother has four children.我母亲生了四个孩子。

35.my parents used to be teachers.我父母早年是教师。

36.my mother likes doing housework.我母亲喜爱做家务。

37.my grandfather likes murmuring.我爷爷喜爱喃喃自语。

38.i am the oldest of all the children.我在家里是老迈。

39.she loves her new family very much.她非常爱她的家庭。

40.this is a photo of my family.这是一张我的全家福相片。

41.my grandparents love me very much.我的爷爷奶奶很爱我。

42.mom,i want to watch romantic film.母亲,我想看恋爱片。

43.my mum made coffee every morning.每天早上我母亲都煮咖啡。

44.i like dad driving me to school.我喜爱父亲开车送我上学。

45.my mother makes breakfast for me every morning.每天早上,母亲都为我做早餐。

46.my father always takes me to school every morning.每天早上,我父亲送我上学。

47.as for my parents, they respect my grandparents.至于我的父母,他们很尊敬我爷爷奶奶。

48.dad, my teacher says tomorrow don’t forget to pay the bill.父亲,教师阐明日不要忘掉交学费。

49.mom, do you know that mary in our class is adopted girl?母亲,你晓得咱们班的mary是被领养的吗?

50.they can have more rest and do whatever they like after they retire.他们退休后,有许多时刻可以做他们喜爱做的事。




